Thursday, April 20, 2017

Time to Review

2017-04-20 2 Cor. 8 10-12.JPG

Well, here it is, the latter part of April, and I feel the need to revisit my life verses for this year.  In case--like me--you need a review of them, here they are:  

2 Corinthians 8:10-12 New King James Version

And in this I give advice: It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have. For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have.

Hmn.  I purposed to finish things I had started previously this year when I first took these verses as mine.  Have I?  Have I accomplished any, some, part, or a portion of my projects or have they been pushed to the back of the closet, under the rug, in a drawer, or filed in that “One Day I Will Get To These” folders that I seem to have so many of?

In one area, getting my blogs ready for publication, yes:  I have had some success with them.  I worked diligently for weeks on them and have some ready to share with my adoring public!  Go Stef!  The thing about doing that, though, is that there is just so much more I want to do with them and it’s quite the chore.  I get too distracted by this part needs to change and that picture doesn’t quite work, and ooh:  gotta edit that one for a few things.  It has proven to be an endless task yet I have enjoyed the time spent on it.

Okay, then, let’s move on.  What else have I started that is not completed?  Pictures!  Uh oh.  So many need to be put into books, scrapped into lovely keepsakes, and many just need to be organized.  I feel tired already from the thoughts of what needs to be done to get this assignment completed.

Maybe I should concentrate instead then on the spiritual things that I started that need fine-tuned before they are ready to be tried by the fire.  Have I been a better scholar of the Bible?  Ummm, yes?  Sort of?  At times!  While there is no regularity to my mode of study, there is a more precise way of using the time I take to get into the Word. My handwriting has gotten a little better so I am actually able (mostly) to read the notes I write.  And the journals themselves are in better order so there’s not so much seeking for just where it is that I wrote that in them.

Let’s re-read the verses and see if I get a gold star today or if I need to be put in front of the teacher’s desk for more supervision.  

It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have. For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have.
I was just about to feel defeated when I looked and, yep, there it is, the last sentence.  Those words “for if there is first a willing mind…”  Did you catch that?  If there is FIRST a willing mind.  Woohoo!  My mind is willing!  I win!  
Welll, I don’t actually get a prize but...but I don’t have to be so hard on myself.  I don’t have to quit before I get started--yes, again.  I don’t have to feel defeated when there is so much to accomplish and not enough willpower to sustain my purposes. “It is accepted” the verse tells me.  Accepted!  How many times has “rejected” been the word used about my efforts instead of accepted?  I like that one so much better, don’t you?
Okay, let me conclude on this good note and offer some encouragement to you, friends.  Too often we just don’t even try because the mountain seems immovable.  We look at the stack of work ahead of us (whether it’s paper work of various things such as bills, letters, to-do lists, or if it’s stacks of dishes and/or laundry, toys that seem to be everywhere, or what have you) and we sigh, look the other direction, and hope it magically goes away.  Then after a while when we come back, it’s still there, still needing tended to, still waiting to be completed.  We sigh again and lose our joy.   
It doesn’t have to be this way.  Now, hold on:  I’m not saying we don’t have to complete because Lord knows, we do.  We each have a race to run and a purpose to fulfill.  However, we don’t have to do it all in one day.  We couldn’t if we wanted to, realistically.  What our Good Lord looks on is our heart and the motives found in it.  When we try to honor Him with intentions that line up with His, we will be successful.  As I’ve written a few times before, we can either be done or well-done at the end.  Which do you choose, my friends?
Let’s pray!
Dear Lord, so often I start one thing and then move onto another and then chase that rabbit and then that squirrel and before You know it, I need a nap because I have exhausted myself without really accomplishing anything.  You above all people know this and You know it makes me feel like a failure too often.

Father?  I need some discipline in my life.  I need to not have so much chaos and focus on one thing at a time, giving it my all instead of my meager part.  I’m lazy and my follow-through is lacking.  Help me, I ask, to stop, to slow down, and to only take on what can be handled at any given moment.  My plans are many and my vision is wide but my achieving leaves much to be desired.  Grant me tunnel vision in my endeavors, Lord, so that I may do them well rather than leaving too many uncompleted projects lying around, gathering dust.  I want to please You with my works, Father.  Nudge me, I pray, to control my self and my selfish desires and instead to focus on the things that need to be finished.  In Christ’s name I pray:  amen.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Let's Talk Trash!

4-13-17 Ephesians 4 29 let's talk trash.jpg

Oh the things one hears at prayer meeting on Wednesday nights!  From the requests for divine intervention to the praises of God’s people, the range can be quite something.  Wanna read more?  Mmn hmn:  I thought so!

Usually the service begins with a song and last night was no exception.  “Because He Lives (I Can Face Tomorrow)” was sung with fervor as the congregation settled into the evening.  Next, the pastor spoke a few words about prayer and then asked if there were any requests.  It didn’t take long for the hands to raise and the voices to call out what was needed.  This went on for a while and then came the time to offer praises.  Ranging from the weather to having good health and being able to--and here’s where it gets juicy, folks!--being able to go to the dump on Saturdays.  That’s right.  You heard it here first, friends.  

The dump.  Trash.  The weekly ritual of loading up the truck and going with the spouse to the landfill was the topic for the next several moments.  Apparently, all the older folks do it.  Linda and Grady?  They do it each Saturday and have for quite a few decades now.  Shirley?  Oh my:  you should have seen the gleam in her eye as she recanted how this is the only time she is allowed to ride in her Steve’s truck.  What a treat!  I must say though, that Charmeyne was a bit miffed and Pastor Dale picked up on it rather quickly as he apologized to her for not taking her to this exceptional place for a date.  They’ve been missing out and I saw a few other women elbowing their men and harrumphing as they too realized that this tradition of Saturday trips to the dump was something they also had not been experiencing.  Well, except for Deanna.  Deanna offered up a praise that the trucks come to her weekly and she doesn’t have to do this time-honored task.  I murmured a quick “Thanks” as well that I no longer had to ride in my Steve’s old, dumpy, no radio, and seats-that-had-lost-their-cushioning-long-ago truck.  

Ahh.  Trash talk.  Rituals.  The things that married couples go through as part of their “we’ve always done it this way” way of life.  What was so great about it though--seriously--was the fondness in the way the ladies spoke of this.  The tenderness of their conversation as they recollected the many times the day started off trashy and then led to further adventures was palpable.  Oh sure:  that might just have meant going to Bojangles for a ham biscuit and then on to the grocery store for weekly supplies.  But you know what, friends?  That’s what they look forward to.  In their golden years, even though they have time during the week, this was how it was always done and it worked so why change it?  Although, to be honest, I did see a wistful look in a few eyes.  The ones who could not or did not have the ability to rid their household of waste to a place each week that was meant for this purpose.  Nope, those days were gone.  Whether because of poor health or inability to drive or other reasons, this practice was not theirs and they have to rely on others to get rid of their garbage for them.

Habits.  Rituals.  Traditions.  Wednesday night prayer meetings.  The old ways.  There’s a longing in many souls for the good ol’ days.  There’s also a hunger for the future days.  Days where trash and menial tasks don’t take up our time.  Days that don’t end as we revel in the cleanness and purity of heaven that God is providing.  Days where our joints are no longer out of whack but renewed so that we can jump, dance, and move around without impediments as we rejoice in Jesus.  As Pastor Dale sings a lot lately:  ♫What a day, glorious day, that will be!♫

Let’s pray!

Dear Father above, how I cannot wait to spend eternity with You!  As I readied the trash can for today’s weekly pickup, I remembered last night’s prayer meeting and the things we discussed.  Many emotions were shared as folks told of the ones on their hearts, the ones in need of healing, of help.  Oh God:  how we need You to save and cleanse us!  How we expect You to clean up our messes and make us whiter than snow.  How we love You for taking our sins upon Yourself so that we can be set free!

Thank You, Dearest God, for salvation.  Thank You for being our One to talk to when we cannot understand things for ourselves.  Thank You for listening to our cries, to our prayers, and to our praises.  We mustn’t forget to praise You, Lord, for You have wrought all things in us.  How we want to please You, Father!  Thank You for the good, the bad, and the trash.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Excuse me for asking but...are you a Christian?

“Hey!  I don’t want to offend you but...Um, you consider yourself to be a Christian, right?”  His words began to fumble about as they tumbled out of his mouth.

“I mean, you consider yourself to be a, oh, I don’t know, a Baptist, religious, Methodist, or some other…”

Amused and sensing his real concern here, I gently interrupted.  “I’m saved.  Is that what you mean?”

The relief flooded his eyes as yes, praise God, that is what he meant.  The conversation continued and I became the recipient of something valuable to him that he wanted to share with someone who would truly appreciate this gift, someone who was acquainted well with the Lord Jesus Christ.

As I think back on our little chat, I smile.  But it’s a tremulous one.  What makes us so afraid to be offensive when we converse with another about our salvation?  Why should we have to fear offending when instead we should be affirming that this one in our presence is indeed a follower of Christ?  

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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Are You Prepositioning Me?

4-5-17 prayer.JPG

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”  (I Corinthians 13:11 KJV)

Yesterday, I wrote a blog about prayer and got some interesting feedback from it.  Some laughed, some questioned.  Others disputed, agreed, and discussed in great length what prayer means to them--and asked for clarification as to  just what it meant to me as well.

I’ve pondered it a lot.  A lot!  Here’s what I came up with just a few moments ago.  

Did you read the words on the created meme I wrote?  They say “When you pray, be sure you are talking to God and not at Him.”  In a brief description, I hopefully will clear that difference up for you.

Scenario 1.  You are at a Burger King drive-thru.  A voice you cannot see asks if s/he can take your order and you begin speaking of what you’d like.  You drive up to the window, pay your dues, and take your purchase.  It’s not until later, when you open your bag, that you realize something is missing.  Huh.  Did you not order correctly?  Did that cashier not hear you mention you wanted no pickles, not extra ones?  And where did these onions come from?!  Why is there no salt in the bag?  And where are the napkins??

Scenario Two.  You are at your doctor’s office.  After the initial greetings, you are asked why you are here.  In great detail, you explain to the physician what is wrong with you.  You proceed to list each and every ache, pain, concern, and tell of those things that “just don’t feel right.”  The doctor listens sympathetically, tries a few exercises or procedures to see if it is all in your head or if follow-up care is needed.  Your responses will either help the doc to determine if you need medicine, more tests, or psychiatric care.  Either way, the discussion you have with your personal physician is not just a one-way event.  A deep conversation takes place, even if it might be a little embarrassing when you discuss “that.”

Do you see the difference, friends?  In the first scenario, you are telling what you want.  You are expecting results and the outcome to be as you ordered, and honestly?  You could care less what the attendant’s opinion is.  By golly, if you want a milkshake and a cookie that’s not any of their business now is it?  You are listing your demands and expecting to get those demands satisfied.

On the contrary, in scenario two, you are looking for help.  Guidance.  Results that may come at a personal cost to you because you might have to do more than pop a pill or watch what you eat or exercise more.  You are putting your trust in one who has experience and education.  You are relying on this wisdom because the one you went to is trained to handle your situation and give you information that helps you to be better.

In conclusion, when you talk to God, what is your expected outcome?  When you pray to Him, what do you think happens?  Does He take your order and you go on your merry ol’ way or...or do you take some time-- maybe even making it an appointed time--to discuss with Him the matters on your heart?  Do you talk with Jesus and wait for His responses or are you too busy and just throw up ritualistic words, rote prayers, and forget about the situation after you have done your dutiful portion?  Do you go into detail with Him about those souls you just lifted up or just tell Him you want a hamburger and expect Him to make sure you “have it your way” without reminding Him that you don’t like ketchup and that your hot dog needs to be well-done, extra well-done?  

You know that expression “you get what you pay for”?  Let’s change it to “you get what you pray for” and see if our prayer lives don’t take on a new life of their own.  Let’s see if we want the faceless cook behind the counter making our meal (the one who knows nothing of our personal preferences) or if we prefer to go to someone like the waitstaff at JD’s Smokehouse, who really know what we mean when--without asking-- we say we want brisket but they know we specifically want the burnt ends.  Let’s see if the doctor at Urgent Care takes the minimum amount of time with us versus Sally, our regular doctor, who asks about that mole that we forgot to mention, who notices that our color is off, and often takes us by surprise and even asks about our kids and grandkids.

Relationship is what it’s all about.  If you don’t have one with God, how can you expect your prayers to go past the ceiling?  If you don’t talk to Him, with Him, and be prepared to listen to His answers, how can you honestly expect the Good Lord above to make that difference you desire?  Why should He bother with your half-hearted attempts when Jesus plainly told us we are to give all?  He did.  When He died on the cross for our sins, He gave all so that we wouldn’t be left hanging for our selves.

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, this was another tough one to write.  May my words be tempered by Your grace as I endeavor to help folks to see that You are worth so much more than a cursory sentence or passing thought.  Ahh Lord:  how we need to grow up and stop expecting to be pacified by You and start doing some work on our own!  We have become so complacent and so spoiled that we often refuse to stand up on our own two feet and practice what we’ve been taught.  We expect You to take care of our friends but don’t want to be the instruments used to assist in their needs.  We want to tell others how awful another one’s circumstances are in hopes that they will take up the torch that was passed to us.

Father?  We ask amiss so often and then wonder why our prayers that took those whole ten seconds to mutter weren’t answered.  We want instant gratification and minimal effort on our parts to see that our desires are fulfilled.  We want You to handle things but don’t want to know the details or discuss with You the possible outcomes.  

We are wretched.  Entitled.  Selfish.  Self-serving.

And yet You love us.  You love us because You know we are human and that is how You created us to be.  To be?  Hmn:  that’s not quite right, is it, Lord?  Yes, You made us but...but You made us in Your image.  To be more like You.  To be Christlike in our actions and attitudes.  I shudder to think what my life would be like had Jesus been as cavalier with my pains and hurts as I am with the needs of others who ask me to help them!

Help me to grow up, Father.  To stop speaking like a child and to woman up and put those childish things away.  Contrary to popular belief, this world is not out there for me, does not revolve around me, and is not just sitting on its axis waiting to please me.  No, this world is Yours and we are just aliens, passing through, hoping to make it better before we go to our eternal home.  Hearers and doers of the Word we are called to be.  As my prayer life continues to evolve, may I be more earnest in it, as Jesus was when He spoke to You on my behalf, Lord God is my prayer, solemnly asked in His precious name.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Get Your Boots On!

2017-04-04 Psalm 77 1-3.JPG

Dear beloved friends, before you go further into this blog today, I request--respectfully-- that you put your boots on.  Put on your sweaters too so that those feelings you wear on your sleeves won’t show, and buck up.  This one might hurt!  

Now, before you think (as I so often do) what gives me the right to preach to you when I am so needy myself, keep in mind this:  iron sharpens iron.  We are commanded by our Lord to encourage one another and, as Colossians 1:28 states:  “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

Friends, it’s time to grow up.

My pastor has really been preaching some good messages lately and this past Sunday was no exception.  He spoke of how many children of God are still feasting on the milk of the Word and not often getting into the meat of it, the things to chew on, to sink our teeth into, and the need to digest more slowly, so that we get a different form of nourishment.  He also brought out in Colossians 1 that when the words ‘dear’ and ‘faithful’ are used that it implies a personal relationship that is based on the love of Christ.

That being said, dear and faithful friends, as I was reading Psalms just a bit ago, I came across the 77th one.  Sigh.  Yes, I thought of you.  And you.  And (gulp) of me too.  I’m preaching to the choir here today so let’s all be reprimanded together.  Misery loves company, right?

Seriously though--and here’s where you need to make sure your boots are laced and tightened--I get impatient with some of you.  I’m sure you do of me as well but since this is my blog, let’s focus on you for now and I’ll deal with me at the end.  

There’s this person I know whom it seems that each time I ask how s/he’s doing, the response is a negative one.  Without controlling my spiritual tongue as I’m wont to do--when this happened again just the other day--in exasperation I said to this soul, “One day I’m going to ask you how you are and you are going tell me something good!”  

Mortified, my Good Stef looked down with askance at Bad Stef here as I waited for the fluff to hit the fan.  What had I done?!  However, this kind soul said in response something to the effect that one day God would make it right either by healing or when death took place.  We smiled and agreed that what a great day that would be for either choice and I went on about my way, with Good Stef kicking me all the way and telling me to get control of myself better.

Now while I agree that some folks need more healing prayers than I offer up, many of us just want to whine, to pass the buck when we have been asked to pray for a situation or a person, and instead of doing so, we put this need on the prayer list in hopes that someone else will be faithful in fulfilling the request and we can say in all sincerity that we have done our Christian duty.  

Do we think this makes us look good?  Does this make others sorry for us?  Do we think it absolves us somehow of our duty?  Are we asking something of them that really needs to be taken care of by ourselves?  

Read with me these convicting verses from Psalm 77:1-3, please, dear friends:

I cried out to God with my voice—
To God with my voice;
And He gave ear to me.
In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord;
My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing;
My soul refused to be comforted.
I remembered God, and was troubled;
I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah

Do you notice who was doing all of the work?  “I” cried out with “my” voice.  “I” sought the Lord.  “My” hand was stretched out and “my” soul refused to be comforted.  “I” remembered God and “I” complained and it was “my” spirit that was overwhelmed.  Me.  My.  

Asaph went on in this Psalm to explain how he couldn’t sleep because he was troubled.  As he poured out his heart to God, his spirit was overwhelmed.  He then recalled the promises God had made and fulfilled and began praising Him instead of complaining to Him.  He realized Whom he was talking to and how many times God had done all of these wonders, and taken care of His children.  He recollected the ancient times when all seemed lost but God took care of it.

But the kicker here is that Asaph did it.  He didn’t go to his brother, his co-workers, his “person” that was always there.  Nope.  Asaph went to God for his own problems, distresses, and calamity.  I mean, Who better to tell it to than the One Who can handle it best?

Often I write a Bible verse and replace the pronouns used in it with my own name to personalize it and make it stand out more to me.  Today, may I ask that you do this with these verses above?  Please don’t misunderstand me and think that I don’t want to pray for you or don’t care about your issues.  I do!  And, I will willingly and fervently pray for you when you ask me to but… But please don’t ask me to do what you are supposed to be doing.  Please don’t ask me to pray for someone I don’t know when clearly you were the one who was burdened with this task.  For you see, if you pass it on to me, it won’t go anywhere.  There’s no connection like there is between you and the soul who asked for YOU to pray for him/her.

Do your thing, friends.  Pray first, second, and even third for the needs you have.  I can’t help you with them but Almighty God can.  He already knows what’s going on and the time you spend explaining to me all the details would be better spent by you and Him conversing, don’t you think?  Sure, I can listen, pat you on the shoulder, and even cry with you if that’s what you really need.  I can and will pray with you over circumstances but you--well, my friend, you’ve got to do your part.  Don’t ask me to do what has been asked of you unless it’s something I can really help you with.  Think about it:  how many times a day can God hear the same form request “Dear Lord, I ask You to bless so-and-so.  You know the need so here I am, beating You over the head with it because Sister Susie asked me to remember this one mentioned.  For more details, Father, check with Susie.”

Don’t you think He would rather personally hear from one who really knows what’s going on?  From the one who is troubled by this instead of the one who is only asking out of duty rather than love?  He’s not stupid.  Let’s not treat Him as such.  If He has the whole world in His hands--and I assure you, He does!--He’s not going to not bless or not help out in this situation because we didn’t get 152 people in on the prayer chain.  

In conclusion, how many times do you need to be told to do something?  Something you already do without even thinking about it, such as putting one foot in front of the other, blinking, or sighing?  Mmn hmn.  God by nature is love and He will take care of His children.  Let’s not pester Him with insincere prayers that probably don’t even go past the ceiling anyways, shall we?  It’s the sincere, fervent prayers of a righteous man that availeth much, remember?  Picture it like this:  you’re in a crowded stadium and all these voices are roaring about you but you cannot discern what is being said.  Murmurs.  Shouts.  Commands for you to do this or not do that but it’s all just ruckus because the only voice you are paying attention to is the one on your headset or when the coach is whispering in your ear when you are on the sideline talking with him and listening to his response.  Unlike the game “Gossip” where one whispers something to another and then that soul tells the next in line and so on and so forth until the message is all scrambled and may not even be the same as the one first presented, our God wants to hear from you.  It’s not that He can’t keep the facts straight, friends.  He can.  He’d just rather hear them from you, don’t you think, so there aren’t any misunderstandings.  Does that make sense?  Hope so!

Let’s pray!

Whew.  Lord?  That was a toughie to write.  I’m sure the feedback won’t be kind as I am questioned as to what sort of friend am I anyways who won’t pray for someone when asked to?  Sigh.

You and I know, Lord, that You’ve got this, that, and all the in-betweens and my input isn’t needed to tell You how to do Your job.  For it’s not a job to You, Father, is it?  How dare I tell You to bless this one, heal that one, and make things right for the ones who aren’t doing a thing to make Your will be done in their lives to begin with?  Why should I waste Your time with half-hearted (if even that much of my heart is involved) requests for people I don’t know about when You know the very hairs on their heads?  What makes my prayer so special anyways, Lord, that it would take precedence over another’s?  Do You have to get a certain amount in agreement that this prayer need should be prayed over before You will act upon it?  As if!

Why should I remind You of the need You are already fully aware of when folks ask that I pray for some nameless soul that they are burdened about?  I mean really, Lord:  if You know the need (and we all agree that You do), isn’t it just kind of disrespectful to bombard You with nameless facts and unnamed people just, Lord:  I really don’t know what the purpose is of requests like that.

I know most folks are kinder than I am but when I pray to You, Lord, I want it to matter.  To pray for things that don’t concern me are truthfully none of my business and if that makes me appear to be heartless, then I will deal with that.  Hey!  Maybe it will even get folks to stop asking me fluff and leave me with more time to dwell on the what-so-evers instead!  Sounds like a win-win to me!

Thank You for hearing me and Your other kids when we cry out to You.  But also Lord, thank You for listening to us when we just want to chat, to tell You about our day, and to reflect about how great and wonderful You are.  I love You, Father God, and pray that this blog wasn’t too offensive to those who read it today.  I want us all to be ready when You come for us, not in our diapers and sucking on our bottles, but ready to walk down the aisle with our Groom Jesus as we head to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb where we will feast and not be spoon-fed!  Come soon, Lord?  May it be so!  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Why don't you come over here and make me do it?

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Good morning!  Tell me something:  what is your purpose?  No, no, I don’t mean who are you and why are you here.  Rather, I mean what is it that you purpose, propose, plan to do today?  Get the kids off to school so you can start the household chores?  Wear matching shoes to work?  Try to get through the day without losing your calm?

I’m sure we all have something in mind to start off our Mondays on the right foot.  I’d like to share my purpose with you for a moment, if I may, and hope to encourage you along the way to develop yours into one that brings honor to our Jesus.

For too long I have been lazy.  I plan all sorts of things to start my day but before I know it, I’ve been on Facebook too long or searching Pintrest or doing some other recliner-type “work” and then when I look up, I see the clock is nearing 10:00.  That may not sound so bad until you consider that I’ve been in this position since 7:00.  By then, I’m usually starting to get drowsy and think that I’ll just save my real work, do my real plans when I’ve had a little rest and my mind is clearer. Somehow, most days, that just doesn’t really pan out.

So, I decided last week to be proactive.  I purposed to set myself a schedule and stick to it.  Whether it’s the memory of the theme mentioned in my writing class a couple of weeks ago about folks wanting maximum results from minimal effort, or if the lack of discipline in my ol’ self is finally making itself known to me, or whether it’s just time to be better, today I purpose for myself a new plan, a new agenda, and though it’s basic and in some ways elementary, I have no man (this is in reference to the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5:1-15 that I wrote so much about last year) to do it for me.  I have no dictator standing over my shoulder to tell me what to do and when to do it.  I don’t have an accountability partner in the flesh to motivate me to fulfill my plans although I have asked my husband to “gently remind” me throughout the day when he checks in on me to see how my new schedule is going.  

So, wish me success?  In about ten minutes or so, part one goes into action--literally.  I purpose to walk for about 20-30 minutes each morning before the sun gets too hot for my delicate skin.  One of my neighbors might help me out with this as our relationship develops into a hopeful friendship.  And I’m the kind of girl who really needs feedback, affirmation, and accountability in my life.  Who knows that our paths didn’t cross yesterday for such a time as this?  Reminds me of a song called “Mary Did You Know?”  As for the other parts of my plans?  I need success with them to if I am to accomplish my goals.  And a helper would be nice for that too.  But until she comes along, it’s just me and the Lord, so let’s pray--’cause this ol’ girl has work to do!

Dear Lord, thank You for the ability to be light-hearted about a matter that really needs some work in my life.  While others have successfully dealt with time-management in their lives, self-discipline is something I have struggled with.  As I came across Psalm 143:8 earlier, it really got me.  While some versions use the words “make, show, teach, and reveal,” the KJV states Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee” (emphasis is mine).  Thank You for showing me that purpose is needed and You and I both know I need to be determined in my steps.  Self-control is not one fruit of Your Spirit that I have in my basket so help me today, Father, to obtain it.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Prison Break

Steve is working on the porch. As the railing is taken down, I consider: these bars that he jokingly earlier spoke of saving to make a cage for the boys are indeed similar to the prison bars we are surrounded by.

He asked what kind of railing I want him to put up next. I gazed around and saw. Clearly. No barriers. No restraints nor restrictions.


"What if we left it alone," I queried. "What if we maybe just put up some benches to stretch out on and absorb the sun?"

Thinking this to be a most excellent idea--and because pretty much what Stefanie wants, Stefanie gets--Steve quickly acquiesced.

As he continues removing the barriers, how I wish it was as easy to remove the ones that keep me from clearly seeing and absorbing the Son. To have nothing between Christ and me? Sounds heavenly!