Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Amethyst and Gold

I just love how God works all things together, don’t you?  Whether it’s the lessons I learn from Bible Studies or the nuggets I receive from special someones, when they combine into a portrait of truth that shows me more about God?  Well, it just makes me happy!

Case in point.  On Sunday, I went to a gem show in Hickory.  If you know me, then you would know that this really isn’t my thing.  Thus, my attitude towards it was one of oblivion, of not really caring what was there as much as I cared about spending time with who was there.  However, when my hubbie’s ticket number was called and he won the beautiful Amethyst from Brazil pictured?  Well, let’s just say ol’ Stef was singing a different tune.  For those who do know me, purple is my favorite color so how groovy was it for the Lord to allow me to get this gem, even though moments before I was oblivious to the stones around me?

Ironically?  Unh unh.  Coincidentally? Hardly.  Factually?  Yeah, that might work.  Factually, the conversation around my home lately has involved rocks and their varieties and more information than I need or care to know.  But some pretty ones have been collected and shared with me so this event on Sunday evolved into a nice little lesson for me about different things that the Lord creates and uses for His kingdom.  Now, add to that my and Steve’s study on Job last night (yes, we’re still delving into Job and his tumultuous life) where the discussion in Chapter 28 involved a discourse on wisdom and the comparisons that were used with it correlated to silver, gold, iron, copper, ore, sapphires, onyx, coral, quartz, and others.  Do you see it:  God working--once again--all things together?  From seeing rocks turned into jewelry and having Scripture come alive, God is constantly dazzling me with His compassion and mercy and delight for me to know Him better than ever before!

Wonder why He gives us such great experiences?  Wonder why He uses the little things as much as He does the big ones, the common gems of life to show us the true treasures that await us as well as those that we can experience now if we’ll just open our eyes to what surrounds us?  

I think I know.  It’s because He loves us.  He knows we aren’t all wired the same and that we need different venues to understand the mysteries of His Word.  Whether it’s through geology or geography, people or animals, or through a myriad of other sources, our Great God uses all things to work together for good to teach us more about Himself.  Might I encourage you today to look beyond the surface of whatever is holding your attention right now and think:  what is the purpose of this in my life and how does it bring me to a better awareness of Christ?  I’d love to hear your responses!

Let’s pray!

Dear Father God, how I just adore You!  You use so many things in my life to teach me Your Word so that I just don’t read it, but so that I may better grasp the truths in it.  The bottle of gold I also received as a special gift?  The song lyrics “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” goes through my head as I gaze upon it, captured by its brilliance, wondering at this blessed verse put into song that I’ve known since childhood.  Peter and John blessed the lame man on their way with word of You.  May the jewels You have entrusted to me shine, please, and bring joy to others is my prayer today.  In the Name above all names I ask this, amen.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sunshine In My Eyes Can Make Me Cry or The Power Of The Pause

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I won’t say that he said it best, but John Denver sure did peg it when he sang of the sunshine on his shoulder making him happy and the sunshine in his eyes making him cry.  The sunshine on the water that looked so lovely and the sunshine almost all the time making him high?  I get it.

The other morning on the drive up to Boone, I got to witness this.  I wish my camera did it better justice but the beauty was there and this small reminder of it through this picture serves to lead into today’s (well, actually last night’s) study on the grandeur of God.

Steve and I were finishing up our study as we usually do by reading our responses to the passage we had read.  Usually he shares first but mine was so good (yes, I am patting myself on the back because...well, keep reading and you’ll see!) that I had to verbally express what my words were not containing before even asking him if he was ready to expound.  Without any further ado, here’s what I wrote:

Job 26 Job’s Frailty and God’s Majesty

“I am weak but Thou art strong.” Job knew his own mortality: not about the obvious truth that he wouldn’t live forever. I’m not writing about that.  What I mean is that Job knew he was a worm. In the grand scheme of life, he was nothing.  But God?  Oh indeed but God!

Job shares his awe of him to Bildad.  He tells of the dead and how they’re finally realizing just Whom they shall face when eternity begins.  The Great God Who created the heavens and the earth, yes, but oh the vastness that has yet to be mined by our finite minds!  I mean seriously, who but God could think of such details that make all things work together?  The clouds, the phases of the moon, the sun, and other weather events.  I cannot even begin to fathom them!

“These are the mere edges of His ways” verse 14 says, “And how small a whisper we hear of Him!”  


Just this morning I glimpsed a tiny bit of splendor as the light reflecting on the living room wall whispered to me that something spectacular was taking place outside.  I quickly grabbed my camera and, sure enough, there it was.  Magnificent clouds reflecting the brightness of the awakening sun.  It was beautiful.

But it didn’t last.  In dismay I saw the world creeping in, stealing this momentary partial view of God’s heaven.  Just a whisper, a preview of upcoming attractions, a hint of what is to come.  

“His power, who can understand?” asked Job.  

Not this ol’ gal.  But what it means to me?  It means “Open your eyes, dear girl. Open your mind and learn of Me.  I give you these appetizers so that you will hunger for more of Me.  Now My child, what will you do about it?”

Ahh, how beautiful the sunrises and the sunsets the Lord God Almighty makes available to me, friends.  However, He doesn’t push them down my throat nor sound the bell each day to notify me that they’re here.  Nope.  Instead--as He does with just about all of His wonders--He puts them out there to be noticed by those who are looking for them.  Some are physical, tangible, earthy treasures we can witness with our own eyes.  Others involve His human characteristics that are more noticeable in His children--if we’ll only take our eyes off of self and direct them their way.  

The ways God reveals Himself to us through nature and through mankind are unending and the rewards are ours, dear ones, if we’ll just take a moment to stop and smell the roses, observe the times and seasons, and as little children often say when something outstanding captures their attention, “Look!”  Look with the eyes of a child at the wonders around you but then, look with the eyes of one who already knows but has somehow neglected to practice what s/he has been taught.  Put away the former things and let God make all things new to you once again.  Amen?

Let’s pray!

Dear God, as another day has dawned, may the dawning of understanding be upon us all as we seek You first and just pause to take a moment to consider Your handiwork.  I often joke to Steve that he doesn’t know the power of the pause when he too often interrupts me as I use that moment to further consider what I am about to say.  May the power of the pause be instilled in our lives today, Father, as we enjoy and savor the desires of our souls being fulfilled through Your creation and through Your people.  I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.  Teach us to keep the interruptions at bay and just be still for a moment or two is my humble prayer.

Friday, March 17, 2017

"And we'll not fail to give You all the honor and glory, Jesus."

"And we'll not fail to give You all the honor and glory, Jesus."  C360_2017-03-17-10-41-54-537.jpg

Ever said those words, friends?  I know I have.  Whatever bind I had gotten myself into or some trouble that only Jesus could save me from and this promise (or one similar to it) flew from my lips in my attempts to make my burden an "If-you-do-this-for-me-Jesus-then-I-will-do-that-for-You" vow.

Hmn.  Wonder what my old Mars Hill University Probability and Statistics teacher would make of this "If/Then" statement?  I know he sure put me through a lot of improbable dilemmas.

Seriously though, as I contemplate my prayer life, I found myself pondering these words of David written so very long ago.  I was reflecting on me (one of my favorite topics) and how many things God has brought me through.  That led to me thinking of Prayers and Praises time at church and how we (definitely me included) spend so much time asking (whining?) about problems and so very little time praising for what we've been brought through.  It's almost embarrassing at times when we've been given the opportunity to list our woes and then comes the moment when Brandon or Pastor Dale asks if any of us has a praise.  Sometimes--even though the floor is carpeted--one could hear a pin drop as silence envelops our now- stilled tongues.

What happened to those vows we made, to give God ALL of the honor and glory when it was all said and done?  Was our problem just not that big to begin with that it didn't deign being thanked for?  Did we just want to have our voices heard by others and--truthfully--not even go home ourselves and pray for what we had just asked others to do?  That time spent letting others know about Aunt Jill and our neighbor Fred and his cousin Billy Bob who worked with a man who had some type of disease that can't even be pronounced and oh, by the way, we really need to pray for...

Do you feel me, friends?  Though I am offering these examples in a comical way, it happens nearly every service.  Someone I don't know a thing about is being introduced via prayer time and I am being told by others that this is how I should spend my time--praying for this one--and then later, when I ask about the progress of that soul, often I get a blank stare as the one who asked valiantly tries to recall just what the heck I am talking about.


I am so guilty of this.  I'd rather pass the buck on to my spiritual friends who have time to pray for these souls that I'd rather not fool with.  I'd rather burden them with my load because they are just so much stronger, so much closer to God than I am that surely He will respond better to them on my friend's behalf (and other parts of his/her body).  Their effectual fervent prayers will reach God's ears before mine even float to the ceiling.  Right?

Heavier sigh.

Nonetheless, when a promise is made to God, we ought to keep it.  His Word tells us it's better to not say anything than to make a promise we can't keep (Ecclesiastes 5:5).  

In closing, I’m not writing these words to criticize (even though my toes feel a bit stepped upon) but instead I am writing them to propose a challenge to you, to me.  What if right now we all just took a moment or two (or twelve) to thank God for answered prayers--and maybe even some unanswered ones?  It doesn’t have to be a public praise but you are surely welcome to share here if you like.  Back in my Flemings Chapel days, there were some lovely ladies who kept prayer journals.  They would review them, place a checkmark beside the answered ones, and reflect on God’s goodness in His discernment to do what He felt needed done.  I myself keep several logs and think I am going to review them now and do a little thanksgiving myself.  It’s about time I kept my word to God, huh?

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, as I shamefacedly approach Your throne, I’m not going to dwell on what I should have done and put the focus on me.  For You see, Father, this time is about You and about how wonderful You are and have been in taking my prayers and the prayers of others and dealing with them.  I may not have always liked Your answers and some of these prayers I surely would have answered more quickly had I been You (ahem) but that in itself is another praise to You, for Father, had I been in charge?  I shudder to think what a mess I might have made since I have no foresight as You do.

Thank You for all the times You have spent listening to my cries--whether they were silent or aloud.  Thank You for mercies in not giving me what I thought were the desires of my heart.  Thank You for healing, for security, for love, my precious family, and for my church.  Thank You mostly, Lord God, for redemption through Christ Jesus.  Sigh.  May my words be fewer except when speaking of You and Your marvelous grace is my prayer.  In the merciful and patient name of Jesus I pray.  Amen!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Better Way

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I feel that in retrospect, he’d take it all back if he could.  That he wish he’d never have said those words, those words that pierced my heart that was already wounded, that was already hurting.  I feel that if given the opportunity to do the whole sorry conversation over, I really believe he would have made better use of his words, of his emotions, and of his reactions.  Sadly though, once out there, those words just cannot be erased, cannot be wiped out with the backspace key, cannot be erased from the paper, cannot be blotted out nor have the White-Out applied to them for you see, when they roll off of the tongue without consideration, too often their permanence has been ingrained and the damage done.

That’s why I love the written word!  Ahh yes, the spoken word is great also but like mentioned above, once it’s been said, there are no take backs.  But when something is scribed with a pencil, with a keyboard, or with mini- strokes on a keypad there is always that opportunity to stop, to consider if that was the correct, the best word choice, or even if maybe the whole sentence should be erased.  Remember my “Letters That Have Never Been Sent” file?  Yeah, those letters are in a nice, safe place and not out there, wreaking havoc with my emotional thoughts and opinions and spewing venom and hurtful things.  They are in a drawer and/or computer file, and unable to hurt because the words penned in them have no target.

Whoa!  What happened to you?  You look like you’ve been in a bar fight!  

The words, if spoken by a friend, could more easily have been swallowed.  However, since they came from a stranger and since he cringed from my presence when seeing my bandaged face, they stung.  As I wrote above, in hindsight he more than likely would have controlled that beast of a tongue instead of it controlling him.  He probably would have offered some sympathy instead of expressing horror, making me feel like a freak.  He might even have questioned what happened to a sweet ol’ gal like me instead of assuming I had been out on the prowl, visiting in places I have no business of being in -- just as he had no business coming to my home with his agenda of selfishness.  I guess we’ll never know, huh?

As I close today, consider with me the passage from James 3:5-11.  Yeah, we’ve discussed it in this blog before and knowing me, it will come up again.  Nonetheless, my prayer for me and for you is that these words from scripture will permeate our hearts, lead us to consider our words, and to use our tongues for blessing and not cursing, for sweetness instead of bitterness.  When we see others--instead of passing immediate judgment and condemnation--let’s ponder for a moment or two that all may not appear as it seems to on the surface.  Jumping to conclusions and then voicing those opinions often leaves a trail of mayhem when if we’ll just be quiet, just think, then there’s a good chance we can make someone’s day a more positive one.  Amen?  Amen!

Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!  And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.  For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:  But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.  Therewith bless we God, even the Father;  nd therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing.  My brethren, these things ought not so to be.  Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My Review of "The Shack"

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“Forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is about letting go of another person's throat......Forgiveness does not create a relationship. Unless people speak the truth about what they have done and change their mind and behavior, a relationship of trust is not possible. When you forgive someone you certainly release them from judgment, but without true change, no real relationship can be established.........Forgiveness in no way requires that you trust the one you forgive. But should they finally confess and repent, you will discover a miracle in your own heart that allows you to reach out and begin to build between you a bridge of reconciliation.........Forgiveness does not excuse anything.........You may have to declare your forgiveness a hundred times the first day and the second day, but the third day will be less and each day after, until one day you will realize that you have forgiven completely. And then one day you will pray for his wholeness......” ― William Paul Young, The Shack

Last night Steve and I went to see the movie version of “The Shack.”  It was based on the novel of the same name, written by William P. Young.  Several people wondered what I thought of it.  That’s not an easy question to answer briefly but I will try.

The year was 2008 when I first read this novel.  Like many others, I was skeptical about God--my God--being represented as a woman.  I read the book with my token religious haughtiness at hand, ready to throw the book across the room at its blasphemous words should I find the need to do so.  However, as I delved further into the story of Mackenzie and his struggle to believe in God when his world was falling down all around him, I was drawn into the story of forgiveness, acceptance, and the mighty power of God’s love.  For you see, I too was facing these dilemmas as my father and sister died within four weeks of each other and the devastating effects left behind as I watched what was left of my family implode allowed me to relate to Mack’s feelings of anger, betrayal, and loneliness.

Much has changed in my life since those events nearly nine years ago.  I have grown spiritually as my sweet and patient Lord has worked in me my own ability to forgive those who hurt me the most.  Like the male version of “Papa” told Mackenzie, I too had to let go of some throats.  I too had to release folks from their “crimes”--often several times a day.  I too had to forgive--even though establishing relationship with them was not going to be an option.  Mostly though, I had to realize God was in control of it all and was using it for my good even though for the life of me I could not understand where He was in all of this chaos.

As I watched the movie, my thoughts were more on the present and how this movie would impact me now.  My awareness of God in His many roles has evolved and I was curious to see how this motion picture would depict Him, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  I’ll definitely say it was interesting and-- with an open mind--enjoyable.  For you see, God can be so many things to us, His children, and He is sensitive to our needs as we reach out to Him.  When one has had an abusive father figure, it’s easy to see why relating to God as a loving daddy would be hard to do.  Long ago, The McKameys sang a song that sums this up better than I can:

In conclusion, what did I think of the movie “The Shack”?  I think it’s a great conversation starter for those who are curious about the Lord, the real Lord, and not just wanting a pat response about Him when their salvation is at stake.  Too many folks have been hurt by religion and false teachings to want to even think of or try to pursue a relationship with God.  Watching this movie just might give you an opening to tell them who Christ is to you and as you tell your story of how God has redeemed you, you just might encourage them to seek Him out too.  

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, there are so many ways You use to reach Your children.  This movie has the potential to bring people to You as they search for the one true God.  Lord, so many have been raised to fear You--but not in a reverential way, Father.  Too many think of You as judge, jury, and executioner, just sitting on Your throne, waiting to rend Your judgment on them because they are so unworthy and bad.  As they watch this movie, read the book, hear true stories of You, and see You in a different light, my prayer is that You will soften their bruised hearts and melt the ice around them.  I pray that You will continue to have mercy as they fight the lies and discover just how wonderful You are!  Lord, so many, so so many don’t know what love is.  My prayer is that eyes will be opened to embrace You the way You embraced us first.  Be our Papa, our Abba, our Father for we need You so very much.  In the name of Jesus I pray:  amen.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

From Facebook, six years ago

is hopeful, for if we have no hope, what are we living for? Many of us have trying jobs, trying family and friends, and often feel there is just too much on our plates and we are stuffed and cannot take one more bite. So I invite you to sit back, relax, and let these cares rest on shoulders that are much broader than your own and let Jesus do for you what He said He would. Do you trust Him? I do!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

It's me. Again. Standing in the need of prayer.

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I know I have written on this theme before and sadly, being the vile soul that I wish I wasn’t, probably will again.  Oh Lord:  when will You deliver me from the body of this death?!

Dramatic much, Stef?

Sigh.  Unfortunately, yes.

Do you ever burrow things up inside of you, choosing not to deal with them at this time, and then a certain circumstance comes along and you see your chance.  Oh no:  not to deal with it.  Heaven forbid (ahem)!  No, you see your chance to take out your frustrations on an inanimate object, one that can’t talk back, or be seen face-to-face.  One that “doesn’t matter” because, realistically, what are the chances of you ever being in this soul’s aurora anyways?  This “inanimate object” can be argued with over the phone, accused to via “Live Chat” (even though faces aren’t shown, only the written words), or through emails.  Funny thing though:  these “inanimate objects” are really people.  People who feel, who have a job to do, and mostly, they are real.  Just because we can’t see them doesn’t lessen our responsibility to treat them with respect and dignity as we would should we truly be face-to-face.

There are three big issues in my life that I am grieved with right now.  Wanna know what they are?  Well you can’t.  No offense, but I don’t need unsolicited advice, fake understanding, nor helpful words of Scripture.  What I need is a good kick in the pants and I doubt any of you out there would be willing to step up and do that, now would you?  What about a good smack upside the head?  Ahh, I’m sure I could get quite a few volunteers for that!  

What about praying for me?  I’m talking about a real heart-to-heart with God, fervent words that let Him know that your pal Stef is really messing up right now and much as you’d like to fix her, you know that God is the only One Who can.  

So, would you seriously petition Him on my behalf?  Can you take a moment--or ten--to bring my name up to God Almighty and ask Him to step in and work this out in me?  For you see, if He doesn’t, if it’s left up to me to deal with, I’m liable to mess up.  Again.

This morning, I did just that.  Oh sure:  I told myself I was perfectly within my rights to be angry.  And I was!  But somehow--because of my Big 3 that I’m dealing with--I forgot neglected the rest of the verse.  You know the one I am talking about?  “Be angry and sin not”  (Ephesians 4:26).  And boy did I sin!  Boy did I let my righteous anger out!  I mean, after all, someone should make this mistake right, right?  It wasn’t my fault the company messed up so why should I have to suffer (choke) for this error and why should I have to be put out and not get my merchandise in the time frame that was promised to me?

Did you just throw up in your mouth a little, suddenly realizing that ol’ Stef surely could use a kick in the butt and a smack on the noggin and you may just be the right one to do it after all?  Sigh.  I certainly don’t blame you.  As noted, I hold myself in contempt.  You should too.

Now there may be a kind soul or two out there that might tell me to not be so hard on myself, to not feel so badly about getting irate over poor customer service, and/or to just apologize and ask God to forgive me and it’ll be okay.  “It happens to all of us sometimes, Stef!”  

But you see, it won’t.  I won’t be okay.  For when I lose control of myself, when I let my feelings take over my sense, and when I get to thinking that I deserve such and such regardless of who has to be put out to make it happen, I hurt Him.  I hurt my testimony which in turn reflects on Christ.  It makes a mockery of all He’s delivered me from and suffered for.  My ministry which I have sought so hard to make be one that honors Him could be lost in a flash, over one stupid item that in the grand scheme of things is...is dung.  Foolish.  Certainly not worth the time, effort, and now the great shame that I feel over it.

Okay, I’ve got some apologizing to do and you have some praying to do.  I mean it.  If this blog affects you in any positive way and you get any encouragement, motivation, or inspiration from it, then you owe it to me to make sure that it stays afloat and doesn’t sink because I took my eyes off of Jesus for a moment.  James 5:16 says:  

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much.

I’m doing my part.  I am confessing to you right now my sin of anger, readers.  Please do your part and now pray fervently for me.  I need to be healed.

Let’s pray now.

Dear Lord, how ashamed at myself I am right now.  I thought of keeping this to myself and keeping it between You, me, and the ones I will soon be writing to, but Lord?  Lord, I need some help.  I need others to hold me accountable for my actions.  I need friends to sharpen me.  I need to stop telling others how to live and focus on living the right way--Your way.  I slip way too easily, Lord, stumbling over little pebbles that get in my pathway.  

I am sorry, Father, for my actions and my lack of control.  I wanted to be mad at something, someone, anything other than dealing with what is really the issue here.  My Big 3, I call them, and You know what they are and how they are really what is bugging me and why I so carelessly took my angst out on others.  As I begin to send out my apology notes, I ask You to use my words this time to be kind instead of hateful.  Temper me and bring me back into fellowship with You, Father, so that I can move forward or so that I can at least know that it’s time to stop, to stop trying to force things to happen that just might not should be going on in the first place.

I ask these things in the name of Jesus.  May His name not suffer for my poor choices is my prayer.  Amen.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

And Now You Know!

And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD, which I am commanding you today for your good?  (Deuteronomy 10:12–13, ESV)

It’s time for another edition of “Put Your Name Here!”  I just love Bible verses that I can truly personalize so that when the time comes (and it comes often) that I am not (ahem) sure that God is really talking to me, I can know for sure.  

So often many of us wander about, trying to decide who we are, who we want to be, and who we are supposed to be.  Whether it’s in a job, relationship, or during a mid-life crisis, so many of us are still trying to figure out who we want to be when we grow up.  Sigh.  I know during my fifty-three years of life the question has come up on more than one occasion.  Truthfully?  I am again this very moment trying to determine where to go next in my journey of life.  Luckily--scratch that.  Thankfully for me, the timely Word of God has once again stepped up to show me that it really doesn’t matter what I do, what job I perform, or who I am relating with that it’s just not about me.  I’ll write that again:  it’s just not about me.

I know!  I was stunned too, even though it’s not the first time this has been brought to my attention.  Years ago at Flemings Chapel during one of our Sunday School lessons, we read the book by Max Lucado entitled It’s Not About Me.  During our studies, we found out that this life we lead is not about what we can accomplish on our own but rather it is about Jesus.  It’s about Him and what He is doing, not about seeking our own fortune and fame.  

So, as mentioned above, I took this verse, replaced the “yous” with my name and personalized it for these times of wondering and wandering.  May I encourage you, friends, to do the same?  Talk about having the answer all spelled out for you!  Additionally, when we truly believe that our Bibles were written for our edification and not just some random “other” people, we are more able to identify with the truths found.  

Here is “my” verse:  

2017-03-01 Deuteronomy 10 12-13.JPG

And now, Stefanie, what does the LORD Stefanie’s God require of Stefanie, but to fear the LORD Stefanie’s God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD Stefanie’s God with all of Stefanie’s heart and with all of Stefanie’s soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD, which I am commanding Stefanie today for Stefanie’s good? (Deuteronomy 10:12–13)

Kind of explains it all, huh?  Stefanie is required to:  fear the Lord; to walk in all (not some) of His ways; to love Him; to serve the Lord with all (again, not some, not part, but the whole kit and kaboodle) of my heart and soul (ooh, that one’s going to be tough!); and lastly, to keep the commandments and statutes of my Lord.  I am commanded to do these things.  It is a requirement and my reasonable service as a child of God.  Now, before you go laughing at me and wondering how in the world I am ever going to pull this one off, remember:  you have to do this too.  Nan nan uh boo boo.  😁

Whew!  I think we can all agree that it’s time to pray.  Ready?

Dear Lord, how many times have I said that I just don’t know what to do with myself?  How many times have I planned and schemed and fought and lost the battle to be something that I am not destined to be?  How many times have I sought Your will in all of this only to fall short?  

But here it is, Father, plainly written for my eyes to behold and my mind to accept.  It’s not about me.  It never was, never will be.  My life’s purpose is to honor You, to love You, to fear You, and to follow Your Word.  And You know what, Dad?  It’s really not such a hard thing to do.  Your commands are not meant to keep me from stuff I think I should be involved with, that I am entitled to somehow, or so that I can be one of the crowd.  Rather, Lord, the things You ask of me are--and again, it’s clearly spelled out for me when I take the time to just read and study Your Word--for my good.  Wow!  After all of the things I have done and still do to hinder my walk with You, You still are requiring me to do these things for my good.  No, You didn’t ask and You didn’t see if I was chill with it.  You instead in Your infinite wisdom and knowledge knew before I even came on the scene that my life indeed was to have a purpose and that purpose would be to glorify You.

I can do that.  I can, Lord, as long as my eyes stay on You and off of me.  Knowing what is required of a body is half of the battle and now that I know what Your will is for me, the remaining part is all about obedience.  This I will endeavor to do because yes, I fear You, but also and most importantly because I love You.  How could I not?!  You have given me so many desires of my heart.  You have blessed me in more ways than I could ever count.  You redeemed me from this fallen world and from my sorry self.  You taught me real love and laid down Your life for me.  For me!  That still dumbfounds me.

Lord?  Thank You for Your amazing grace, Your unending mercies, and for Your gentle reminders to me that I am loved by One Who knows best.  While others may be more deserving, You chose me and for that alone I trust You and will try harder to make that calling one that pleases You.  Keep sending me unexpected reminders when I need them most and when I need them period elsewise I am liable to take my eyes away from You and get caught up in self again.  

I love You, Father.  I accept Your Word and with the help of Christ Jesus I will please You.  It is in His wondrous name I pray:  amen.