Friday, May 29, 2015

How you doin'?

2015-05-29 my sock.jpg

Good morning!  Tell me something:  how are you really doing today?  I know:  that’s a loaded question.  Some of you would automatically reply “I’m fine.  How are you?”  while others would say “I’m okay” or “I’ve been better.”  A few might respond “You don’t really want to know!”  

And then there are those of you who would ponder momentarily how much I genuinely care to hear your answer and then you would tell me the truth.  You’re barely hanging on.  You have issues that no one else knows of.  Maybe it’s a medical situation that you think is too embarrassing to speak of.  Maybe your kid kept you up all night or your hubby didn’t come home.  Maybe your boss is on your case.  Perhaps you are struggling with spiritual issues and are too ashamed to tell anyone because if you did then your reputation as Sister Saint might be tarnished.  

As for me and how I am doing today, I’ll be honest.  I’m okay.  Not great; but not too poorly.  If I am not careful, my mind can stray into areas that are not good for it to be in because they can bring up past pains that I have dealt with but that still have the power to prick at me.  They come along innocently enough, as they did last night when Steve and I were talking about how rotten television is.  After the past few episodes of “Game of Thrones” I am thoroughly sickened of the gratuitous violence and sexual deviancy.  Top that off with binge-watching “Empire” and the horrid depictions of family and I am near ready to throw my Roku away and never turn on the tube again.

But that’s another topic.  What got my mind off-track last night--or threatened to--was when we were talking about the images in my mind that I don’t need to be there.  One of my private fears is that when I get just a smidge older that I might develop Alzheimer’s and/or dementia. How awful would it be for my sweet mouth to start spouting off bitter and harsh words, ugly words, shameful words that leave a lasting memory in my kids’ and grandkids’ minds?  Forget the straight-jacket.  Instead, have my mouth wired shut would be my number one pick on my living will agenda.

The other thing that tried to damage my calm was when Steve innocently asked something about the way the family was portrayed in “Empire.”  At church the other night, in his class they studied a passage from I Thessalonians 4.  Long story short, the word ‘concupiscencefrom verse 5 was discussed, as well as parts of the rest of the book and how we are not to covet what our brothers have.  Steve asked something to the effect of “is that what you think K and B did to you?”  Immediately--not like I would have been this time last year, thank You, Jesus!--I told him I did not even want to think about that because I was so tired of the devil trying to stir up strife in areas I have dealt with.  And that’s what the heart of my message is today, friends.

How are you” I asked at the beginning of this blog.  Not “how were you” is my question.  If you cannot see any change in your walk, any discipline in what you are letting control your thoughts, or any positive signs that you are not your former self, then drop me a line.  Call your pastor’s wife.  Get in touch with a friend who can spiritually advise you. Something needs to change so that you can live the abundant life that has been promised to you.  It’s so much better than the one where your shoulders are sagging and you can’t lift your head because of all of the weights you are needlessly carrying around!  As a saved soul, the Bible tells us in II Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  Let those old pains go.  Let those old habits die.  Let those old friends and/or loves that are hurting you go.  You don’t need them.  

I don’t write these things lightly, dear ones.  It has taken me a long time to get to the place I am today.  I still slip into old patterns when I lose my focus on Christ and keep it on me.  How I wish you didn’t have to learn the hard way!  Don’t be stubborn and full of pride.  You may think no one will care or like you if you act the “right way.”  And you might be correct.  Or maybe, just maybe, you will learn to like yourself enough again to realize that that is better company anyway.  When it’s just you and Jesus, it’s a much better relationship than those that are leaving you so bereft.

Let’s pray!

Oh Lord, as my words resound in my ears, I cannot help but reflect on how low I was for so long as I let my past control any future I hoped to have.  The hurts and the wrongs I clung to made me a bitter soul--and a lonely one.  No one wants to be around an old hag who just feels sorry for herself and wants to whine about how she was so wronged.  Sure, at first friends were kind but then they couldn’t help but wonder when I’d shake it off, when I’d let it all go, and when I’d let You work Your grace in me.

Sorry that it took so long, God, for You to penetrate my cold, stony heart.  My stubbornness and need to be vindicated came at a high price.  Please allow a portion of this life lesson to seep into another’s soul and let her think twice before letting the devil control her thoughts the way I allowed him to for too much of my life.

Lastly Lord?  Thank You ever so much for temperance.  You showed it to me.  You impressed it upon my husband to be patient with me.  You allowed me time to heal and though it took longer than it should have, my wounds aren’t open anymore.  They don’t bleed unless I pick at my scars and God?  I’m tired of that ugliness marring my body.  I’m tired of having to pretend to be something, someone, that I am not.  A new creation, better, stronger, and trusting in You.  No, I’m not the Bionic Woman but I’m someone better than I was.  Through You, Lord God, I have been made new.  May it be for so for those reading this today is my prayer.  Love them, Lord, as You loved me.  In the name of Jesus, amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
May 28, 2015

Petition the Lord
Requests for the Lord
Adoration for the Lord
Yield to His commands

Good morning! As I was pondering about what to write on today, I looked up the definition for "pray" and "prayer." My dear friends at Merriam-Webster had this to say about pray: to speak to God especially in order to give thanks or to ask for something: to hope or wish very much for something to happen: to seriously ask (someone) to do something. For prayer, here is what they listed: an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought <said a prayer for the success of the voyage> (2) : a set order of words used in praying: an earnest request or wish: the act or practice of praying to God or a god <kneeling in prayer>
I wasn't satisfied so I made up my own acronym for pray (yeah, we old English majors will do that when we can't find the words that suit our special needs). Wander with me through each letter and let's see what we find.
Petition. Per Merriam-Webster, this word means to have an earnest request. That works for me! When I really want something, I can surely lay on the passion. For instance, when my friends are hurting, I can fervently ask God to intercede and to do His wonders. When pain is wracking bodies, my voice can be heard in a strenuous tone, imploring on the Lord to take the ache away. When others are in a strong sense of need, I can diligently ask my God to change things for the better.
Request. I like this one. One of my favorite sayings (which coincidentally is also a passage of scripture) is "you have not because you ask not." Example? Sure! Yesterday while at the doctor's office watching two of my gsons while my daughter was being attended to, I had CMan crawl up into my lap. I told him I bet that I could read his mind, to be still, let me look into his eyes, and give me just a moment. Fascinated, he sat there and tried not to squirm. I then said, "I bet you are thinking, 'Does Granny have any money so that I can go over to that machine and get me a snack.' Am I right?" His eyes widened with glee and he said "Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking!" He smiled winsomely at me and then said, "Well. Do you have any change, Granny?" Needless to say, the boy got his crackers and was blissful.
Usually I am not much of a mind-reader but there are many times when I think I know what someone is wanting. How much more so is God, our merry Father, waiting to hear us ask for Him to supply our needs--and our wants? Can't you just picture Him, eyes twinkling, as He waits for us to ask for what's on our hearts? Sure, He could just think it into action and it would be. But, He kind of likes it when His kids ask, when they talk to Him, and try to convince Him this is a good thing that they are talking to Him about. So, go ahead and ask. I dare you!
Adoration. Happy sigh. When I think of God this way, as a fatherly figure who is just waiting to see how He can make my day, how could I be anything but in love with Him? How could I not adore His characteristics, long for time with Him, and just bask in the warmth I am allowed to feel when my focus is on Him? Who else is always there, waiting for me to share my dreams, listening to my requests, guiding my path, and loving me with no condemnation through it all?
Yield. Uh, this is not my favorite part of this acronym but yield I must if I am to fully participate in prayer. After all, this isn't Burger King, where I place my order and expect it to be fixed my way. I need to realize my wants, my needs, and my hopes may not be in God's will--whether that means at this time or if that means not at all, since He knows best. My heart must line up with His knowledge so that all these things can work together for good. If that means I don't get everything on my list, then there is a purpose for that. At this stage of the game, I am more than sure that my Father knows best!
So, to wrap it all up, petition the Lord. Make your requests known to him. Adore Him and revel that the Creator of the world devotes His whole self to you when you call upon Him. Lastly, surrender. Yield to the One Who knows the end from the beginning. He has you in the palm of His hand and He sees you, friend. He hears you. Mostly though, He loves you and is making you to be like His Son Jesus. That's my prayer today. Hope it's yours as well!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Don't Let The Sun Go Down Upon Your Wrath

May 27, 2015

Dear Lord, I'm mad. Oh no: not at You. Hardly!

I'm mad because the devil is attacking my friends, their loved ones, their kids. He's stealing their joy and trying to take away their peace. He's wreaking havoc on their bodies, their minds, and their relationships so I'm coming to You for some help.

As I told one of my friends, she must be doing something right to have this viciousness sent her way. Her walk with You, Lord, must be heading in the right direction otherwise why all of these stones suddenly being put in her pathway? She's being hit particularly hard, Father, so I ask for extra strength to be sent her way as she relies on You once again to get her through this.

Sickness. Cancer. Death. Desperation. Separation. Loneliness. Financial issues. These are nothing new to Your children, Lord. What I ask for today is a newness in responses to these trials. May we all put on our armor and put our complete and fervent trust in You? May we not be foolish enough to think we can handle it on our own but instead, Father, may we cry out to You to rescue us, to keep us standing, and if that's it Lord, then to just stand? Not falter. Not barely hang on. Stand. Firm in the faith. Firm in You.

Thank You. I know You've got this, Lord. Our hearts are turned to You, our ears are listening for Your voice. Direct us and guide us is my prayer this afternoon. In Jesus' name I ask: amen.

A Summary Kind of Day

May 27, 2015

I love my husband.  I really do.  He is my helpmeet in every sense of the word and I thank God for putting the two of us together way back when in that little gym back in 1983.

Anyways, as I alluded to in my note yesterday, I've been struggling with my blogs in many areas--including the length of them.  Sometimes I don't feel I go deep enough and other times I get too involved or have more details than may be needed.  So, last night as Steve and I were discussing this, he said to me "You know:  your conclusion and your prayer are really the best part of your blogs anyway."  I suggested maybe today then I'd just write a summary and a prayer and see how that went over!

So, in conclusion, check out today's picture.  I have plenty to say, may I assure you.  But, kind of like John wrote at the end of his epistle, verse 25:  
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. 

I am not sure you are ready to read them all  ;) or if the internet has enough cloud space for them all. Let's find out, shall we?

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, today was a lighthearted attempt to let the world know that ol' Stef has plenty more stories to share with them.  Stories, Father, that point out the love of Christ and the ways He works in my life.  

Use me, I ask, so that people will not be afraid of You as I was for so many years.  Through my trials, Lord, I ask that others may find common ground and realize that if You could work the miracles You have done in my life then there is surely hope for them also.  May the love I finally see from a true and loving Father be represented in the words I write is my humble prayer, asked in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Finders Keepers

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

I got a phone call a little while ago. It was from a representative at Bank of America. She was there with a customer who had a check from me that he felt did not belong to him. Long story short, it didn't: I had sent it to the wrong address. The name was the same; the occupation of him being a general contractor was the same. Both men even lived in the same little town. But this one small thing was wrong: he didn't do the job he was getting credit for.

Now, he could have just cashed the check. After all, it had his name on it. And he did do that line of work. Yeah, the fact that he didn't actually do this job kind of mattered but then again, he could have decided he'd gotten the shaft somewhere along the line and this was just God's little way of paying him back. No one would really know, right? Oh sure: somewhere down the line, the guy who shared his name would probably be in touch with me, wondering where his money was. But why should that be this Rick's problem?

Oh how easy it is to listen to that little voice that tells us to do something wrong. How it tickles our ears to think we are getting rewarded for jobs that might not have paid so well in the past. This "miracle" that God sent our way, this unexpected bonus and pat on the back surely was from Him. I mean, seriously: it had our name on it! How could it be a mistake?

How could we not consider keeping something when it seems it was meant for us but deep down inside, we knew it probably wasn't? For instance, maybe it was a shared tip from waitressing, when the first gal took the order, did most of the work, but her shift ended before her patrons paid the bill, leaving the tip to be collected by you. Maybe it was the $20.00 bill given to you by a rarely-seen-relative to "share" with the other siblings for past birthdays that were missed or to go get a special treat. Maybe it was the specially-prepared breakfast for Employee Appreciation Week but you had to go clock in so you didn't get to get a doughnut--but you thought about swiping one anyways.  Who knows? But I daresay we have all been faced with the opportunity to take what is not ours and justify it in our own minds because "somebody" owes us. We can act like it's a special blessing or we can underhandedly try to obtain it but deep down inside, we know it isn't ours. We might have deserved it but this was not the way we really wanted our payback. Right?

One day, God will reward us for our labours, friends. He sees when others don't. He's keeping a score card of who really does the work, who is worthy of the recognition, and who is being treated unfairly. Nothing escapes His watchful eye. Not even those times when someone rang up a lower price for an item that was mismarked or when for some reason, the item didn't even get scanned in the first place. Lord knows, Walmart rips us off all the time anyway, right, so it's only fair that once in a while we get something for free. Right?

Right: the Lord does know. He sees. He's watching to see if you will do the right thing--even if it inconveniences you to take the item that wasn't even worth a dollar back to the store to let them know it wasn't charged to you. Even if you inadvertently get a check with your name on it for several hundred dollars, with a note thanking you for a job well done, God knows what you will do. Though no one else may ever see, He will. Imagine meeting His eyes as you reap a harvest that wasn't yours. Still worth it? Still think you were entitled? Still think because someone else made the mistake that it isn't your problem? Sigh.

In conclusion, there are still good people in this world. Good still triumphs over evil. No, not every time and there will often be situations when another gets the credit that should go to you. The accolades won't always be directed at you. Your hard work may often go unnoticed and your efforts to do things the right way won't always get you to the top. Life is not fair and I dislike this fact probably more than others. But God? He is fair. Honest. Faithful. And He will repay. Those treasures overlooked down here are piling up in glory and one day you will see the fruits of your labours, friends. Don't give up. Don't cheat. And don't grumble (that's the really tough one!) when others seem to get more than you. The scales really will be balanced and I am sure that one day it will all be made right.

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, what a jumbled up story this was. May You allow it to make sense to those who read it through.

Thank You for Rick Brown and his honesty. This small act has encouraged me, God, that You are still on the throne, watching and nudging Your sheep to do the right thing.

Lastly Lord, for those who are struggling perhaps with keeping something--or someone--that doesn't belong to them, my prayer is that You gently lead them onto the path of righteousness. I am guilty of taking what wasn't mine at certain times in my life, God. Thank You for correcting me and showing me the error of my ways. May I not steal again is my prayer so that I may honor You in every area of my life. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Soul Survivor

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

May 22, 2015
Misery. Troubles. Pain. Excruciating or acute distress. What words describe that darkness in your soul? And what is a soul really? describes it this way: the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, or as believed to survive death and be subject to happiness or misery in a life to come.
At some point in our lives, each of us has suffered heartache. Each of us has been tempted to throw in the towel, give up, scream, cry, beat our fists against the wall. Something--or someone--has so torn apart our worlds that had it not been for the mercy of God, we wouldn't be here today to see that we indeed were not alone in our roughest times, our darkest days. Joy did come in the morning--even though it may not have been the first morning after. Or the next. Or maybe even the next.
I've been reflecting on how much my life has changed over the past two plus years since my mother died. There was so much heartache, bitterness, hurt, red-hot anger, humility...I think I ran the whole gamut of adjectives that described my bruised and battered heart. Many of you started on that journey with me while others left me on the way because my pain was just too real and you had your own things to carry. And that's okay. Now. There is no limit on grief, no certain day when one suddenly wakes up and the loss is no longer felt. No, it takes time and our Lord often works so gradually that we aren't even aware that progress is being made but you know what? It is. We may not be able to measure it nor track it but one day...One day the hurt isn't as strong. The tears don't come as easily. That memory makes you smile instead of buckle. You find yourself calmer, your temper is settled.
How does this miracle take place? Through God's unfailing love. I'll say it again: through God's unfailing love. Unfailing: now there's a word for us! The definition goes like this: not giving way; not falling short of expectation; completely dependable; inexhaustible;  endless.
Yep, sure sounds like God to me! His supply of patience while we mourn, grieve, or just feel sad is inexhaustible. His love is endless and does not fall short. When others can no longer give, He is completely dependable and ready to comfort us, to listen to our woes, and to let us just relax in Him as He holds us while we cry. Too many times we think we are in the process alone when instead, we have the Great Comforter beside of us, stilling us, healing us. How great is our God?!
Let's pray!
Dear Lord in Heaven, how my heart thrills as I think on You. The way You love me and put up with me and continue to inspire me dazzles my tiny little brain! But even more so than that, God? It--You!!--amaze me. Always there. Always ready to help. Always putting me first. To say "thank You" seems too small but it's all I've got, God.
Thank You. I rejoice in You this moment and I am glad, so very glad, You are my Father, Friend, and Faithful Companion. Thank You for loving me when I have been most unlovable. Thank You for not running off when my emotions were too raw for others to handle. Thank You for teaching me all of the lessons I learned through this season of life. I am better because of it and though I probably wouldn't have done so at the first, I praise You now for allowing this trial in my life to become a testimony of Your love.
There are still some issues and many more lessons to grow from but with You by my side, I can do this. You can do this through me.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How Good and How Pleasant

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

May 21, 2015

There's an excitement in the air. Change is happening. That's not to imply that what went on before wasn't good: no, not at all. But this--this new. This difference. This attitude. It's quite refreshing and--like most things that stir one's soul--I just can't help talking about it.
Guess you know what I am talking about, huh? Yep, you got it: Clark's Chapel Baptist Church. Friends, I must share with you my experience yesterday and last night, for you see, that's part of what is making this tiny little church stand head and shoulders above the rest.
I had lunch with the pastor's wife. Again. Let's see: I believe this made our third "date" since January. Add to that the supper we shared with our spouses at JD's Smokehouse (always gotta brag on them too) and you may think "Whoop Dee Doo, Stef. I eat with my pastor and his wife all the time." Great! You should. But you see, for me, I've kind of been fasting in that sense. I've been without a church family for nearly seven years now. And this one? This family? They are reaching out to me! I'm not having to track them down nor beg for their attention. Do you know what a relief, what a refreshment, what a joy that is?!
So, anyway, back to my story. Charmeyne and I shared our hearts as we are getting to know one another. She's so easy to talk with and fun to be around. We share a common background of sorts, which helped to forge our budding friendship. Coincidentally (ahem), her hubby Dale and Steve do too. Methinks something--or Someone--has His hand in this.
Do you remember the blog I wrote the other day about how I came into church one Sunday night and felt like Norm from "Cheers"? Well, last night it happened again. No, the congregation didn't holler out "Stef!" as I appeared but the waves? The smiles? The greetings as Steve and I made our way to our seats? My my! How my heart trembled at the love.
And that's it, folks. Love. Welcome. Acceptance. Warmth.
Shouldn't all churches be this way?
Indeed! They should.
So then, what's so special about Clark's Chapel Baptist Church, you might ask. Great question! What is that difference?
The best I can tell it's about a fresh start. The pastor is new and has his ways of presenting the Word of God--which he does unflinchingly, without compromise, and without condemnation. God doesn't condemn, you see. He convicts. God uses men like Dale Payne to share His Word, His love, and His desire for all of His children to know Him. He uses women like Charmeyne to greet His kids each service, to ask about their days, to check on them during the week. He uses His congregations to reach out to newcomers like Steve and me to make us feel we are welcomed. He uses people like Robert and Marsha Marshall to present music to set the tone for the services and to lift up our hearts in praise to His mighty name. He uses the "unknowns" to just smile, to wave, to greet, and to privately pray for folks like me, folks like you, and folks from all over.
Psalm 136 repeats over and over and over about how we should give thanks to the Lord because He is good and because His mercy endures forever. The message was too great to say just one time. The psalmist repeatedly (four times to be exact) spoke of giving thanks to the Lord. And twenty-six times (once each verse) he spoke of God's mercy enduring forever. Aren't you glad that God uses us, friends? We may not even be aware of it, of how our smiles brighten another's day, or how our kindnesses warm hearts that have been hurt and cold for so long. Mercy. In its purest form evidenced in the simplest acts of friendship.
The people of Clark's Chapel are being used to invite hungry hearts into their fellowship. The pastor, his wife, and their children are devoting themselves into making this church a refuge for God's kids to call home. Not for their glory; not to make a name for themselves. Nah, they've already got that. So do you. So do I. Brothers. Sisters. Saints. God's people. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?  The congregation is expressing love and a sense of welcome to newcomers, as well as continuing on in their love for the "regulars" that attend. And the newbies? The ones like Steve and me, the ones who recently joined, the ones who are trickling in to see what all of the fuss is about? Well, we're pretty tickled to be there too. That's why there are so many smiles on our faces and why I just can't keep from singing the praises of my God.
A long time ago in the church I grew up in, I once made cards for us women to use to pray for one another during the week. The verse used was this one from Psalm 133:1: "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" I changed "brethren" to "sistren" and because our church's name was Unity Baptist it helped us to memorize it and apply it as we prayed and loved together all those years. No, I don't make it a practice to change the Word of God (except when I need special provision--kidding!!) so rest assured that I don't think too highly of myself.
In conclusion, I am thankful for the "sign" that led me and Steve to visit Clark's Chapel Baptist Church. If you're looking for one too, maybe this blog is for you. Maybe the road sign on your usual drive is speaking to you about giving a certain church another try. Maybe your eyes will alight on something today that leads you to a place where you can feel welcomed, feel accepted, and then leave full yet still hungering for more. Hope so!
Let's pray!
Dear Lord,
I give thanks to You, for You are good. Your mercy indeed lasts forever. It doesn't run out; doesn't run dry. When I falter, when I buckle from the loads I too often try to carry on my own, Your hand reaches out to steady me. Your ears are inclined to my prayers. Your eyes are always on me. You will never leave me nor forsake me and for that Lord God, I thank You, praise You, and love You.
Thank You also, Father, for this new place to worship You. No, You aren't confined to one building, to one church alone, nor to one denomination. Your love exceeds all of man's boundaries and reaches as far as the east is from the west. However, You deigned it that for this season of my life to put me and Steve in this place and my prayer is that we can be a blessing to Clark's Chapel, that we can grow closer to You than ever before, and that we may be co-laborers with the folks there in sharing the news, the great news, of Your Son Jesus.
Love you much, God! Thanks for loving me first. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tunnel Vision

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
May 20, 2015
Yesterday evening, Steve and I took the long way home. And by long way, I mean we went an extra three hours out of our way to get there!
It was my fault. I thought we'd take the Blue Ridge Parkway "shortcut" to the interstate but that we'd stay on it until the Swannanoa exit rather than the one near the mall. As we drove I saw a sign saying the Craggy Gardens were 17 miles ahead. "That was new," I thought. Honestly, I think someone must've moved Swannanoa the sign 'cause I sure didn't see it.
As we enjoyed the trek--of course singing along to the 'Pod--we noticed more overlooks than usual. Well, you know we are in our fifties now and a little slower but we finally realized we weren't in Kansas anymore. However, thinking there'd be another turn off to Marion soon, we continued on.
We saw some beautiful sights as spring was springing in the mountains. Many pictures were taken (I'm really loving my new Selfie Stick!) and much appreciation for the vastness of God's creation was going on. We chatted with a few other travelers along the way who had also stopped to take pics and had a nice evening--even though there weren't any facilities nearby and the Mickey D's Sweet Tea was making its presence known. wink emoticon
Along the way, we went through several tunnels, such as the one pictured. Some took a bit longer to go through and drivers were cautioned to turn on their lights. Others were easily able to be see from both ends. Speaking of which, I think I will post another at the end of this blog to show you how one was on the edge of the mountain as I marveled at the ingenuity of folks to carve such a connection.
Okay, Stef, get to the good stuff.
All righty, then. Here goes.
Tunnels. They are dark passages. Some go on for a long while and others are easily traveled through. Those are the ones we think we can do on our own, not needing to turn on our headlights to get through them. But the first ones I mentioned: the ones that indeed need some assistance? How wonderful the security I felt as I pulled on the switch to turn on the light. Suddenly the tunnel wasn't so scary. It didn't even matter (much) what was on the other side because I knew with this help that I could see and that I wasn't alone in my darkness.
How about you, friends? Do you ever feel there is no end in sight, that there is no way through this--whatever trial it is you are going through right now--, that there is no light? May I assure you that there is. Jesus is the Light of the World. In Him is no darkness. He's also holding you with His hand so you are not alone. You can see; you can walk. This tunnel you must go through will get you to the other side. Oh sure: you could do it the hard way. You could try climbing over it or going around it. It'll take you longer, no doubt about that. You might get scratched and spend endless time wandering about as you try to stay on the trail that leads to the road you are following. You might think you don't need any light nor any help from anyone. You might.
But why not do it the easy way instead? Why not go on the pathway laid before you, take hold of God's unchanging hand, and trust that He will be a light unto your path? Stop being so stubborn and independent! Besides, so much beauty awaits on the other side. Don't you want to see it? I know I do!
Let's pray!!
Dear Lord,
Thank You for being my Illuminator. Thank You for making tunnels in my life to test me, to see if I dare to go through to the other side. Thank You, mostly though, for not making me go through them alone. Lord, You know I am often afraid of the dark. However, with You holding me, directing me, and lighting the way it's not such a scary world after all.
Also Lord, I thank You for the beauty You created and allowed me to see last night. Yeah, had I paid more attention to the signs, I would have gotten home sooner but I would have missed the tunnel lesson. I needed it so...thanks! I'll do something nice for You one day!
Love You, Lord! Amen!
Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
Here's the tunnel on the edge. Hope you don't find yourself in the same predicament! 

My Pastor is a Payne

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
May 17, 2015

Good morning! Hope you are ready to hear me brag on my pastor for a few minutes. smile emoticon
My pastor. First, I am so thankful to be able to say those words again. For many years, you see, Steve and I have been going to churches that have been either too big for the preacher to even know our names or too busy for them to take the time to get to know us. We've been going to Clark's Chapel now for roughly four months and not only does Dale know our names, he and his wife have shared a meal or two with us with the promise of more to come.
Secondly, it's an exciting time to be going to church at Clark's Chapel. Dale and Charmeyne arrived there just a bit before we did so there's a sense of something in the air that makes me want to keep going, to be a part, and to really pray more fervently for a pastor than I have in a long time.
That being said, I want to address what happened on Sunday. Pastor Payne and his wife have formally accepted the offer of being the church's ministers. At the meeting the other day, they did what was called an Installation Service as it became official that Dale would be our leader there. Honestly, I had never been a part of something like this so I was curious to see what was going to happen.
Each service that Steve and I have attended has involved a responsive reading portion. This Sunday was no exception--except that Dale read to us what his responsibilities would be and then the church read what her responsibilities in response would be. Wow! I mean, I knew I had my expectations for the role a pastor would play in my life but...I hadn't really examined what my own duties as a member in return would be. Guess I kind of thought the church was supposed to be in charge of the majority of the work and that my participation would be minimal. Wrong! Just as in any relationship, it's a two-way street. You both give. You both strive to do what is best for the other party. You both have a role to play.
So, back to bragging on my preacher. As we later chatted after the service on Sunday evening, it became even more apparent to me that Pastor Dale Payne is going to be a fine asset to this little country church. I'm probably going to be writing about him quite a bit in some of my blogs-especially one in particular that he and I discussed would be fun and enlightening--and I hope you will be encouraged by the words I post about him, about Clark's Chapel Baptist Church, and about what makes this an exciting time to be a part of her.
In conclusion, though, I want to brag on Someone else. Someone Who made this all possible. Someone Who brought us to this church at just the right time (if you know me at all, you know one of my favorite lines is that "it's all about timing"). Someone Who planned this all from the beginning, waited the appropriate amount of time, and then He in His infinite wisdom placed my husband and me in a church that has embraced us and loved us and promises to be a family to us when just lost our dear Clyde.
Dear Lord God: thank You for letting all things work together for good to those who love You and who are called according to Your purpose. Thank You for putting us together for such a time as this. As we all grow together in this new group, I ask that You bless my pastor and his family, bless my church, and bless me as I once again experience being a part of a congregation whose aim is to grow in You. Whatever happens next, Lord, I thank You for this balm to my sometimes aching heart. May I give as well as receive and honor You with it all. In the name of Jesus I pray: amen.
By the way, if you are in the area and are looking for somewhere to attend church, check us out! We'd be glad to see you!
3212 Clark's Chapel Rd
Lenoir, North Carolina 28645

Sunday, May 17, 2015

It's Been Way Too Long

May 17, 2015

Yesterday, I had the distinct pleasure of spending the day with the hubby.  And what a glorious day it was!  The weather couldn't have been any nicer for our trip to Henderson County.  The Ipod was going strong as we listened to my eclectic collection of songs from all genres of music.  One moment we'd be singing Don Henley and the next Diamond Rio.  Throw in some Journey, Little Texas, The Thompson Twins, and the occasional gospel song that would come on and we were having a blast, doing what we love:  turning the radio up, putting the windows down, and letting the wind blow through our hair.

We were coasting up the interstate when Avalon's song "Lord Move (Or Move Me)" came on.  I sang it wholeheartedly and Steve  got kind of quiet.  "I don't know what it is about that song but...I just don't really think I like it."

"You mean because it's kind of whiny," I asked?  

"Yeah, that's it.  I think."

"Well, now that you've heard the lyrics, wanna hear it again," I asked.  He did and his little tune changed (pardon the pun).  ♫

Soon, he was singing along and we were back to rejoicing in the beautiful day our Lord had made.  We stopped for lunch at Carrabba's, visited with the folks for a little while, went and looked at the house, had a quick visit with Catherine, and then went to drive along Highway 64 and take the long way home.  Did I mention what a pleasant day it was?

Earlier in the morning, I just couldn't for the life of me get inspired to write a blog.  Friday, I had had writer's block as well.  As I reflect on the song featured in today's picture, and the melody runs through my head, I realize its timeless truths:  sometimes we don't have the words to say.  Sometimes we get a little down.  Sometimes the only thing that will help is for God to reach down His hand, to remember that no matter what He understands.  No matter what, friends.  Whether it's the everyday business of life, the remembrance of loved ones who are sick or who are gone on (by the way, Happy Birthday, Moo Moo.  Miss you, sis!), the cares of the world, or just that we have drifted away and the waves are crashing on the shore.  Sometimes we have to cry out to God for Him to move in a way we've never seen before or--or we need to ask Him to move us.

I was fortunate enough yesterday for God to move me.  I got to see His beauty in the poppies growing on the interstate.  I got to feel His gentle breeze flow over me as Celine took us up the mountain.  I was able to hear His voice and see His majesty in the Rocky Broad River that flowed over all of those stones in the Chimney Rock area.  Seeing His creation in the spring splendor as Steve and I walked the trail to view the river and stare at the mass of rock that draws tourists from all parts of the world was refreshing.  Watching young children frolic in the cold waters was a hoot.  As we enjoyed a terrific supper at the Old Rock Cafe and watched the little stream that trickled down from atop of the mountain, how could we do anything else but be thankful to live in such a world where wonders never cease?  

Lord, thank You for moving me yesterday.  I was in a funk and Your mighty hand moved me to a place of fellowship with You.  Calm, peace, and serenity enveloped my wandering soul.  Refreshed and renewed, I come to You this morning in praise.  Thank You, my Father, for holding Your child and for letting me rest in Your strength.  You moved and You moved me.  Thanks so much, Lord!  May I ever bask in You is my hope.  Amen.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Throwback Thursday? Yes, please!!

May 14, 2015

Do you know what today is?  No, that was yesterday.  Today is Throwback Thursday and it has led me to ponder on a couple of things that I hope you too will think about.

To begin with, who came up with this concept of remembering and sharing those recollections with all of Facebook?  Yeah, some of those pics of you as a kid are cute but others?  Some conjure up a life that is no longer and those reflections can be dimmed by sadness.

Next, the title of this:  THROWBACK Thursday.  Now, we're getting somewhere.  Because the past is gone, indeed let's do throw it back.  Waaaay back.  Isn't that why it's behind us?  Mmn hmn.

Paul told us in Philippians 3:13-14 that "I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  Steve and I have been studying these verses the past couple of nights and last night he came up with a gem:  the past is something you have to live with not a place you have to live in.  

As he read me these words he had just penned from his journal, my head jerked up and I asked him to repeat them. "The past is something you have to live with not a place you have to live in."   Whoa!  Such wisdom from this man I am so thankful to call my husband!  Yeah, I'm sure it's been said before and pondered by us all but here it was, in a simple phrase, declaring this timeless truth:  the past is something you have to live with not a place you have to live in.

We don't have to live in the past but we do have to live with its consequences.  But, we do not have to let those choices determine our fates today though, now do we?  Nope!  We are not prisoners, enslaved to events that we may have had little if any control over.  Instead, we are more than conquerors, pressing ahead, reaching for the goal as we strive to be better day by day.  We don't have to walk around with our heads bowed low in shame.  Instead, we have been raised up, tried like gold, and are being refined in the image of Christ.  We are being made new daily, friends.  I don't know about you, but that gives me quite the sense of hope.

"...the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  My journaling last night consisted of how I love getting gifts, surprises, and accolades for a job well done.  If I stayed in the past, I would see and believe that I am not worthy of any praise, of any acknowledgments, nor any tributes.  But through the blood of Jesus, through His example of how to live and love, and through the grace of God, one day in the future I will cross that finish line and be rewarded for the good I have done.  My past won't be held against me.  Those deeds done in the flesh won't even be counted but what I did--what I do each day for Christ?  Ahh, that's where the treasure is!  I can't change the yuck I did yesterday but today is a new opportunity to shine for Jesus.  May I be one of His brightest stars today is my hope.

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, there are so many Thursdays and Mondays (oh those Mondays) and other days of the week, God, that I wish I could forget and not have to live with the consequences of.  Foolish behaviours and silly, childlike actions that separated me from You are a blight on my record.  But Lord, now that I am an adult and have put away childish things, I can grow to be more like You.  I can see clearly how effective my actions are and thus I can be more careful in my dealings, knowing that they may have lifelong implications on others.

For all the times I failed You, Lord God, I apologize.  For all the times I wasted by looking back instead of pressing forward, I sincerely regret.  Lord, my life is but a vapor.  May it be a sweet one, I pray, and not one of stench.  May the good I do linger in the air as a sweet aroma, leaving those around wondering how this small piece of heaven was revealed to them for just a moment in time is my prayer.  I ask these things in the name of my precious Jesus.  Amen.