Friday, March 13, 2015


 I just received some promotional items that I ordered from Staples to help me get the word out about Wandering Through The Bible.  I've been pondering for months as to whether or not to do this because I've been struggling with just letting others tell their friends, letting God reach whomever He pleases, and with helping Him out to do so.  Sigh.

It really has been a struggle because I don't want to sound vain or pompous but on the other hand, I do feel that this ministry He has given me is a blessing and that God has provided me with the talent to write.  Again, I don't want to sound vain, but it is a gift from Him and--just like my pretty blue eyes--I didn't ask for it.  Didn't seek it out.  He just thought I would do well with it.

There's this girl I know who can sing.  She can play a variety of instruments.  And she may even write songs as well.  I see her videos on Facebook and You Tube and am so happy that she is sharing her gift of music with the world.  I know she works hard at improving and making this gift be used for furthering the gospel of Christ.  She puts herself out there, at the mercy of those whom she will be in front of, risking it all by baring her heart, soul, and talent.  Will she be welcomed?  Will she be understood?  Will they like her and want to hear more?  The fears and the questions rage but, like a trooper, she pushes them down, faithfully serving, and trusting that her God will shine through her.

So, what about you?  What is your spiritual gift--and, are you using it?  Doesn't do any good to hide it under a bushel, you know.  Remember the Bible verse that talks about it being more blessed to give than to receive?  If you have a skill and are being selfish with it, shame on you!  Can you sing?  Then sing!  Can you encourage?  Then make someone's day!  Can you teach, lead, or use your administrative skills to help your church out?  By golly, get in there then!  Maybe you are more the type who is a servant and does better behind the scenes.  We need you too!  Those light fixtures aren't going to hang themselves.  That grass is going to need to be trimmed soon.  Those bathrooms need to sparkle.  Those vans and buses need someone to drive them and pick up those kiddos.

Whatever talent you have--and we all have at least one--use it for the glory of God.  Don't be ashamed of it and don't be selfish with it.  When faced with doubts about sharing, I want you to think who really benefits from you keeping it to yourself.  Mmn hmm.  Ol' slew foot.  Not much makes him happier than God's children doing nothing with the gifts He has provided to them.  That way, the good news is kept quiet and he can roam about, filling people's ears with music that is unfit.  He can fill their eyes with visions of porn rather than those photographs you have taken and painted that display the glory of God.  He can let old stuffy teachers keep boring your young ones instead of letting someone with some life in him/her to reach them.  And he can let you keep reading Facebook statuses and novels and blogs about DIY and celebrities instead of reading my blog.  ;)  Kidding.  Sort of.

Join with me in prayer as I ask God to show us our gifts and how to best use them for His honor and glory?  Thanks!

Dear Lord,

What a marvelous Giver You are!  You have blessed Your children with so many wonderful talents and skills.  Help us all Lord to let them shine for You.  May our voices ring with Your praises.  May our abilities as leaders be such that folks will marvel that we are in such harmony.  May our actions that we do behind closed doors bring forth more glory as we seek to further Your kingdom and to let others know that we serve one another as though serving You.

For those who are a bit shy and insecure, I ask that You give them boldness.  Not cockiness, Lord, but assurance that they are gifted and have a story to tell in whatever manner You have deigned for them.  Confident and prepared, may we all honor You with the gifts You provided to us is my prayer, asked in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.  Amen.

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