Saturday, August 17, 2013

Proverbs 22:1

Wandering Through the Bible shared Stefanie Hutcheson's video.

August 15

What's in a name? Hmn. A lot! Our names define us, label us, and allow us to be specified to when in a crowd. For instance, if we were all Johns and/or Susies and were in a place and someone shouted out "Hey John!" or "Hey Susie!" there would be no way of telling us apart, no way of knowing just which John and/or Susie was being referred to.

Many of us were named after someone so there is an expectancy, a heritage to live up to. Today I had a new "nephew" born and he was given a biblical name so his parents, in their own way, have some preset expectations for him. Others of us were not named after any specific soul, so our destinies have not been preordained to be fulfilled in any certain way.

Proverbs 22:1 states that: A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. It's nice when we can fulfill the suggestions of the Bible in order to become better people. But what about those of us who have names that we feel…well, less than proud of? Ashamed of even. What of us whose names bear negative connotations that we had nothing to do with yet are branded with?

Lately, I have been considering having my name legally changed. Not my married name but my so-called maiden name. My reasons are many but most deal with the fact that the "family name" makes me feel shame. I have avoided using it and hate those forms that I have to fill out that ask for it. In fact, I shun using it as much as possible and even when I catch up with old high school and/or college buddies that knew me by it, I try to get them to just remember me as "Stef with an F" or via friends I hung out with. Lastly, I want rid of this name because it reminds me of my mother disowning me in her last will and testament. The anniversary of her death is in a couple of weeks and she has been on my mind.

Did you ever read Arthur Miller's book "The Crucible"? In it, John Proctor, the protagonist of the story, was accused of witchcraft (when in fact it was adultery that was his sin). Here's a quick recap, via SparkNotes:

"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!"

Proctor utters these lines at the end of the play, in Act IV, when he is wrestling with his conscience over whether to confess to witchcraft and thereby save himself from the gallows. The judges and Hale have almost convinced him to do so, but the last stumbling block is his signature on the confession, which he cannot bring himself to give. In part, this unwillingness reflects his desire not to dishonor his fellow prisoners: he would not be able to live with himself knowing that other innocents died while he quaked at death's door and fled. More important, it illustrates his obsession with his good name. Reputation is tremendously important in Salem, where public and private morality are one and the same. Early in the play, Proctor's desire to preserve his good name keeps him from testifying against Abigail. Now, however, he has come to a true understanding of what a good reputation means and what course of action it necessitates—namely, that he tell the truth, not lie to save himself. "I have given you my soul; leave me my name!" he rages; this defense of his name enables him to muster the courage to die, heroically, with his goodness intact.

So, again I ask, what's in a name? Sigh. So so very much. Our reputations and what we stand for, Who we stand for, are often put on the line when our surnames are spoken. Rather than one of shame, guilt, and all those other negative words, I want mine to stand for truth, faith, and pride in being called a child of God. Do I have to go to legal lengths to get it done? Possibly. Or I could keep it as (another) thorn in my flesh: it can be a reminder that I'm not who I was, I'm not the same as my "family" was, and then perhaps I could use it as a witness of how far Jesus has brought me. But truthfully, the more I think about it, the more I want it gone. Each time I see it in print, it brings back yucky memories. Each time I hear it spoken, I cringe as I remember those to whom it belongs. It doesn't belong to me.

You know that song "There's A New Name Written Down in Glory"? When Christ adopted me into His family, I was given a new name when He wrote it down in The Book of Life. That took place long before I knew the dysfunctions of my heritage and I am so thankful that He did that for me. As I approach my sunset years, I think I am going to go ahead and take the steps to remove that old name from my books as well. I've got plenty of thorns still to poke me so why not get rid of one that can be taken care of with little effort? Besides, it's rare that it is used at all. Removing it from legal documents will alleviate one source of discomfort for me that will in a small way assist me. I won't have to be jabbed out of the blue and have to relive things that are best forgotten.

In conclusion, a good name is to be treasured above all. Watch this clip from a couple of years ago when my grandson Walker feared that the ocean was about to wipe his away. Even small children know the value of great things.

Let's pray.

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for the opportunity to have a good name through Your Son Jesus Christ. As I embark on the legalities of having my maiden name removed from my life, help me to also remove other hindrances that keep me from bringing honor to You. Baby steps. One step at a time. Lord, I want to be like You and I cannot do it if I have so many stumbling stones that keep tripping me up. You know how I like to be bare-footed: help me to have a path that is straight and debris free. In Jesus' Name I ask, amen.

Proverbs 17:22

Proverbs 17:22


I dare you to look at this picture and not smile. I sure can't.


This is my oldest grandson. Walker. How he makes me smile! What joy he brings to my soul! I tell you the truth: if he was not in my life, I would not smile as often as I do—which is a lot. The stories he tells. The mixed-up adages. For instance, the other day, his brother Connor was in his best "Thor" mode. Connor was wanting, and then insisting, that I fill up the peanut lid with more nuts for him to munch on. I had my hands full and told him, "Connor, not everyone is going to jump when you speak." Ever looking for a good time, Walker chimes in, "I will, Connor. Say something." Connor made one of his crazy noises and Walker immediately sprang into action, literally jumping up and down, to show me that indeed, someone would jump each time Connor spoke! Later, we were in the PPR (that's Pretty Purple Room to the layperson) and Walker sneezed. He began rubbing his nose and said, "Granny, my nozzle is itching." I looked at him deciphering what he had said, and a smile started in my eyes. "That's what it is, right? A nozzle?" I laughed and said, "Nostril." He began laughing with me as well and said he was going to call it his nozzle.

This boy, this small five-year-old kid, creates so much merriment in my life. Merry is a peculiar word. The Definition of MERRY, per Merirram-Webster, is

: giving pleasure :

2: full of gaiety or high spirits :

3: marked by festivity or gaiety

quick, brisk <a merry pace>

There is definitely an air of festivity when Walker is around! And when he isn't? The air is noticeably different. Less delightful. Lower spirits. How can one spend a whole day with this kid, be almost be glad when it's time for him to leave because he has taken all of the life out of me, and then the moment the door shuts behind him, feel such an emptiness in her soul?

Isn't this how it is when one has experienced Jesus? He fills us, gives us so much pleasure, makes our hearts so happy, and we are filled to the brim of our souls when around His people. Then, when we leave the church service or the festivity or small group or Bible Study, we are immediately filled with a sense of loss? A sense of "why didn't I stay just a little bit longer?" A feeling of something being left behind that we want back.

It doesn't have to be this way. We can take Jesus with us everywhere we go! He can do us so much better than any medicine. He can make our dry old bones be filled with vigor and renew our joy. Will we let Him? Will we take Him with us wherever we might go?

Sometimes my face hurts from smiling so much and my ribs ache a smidge from the laughter I experience when my two gsons are around. But it's a good hurt, a great medicine for my cynical heart. I think I need a dose now! Let's pray!


Dear God, o how wonderful You are to give us physical reminders of Your love, Your humor, and Your desire for Your children to experience joy unspeakable. Thank You for using children to brighten up this world. Thank You for my two boys, Lord, that do my heart so good. But mostly, God, I thank You for You. You didn't have to do this for me but You want me to know love like You have for me. Through these kids I see it; I see You. Now that is awesome!

In Jesus' Name I thank You! Amen.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stefanie HutchesonWandering Through the Bible

June 20 at 8:31am near Lenoir ·

  • Okay, let's begin this morning's verse. Are you ready?

    To begin with "all" is a pretty big word. All? That means every little--and big!--as well as the ones in between--thing that I do is to be about realizing the significance of it. If I begin my morning by having a cup of milk, I should thank God for providing the milk, as well as the cup. As well as the morning. As well as being able to function enough to get up, to get going, to see to get the cup, to be thankful to have a cup, to appreciate that I have a refrigerator to keep the milk in, to be thankful that I have electricity, to be thankful that I have someone who pays the electric bill, to be thankful I have a someone...Whew! I'm already exhausted!

    I could just be lazy and say the well-worn expression of "Thank You, God, for this day and all the blessings You provide." Much easier, for sure. Doesn't take much time, which means it doesn't make me fully appreciate all that has gone into me having my simple cup of milk most mornings. This, of course, allows me more time to dwell on me, on my world, and the cares of it. The devil would love that, wouldn't he? Eyes off of God and all of the great things He does for me each day, each moment. That would get me off track and I wouldn't be able to complete the rest of the verse, "He will make your paths straight."

    Hmn. I must confess I have some pretty curvy roads ahead of me today. The trouble with the curve is that you cannot see around it, cannot see what lies ahead. What if there is an accident up ahead and you cannot slow down in time to not be a part of it? What if someone is going slower than you are and you nearly drive over them, causing a wreck yourself? Have you ever been going at a nice pace, and perhaps had some things in your passenger seat that you had neatly organized? At times, some crazy soul pulls out in front of you or slams on his/her brakes (probably his). Bam! There go your things, to the floor, in a mess of disarray. What happens next? Usually some harsh word or two comes out of a mouth that may have previously been singing a nice tune or praying or maybe even chatting on the phone with someone. Maybe even a curse is uttered and the person on the other end is offended.

    I am one who definitely needs her paths straight. I like to know what the day holds for me. I like to know that the road ahead of me is clear from obstacles that will slow me down, mess up my stuff, or cause me harm. But being straight doesn't necessarily imply that the road is clear from debris, now does it? There may be difficulties that I haven't even considered that pop up. Or, like on today's agenda, the day may contain a doctor's appointment for one of my most loved ones. Being that I knew in advance it was coming, I was able to pray that the Lord would handle this situation and prepare my heart in case something didn't quite go right. I'd much rather be in this shape than to be told unexpectedly that bad news was coming.

    Also consider in this verse that it says paths not path. Many roads each of us travel on a daily basis. Some are on regular roads that we may take to work, to do chores, to meet a friend. Other paths though may be ones we aren't familiar with. How much nicer is it to see ahead than to wonder what is around the next curve? While we can't know every obstacle that will be on this road, it is nice to see them coming, to have our hearts prepared, and to know that God already is well-aware of the situation and He's got it, He's got me? Pretty nice, I think!

    So, before today gets too far away from us, let's take a moment to stop, to acknowledge God's role in it, and allow Him the opportunity to straighten out some of those rough edges.

    Dear God, as I begin my day, I do first off want to thank You for providing it for me. Thank You for the rest I received last night. Thank You for keeping my family secure. Thank You for keeping catastrophe away from me. Thank You that I have a home, that I have provisions, that I have all the blessings that I do.
    As my day continues, God, I ask that You guide me. I know You are in charge of each thing that I will face today. Prepare my heart, my mind, my emotions so that I may be a good reflection of You. Keep me straight less I stray. If, as the song says, it's all about You then my prayer is indeed to let my life show Your love, Your grace, Your mercy in all that I do. That's a pretty big request, but You are a pretty big God.
    Thanks again for providing me with Your Word. Help me to discern its truths and to obey willingly the things You would have me to do. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Isaiah 40:29

Wandering Through the Bible


No might. Might is defined by as:
1. physical strength: He swung with all his might.
2. superior power or strength; force: the theory that might makes right.
3. power or ability to do or accomplish; capacity

So, this verse might be translated as: He gives power to the weak and those who have no physical strength, no superior power, He increases strength. Strength is defined as:
1. the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor.
2. mental power, force, or vigor.
3. moral power, firmness, or courage.

Vigor? Why is vigor listed twice? Let's see what it means!
1. active strength or force.
2. healthy physical or mental energy or power; vitality.

Ahh, it's becoming more clear. Let's rewrite it again:
Jesus gives power to the weak and those who have no physical strength, He increases their healthy physical mental energy.

Healthy physical mental energy. As one who has been sick for the past two weeks, I am ready to be healthy again! My mental energy has been lacking, which helps (partly) in explaining why my defenses were down and I was not at my peak performance these past days. So, now that I am better, I can allow the vitality of Christ to empower me, to increase in me. I can stop using the excuse of illness and regain my place in this world as a Daughter of the King and start shining again.

Lesson learned? I have to be weak to let the power of Jesus ooze throughout my being. But once my strength has been renewed by Him, I am to be a better person for this active force in my life. Not quite the "new and improved model" but...well, sort of. At least improved.

Dear God, this study this morning has been a jumbled one but I thank You for taking care of me when I am weak. Too often I am weak and/or try to rely on my own strength to get through the day-to-day functions. I appreciate Your reminder that I don't have to do this; that You are my strength. Uh oh: I feel a song coming on. Celine Dion sang it best: ♫

"Because You Loved Me"

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

I'm everything I am
Because you loved me ♪

Lord, I know not everyone who reads my blog will catch my song references but You know. You know. You know how I can relate almost any of them, or at least parts of them, back to You. Thank You for loving me, Jesus. I love You too! Amen!



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James 1:19

Wandering Through the Bible

2 hours ago

Okay, fellas, this one is for you!

Let every MAN be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.

Now, some translations will change the word "man" into everyone but for today, let's keep it in its original text, shall we?

Men, by nature, are fixers. They want to solve the problem in as little time as possible so that they can go on to the important stuff (eating, grunting, scratching, holding that remote). I can start to talk about personal stuff and I see that glazed over look come into my husband's eyes. After nearly 30 years of marriage, I know the signs well. When I want to pour out my heart, I barely get a few words out when Mr. Fix-It starts in with his theories of how to change things. My heart just sighs.

I want him to listen to me. Listen. Not hear my words and impart his wisdom. Not butt in with the great advice on what he would do and how he would do it. Honey, I just want you to be quiet and hear me. Me. My thoughts. My worries. My speculations. My hopes and my fears. Just listen to me, man!

Slow to speak. Very slow so speak, sweetie. Again, this is my turn. It's me, talking to you, trusting you enough with my soul. Won't you please just take a few moments to really hear me?

And lastly, "slow to wrath." My husband is nearly perfect. I don't say this lightly. Ask anyone who knows him and they will tell you what a stand-up guy Steve is. With everyone else--and sometimes with me, though not as often as he used to--he has the patience of Job. He has the tenderness and compassion to make you believe he feels your pain. But, and again I attribute this to our nearly 30 years together, with me he sometimes forgets that he is not perfect and gets a little preachy. "Oh Stef! I would have never done ...blah blah blah." Or, "You did what?!" Maybe even the occasional "Well, if had been me, I would have..." Sigh.

Do you have a man that is this way too? Maybe we should write this verse out and put in his lunch box or affix to his mirror, toolbox, or remote control. Oh, I can see that last one now. Husband finds note pinned to remote and thinks to himself, "Great! I will be off the hook tonight! I'll just turn this volume up a smidge, nod every couple of moments, and maybe pat her on the head as I head to the 'fridge for another refreshment." Or, maybe we could do like I do: get him alone in the car, in the passenger seat, and take him for a little drive (or a long one if there is much on my heart). No escape for him there! Tell him, "Honey, I need you to just listen to me for a little while. Don't try to fix me. Don't tell me what to do or how to do it. Just hear me."

I've done this before and my success rate is quite good. Plus, it's hard for him to escape from a moving vehicle! It's also much easier than trying to have a conversation while I am in one room and he is in the other.

In conclusion, we all should be better listeners. We all should make the effort to hear our brothers and sisters (and wives!) and to be honored that they trust us enough to share their deepest thoughts with us. Lastly, let's keep our condemnations to ourselves. Yes, we would have done things differently but what good is that to brag on? Obviously the one sharing knows his/her mistake and doesn't need kicked while down. Let's just be still and listen and offer a hand up--and maybe a drive to the country. My car is gassed up. Who needs a ride?

Dear God,
Thank You for Your Words that offer so much wisdom. Please let Your men hear them today--and us gals too. Help us to love and be tenderhearted towards one another. Help us to be encouragers and to weep with those who weep, rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn, and to live with those we love in ways that reflect the love You show to us. This is my humble prayer. Amen.


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Psalm 46:10

Wandering Through the Bible

August 10

It's that time of the year again. Commercials abound with "Back to School" themes. Last minute vacations are planned and daycations are also spontaneously taken as we try to savor each second of summer. Child care, sports, meal planning, coordinating schedules...If we aren't careful, we can get so caught up in life that we forget to live.

As the next school year approaches, I encourage us all to remember: we truly do still have the same amount of time in each day. How we choose to spend it is up to us. Let's not get so busy that we forget to take a few moments each day to be still. Let's not pencil God and/or our quiet times in. Make them, make Him a priority, even though we may not have as much free time to linger over the scriptures, the psalms, and the journaling. Commit some time each day to Him, to being still before Christ, and to remember that each day is given to us as a gift. Let's be our best by letting the love, the gentle Spirit of Jesus fill our souls before the day consumes us.

I will if you will!


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I Corinthians 10:12

Wandering Through the Bible

August 12

Who was it that just recently wrote about not putting on the whole armor of God so that she would be better prepared for life's little darts? Oh yeah: it was me!!

Yesterday, it happened again. Sigh. Where oh where are my spiritual vitamins, my energy shots that so fill me with the Spirit that I am able to instantaneously ward off these unexpected little nothings that when, thrown together, create such a chaos in my heart?

I guess you could attribute it to a number of items. I am still recovering from my horrid summer cold that has left my defenses--both physical and mental--in a lessened state. Combine that with not taking a nap and deciding it would be a great idea to go out to eat at a nice restaurant with the family. Add one waiter who was a bit too friendly, a bit too touchy (I just cannot stand for another man other than my husband to touch me!!). Lastly, throw in a woman who made my third year of teaching absolute hell at times and voila! There you have it. A recipe for disaster.

Well, maybe that's a bit extreme. Maybe.

Seeing this woman--again--really set me off. Funny though: for some reason, God keeps putting her in my path. Oh no, not on a regular basis. But frequently. I doubt sincerely she has any clue as to the effect seeing her smarky face does to me. Occasionally on these "meetings" our eyes would meet and I'd see a faint glimmer of "Don't I know you from...?" See, that's how it is in Satan's wars: usually the ones who harm us the most have no clue, no indication of the turmoil they have thrown us into.

Recognizing this and dealing with it are two of my peeves at this time. I have forgiven this woman for the pain she caused me. Right? Didn't I? I mean, seriously, it was ten years ago and surely during that time of angst that I went through as I mourned the loss of teaching, surely somewhere in that time I forgave her. Right?

Sigh. Guess not, Stef. Otherwise the Good Lord wouldn't keep putting her in your sights every so often. For if you had dealt with it, why the tribulation upon seeing her? Why the need to get out of the same air that she breathes? She can't hurt you anymore. Unless you let her. Unless you allow those memories of her power trip with you as her kicking stone to permeate your mind and soul. How much longer are you going to do that, Stef? The only power she has over you is the power you give to her. And, didn't we already agree that she most likely doesn't have an inkling of an idea of what she did to you?

Okay, God: let's do it again. With purpose. I'm so tired of falling lately, especially when I am just minding my own business and trying to stay out of conflict's way. My defenses were down and I again need to remind myself to put on my proper attire each day, each time I step out of my little world, each time I am faced with life. Here goes.

Dear God,
I am sorry for the poor witness I was to my family yesterday when I saw this woman and made haste to leave the restaurant before she could see me. I must remember that she professes to be Your child and regardless of the demons she created in my soul, she has her own to deal with. I don't need to be one of them. I don't need to confront her with the fact that she made my life miserable all those years ago. What good would come from that? What good would come from me finally facing her instead of running each time I see her? You and I both know how my mouth gets me into so much trouble!
Help me, God, to forgive her. You put her in my path once again last night and I do not understand why but maybe it's to remind me that I get too haughty in my belief that I am able to stand without You. I didn't realize I was in my own strength rather than relying on Yours to get me through each step of my journey.
I release my hurts she caused me into Your hands, Father. I examine myself as well to see, to think of those harms I caused to Your children unknowingly. Help me to be a peacemaker, a peace sower. Help me to rely solely on You, minute by minute, as I meander my way through each day. Thank You for Your forgiveness, Your tolerance, and Your patience with me. Remind me as often as needed, Lord, that I can't even walk without You holding my hand--and tongue!
In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.


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The Whole Armor

Wandering Through the Bible

August 7

Last night as I once again lost the fight to get a good night's sleep, I was listening to Pandora, playing Bingo, and doing anything but think. Or at least I tried to. Lately, there have been a lot of nights like this. Since coming back from vacation last week, though, my defenses are especially down because I have been battling--quite unsuccessfully--a severe cold.

So, as I was in my ABT Mode (that's Anything But Think, to the layperson), and a Journey song came on the playlist. It made me think of the latest series at NEXT at MGC and how earlier in the day Pastor Jeff had asked, via Facebook, for folks to list some of their favorite 80s groups. Ahh, the 80s. Big hair, the transition from high school to college to marriage to motherhood to...

The memories were sneaking in. "Open Arms" was playing softly, gently, reminding me of a time when I was with this guy...

"Stop right there! Stop those thoughts immediately," I said to myself. Why in the world do these things try to permeate my soul in the dark hours of the night?

Fairly quickly the answer came to me. I wasn't dressed. I didn't have my armor on. My defenses were down. Blame it on the fever ravaging my body, the thoughts earlier planted in my head, or just plain meanness of the devil. Whatever. As I lay in a relaxed state in my recliner, with the music playing and the computer wide open, there was no shield of protection on my body to have these fiery darts ping off of. My feet were not preparing themselves to further the gospel; they were propped up and tucked under my blankie. No helmet was on my head, for had it been, I daresay I wouldn't have been listening to Journey at a time when it was so easy for my fortress to be invaded.

Ahh, but the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit? Somehow they were intact. Miracle of all miracles, some of my armor was on and I was able to use these tools to combat the wiles of the devil. Oh how good I felt! See, all day he had been planting those little seeds, strewing stumbling stones about in preparation for my defeat of the midnight hours. However, once again the Word of God is reiterated: when I am weak, He is strong. Hallelujah!

If you are like me, one of the first things you do when you get home is start undressing. First the shoes go off, then the jacket or whatever I feel is confining me. Then I tend to pile up in my recliner, reach for me sweet green tea, and plop the computer in my lap to catch up on the day's events. From this lesson last night, I have learned to not be so quick to discard my "wardrobe" and to be on guard, vigilant in what goes in and out of my head, and to constantly, constantly be on the lookout for those things that may trip me up. Lastly, I have once again rejoiced that my God is bigger than the devil and his tricks, that my God is for me, and that even when I cannot take as good of care of myself as needed, my Great Physician has the prescription of His Holy Word for me to apply to my hurts and balm my soul.

Dear Sweet God,
Thank You again for attending to me. You prove Yourself mighty when I falter in my diligence to remain constant. In the darkest hours of the night, You still shine, still remind me that I am not chained to my past any longer, that I don't have to revert back to old ways and old thoughts--that I don't have to relive old times and wonder about the "one that got away" or the times that were spent, in all honesty, living a life that was not well-pleasing to You. Yes, the 80s were a fun decade. But, they also remind me that I was not always being the child of God, the daughter of the King, that made You proud. Thank You for all the things You are bringing in my life to change me, to make me more like Jesus, and to stand firmly. Sometimes it's all I can do to stand, God, but You promised You'd stand with me, in front of me, and fight my battles for me. Thank You for this, Father. I don't want to wrestle with the images that often come to me, whether through song, pictures, or even just a simple remark. Let me thoughts be on You is my prayer and I pray it in Jesus' Name. Amen!


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Genesis 1:16

Wandering Through the Bible

July 24

God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. Genesis 1:16

Good morning! Today I want to review with me (and you!) my grandson Walker. God has used this little boy so much in my life to reveal Himself and His truths to me. Though he is a mere five years of age, the lessons God teaches me through Walker are timeless.

Before his little brother Connor came along, Walker was the only one. He didn't know about competition or sharing. He only knew he was the center of the universe, my universe. I often sang to him "You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine." Those were good times.

Fast forward to last year. Connor was two and Walker was four. The lessons on sharing were many, especially when you consider that Connor was--well, he was all about Connor and what was "mine!" Thankfully though, our Good Lord placed a sweetness in Walker's heart and nature that keeps the fighting down (sometimes anyway) and his generous nature often bursts forth. One day though this really became evident to me.

Walker was doing something and I said to him, "Does the world revolve around you?" He loves science and has been studying space for a while now. His response was, "No, Granny, you are the world. Connor is the sun and I am the moon. You revolve around the sun and I revolve around you." (Did I mention the kid was only four?!)

So, since that day, Connor has been my "sunshine" and Walker is my "moonshine." They even made me cute little wooden images of the sun and moon for Mother's Day to represent this. My point though is this: He must increase and I must decrease. Even though Walker didn't realize the enormity of his actions, he was placing himself in the lesser role of the moon so that his brother could shine, so that his brother could be the center of the universe, so that Connor could light the world with his brilliance while Walker stayed in the background, offering his own special version of light in those dark hours. No, he wasn't making Connor into Christ. Again, consider his age, consider his abilities. Mostly he had no clue the depth of this role-reversal from being "all about me" to "all about him." One day, I hope to share this lesson with him and commend him on being selfless at a time when his little soul was still adjusting to not being the center of the world.

Hmn. Paul taught of us decreasing so that the fame of Christ could be spread, could increase. He taught of putting ourselves last, of being content where we are, of remembering that it's not all about us but instead is all about Jesus. My sweet little grandson already "knows" this concept, of putting others first and ahead of himself at critical times that may just appear to some to be ordinary days. He's had some good teachings from his parents, his teachers at First Baptist Preschool of Lenoir, his PawPaw, and sometimes even his ol' Granny.

Today, my sweet little grandson goes to have his eyes checked and hopefully the Good Lord, the Great Physician will send him to this new doctor who can help his physical eyesight to increase. Please pray that this will happen. Also, please pray that regardless of his fleshly eyes, that the little windows to his sweet soul will remain fixed on the One Who shines so brightly in this kid. Let's pray!

Oh dear sweet Lord! My heart is overflowing with the love I feel towards my grandson yet it is also heavy with the thoughts that his vision has seen better days. You can fix him, God, I have no doubts of that. My thoughts though are that You may not, that You may use this "thorn in the flesh" to better keep him humble, to keep him from perhaps seeing the things in the world that will hurt him and lead him away from You. Whichever way You deem, God, my prayer is that Walker will never lose his focus on You, that as he grows and matures he becomes even more like You, and that I will continue to bask in this little moonshine of mine that You have so blessed me with.
In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.


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Psalm 136:1

Wandering Through the Bible

July 22

It's Monday. Let me restate that: It's Monday!! Woo hoo: the start of another week, another chance, another opportunity to make a positive difference in this world. Let's begin it by saying--or singing this verse because it keeps going through my head.

Today, let's do something differently. Would you please list one thing (more if you like) that you are thankful for this day? I'll start!

I am thankful for my quiet mornings that allow me the opportunity to worship, ponder, and wander about all of the things--good and bad-- that go on in this ol' head and heart.

Now it's your turn!



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Proverbs 20:3

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Wandering Through the Bible

July 20


Guess who messed up--again? Yep, it was me. Oh where is my darling grandson Connor to say "It's my fault!" and get me out of this jamb?

It all started over something stupid. Doesn't it usually happen this way? It's the little things in life that make the biggest messes. Sigh. What a wasted evening that should have been spent laughing and loving. Instead, it ended before it began and heartbreak and ache was left in its wake.

In less than 30 minutes, I undid all the good that I have been trying to do with my life. Knowing I should just keep my mouth quiet, instead I gave in to the flesh and got into an argument with someone I love more than I can explain. She was itching for a fight and though I warned her I wasn't going to participate, I did. I was foolish and my testimony was shot. All of the great advice, all of the great wisdom, all of the letting the Spirit lead me flew out of the window as we raged against one another. That still, small voice became even smaller, even quieter as the two of us voiced our hurts and needs to one another, accusing each other of things that just aren't so, and acting like stupid little kids instead of the grown women that we are.

Sigh. Why? Why didn't I just stay quiet? Or walk away? Why didn't I just keep my big mouth shut? Why did I keep trying to explain how I am not the same person, how I have changed, how I have grown? I guess I was frustrated that she couldn't--wouldn't-- see it. This then begs the question: can she see what isn't there? Ouch. Self-examination time again.

How can the written Stef be so much different than the virtual one? Why are my actions in my head and heart not matching up to those of my mouth and attitude? Oh wretched woman that I am: Who shall deliver me from the body of this death! The spirit is willing; the flesh is weak. Out of the same mouth pours blessing and cursings. Oh sure, now the words of God come to me. Where were they last night when I needed them?

They were there. They were there, Stef. You couldn't hear them though because you weren't listening for them. You thought you could handle this. Guess you showed you, huh? Yeah. I am the woman. The wretched woman. Heavy sigh.

In the end, we "worked" things out and came to a mutual understanding. We agreed to implement the Golden Rule to each other. We said we loved each other and wanted to stay a part of one another's lives. But how many more kinks can our individual battle gear stand? How many darts to the heart can we take, can we throw before one of them hits it final mark? Does it have to get that extreme again? Certainly not! But I guarantee you the devil will do all that he can to see that it does.

I need to pray.

Oh God. Oh my dear God. What a mess I was last night and what a mess I made of things. I embarrassed You and let You down when I didn't just walk away from a situation that I knew would not end well. How do You keep putting up with me?! Sometimes I think I get a little mad at You for not forcibly shutting my mouth and keeping me from using it to spread things that are hurtful.

I am so sorry. I am sorry I shamed You. I am sorry that I didn't apply Your teachings and put into practice the things I have been preaching. I'm sorry for not being the bigger person and for being a better example.

As today goes on and You give me yet another opportunity to do better, I pray that I will. But I need You! I cannot do it alone and I cannot undo what harm was caused in the past. Please please fill my heart with new love, new mercies, new compassions as I strive to be a daughter of the King, a daughter who represents You so much better than I did last night.

Thank You for another chance to get it right. Please help me get it right, I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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Psalm 147:3

Wandering Through the Bible

July 19

Yesterday and today have been days that have had their share of sadnesses. Not so much for me but for those who have been put in my path. Therefore, because of love, I do share in these sorrows. Let me wander through this and see if it makes any sense.

While eating lunch yesterday, a girl that I was barely acquainted with shared some of her woes to my friend and me. And what woes they were! My heart broke as she fought back her tears and told us a little of her story. The more she spoke, the more tender my heart became as I realized she was only 17 and had already been through so much--and now this. Oh my soul!

Later I read of the death of another acquaintance's dog. The loss hit him hard. While not being an animal lover myself, I still empathize with those who make animals a part of their families.

This morning, I was met with the sad sad news that a man I have loved and respected for over 3 decades had passed. His death leaves a great void, for there are few men out there who are as kind, as loving, as gentle as Wyman was.

Grief. Charlie Brown used to say "Good grief" often. So I ponder, is there good in grief? Is there joy in sadness? What about those who keep getting hit, time after time, with battles that most of us will never face? Where is that so-called silver lining in all of this?


I have a couple of friends who are facing life challenges right now. One needs a new home; another had to renege on a job offer because the demands were more than she cared to bear. I admire her for that, by the way. Knowing what you are and are not capable of saves a lot of grief in making decisions that affect you and your loved ones.

The brokenhearted are those whom Christ came to save, to heal. He puts His bandage of love over our wounds, which means He has to touch us. The power of touch is one of those things that it's hard to describe but that once you've experienced it, you cannot wait to have that solace again. The feel of Christ's strong arms around me is one that I want to experience over and over.

I think I will go cry there now. My heart is heavy for those folks I have mentioned. Their grief is my grief and I am so very sad for them and the losses they are facing right now. I know there is healing and that joy will come. But right now, right now they could probably more than anything else just use a hug. Words aren't necessary; the touch says it all. It says, "I'm here. I care. I'm a safe place for you to come to and just cry, just weep, just rest." Oh how I wish I would have given a hug to the young woman yesterday! Would it have made a difference to her? Yeah, I think it would have. Even though we barely know one another's name, that touch, that rush of feeling that says love is available is worth more than the pat answers and usual responses folks give when one hurts.

Let's pray:

Dear God, You are so warm, loving, inviting. Your arms are open for me to run into whenever I need. Lord, I need to run to You now. I need to cry and tell You how my heart aches for these people you privileged me to be a part of their lives. I failed yesterday when I didn't give the hug. I failed when I didn't reach out and at least offer my hand. At the time, I was afraid it would scare her off, or make her break down and it just wasn't the place for that. Please give me another opportunity to love her. And until then, will You love her through it? She said she knows You, that her faith has gotten her this far. Take her further today, Lord, than ever before! Heal her hurts. Use her scars as reminders of the pains you have removed. Love her through folks who know You and show Your mercies I pray.

And for my friends who lost their loved ones, oh God, I ask You to comfort them. Yes, Wyman is in a better place and his hurts are no longer. The void he leaves behind though? Oh, what a large space that is! May You fill it, God, and not let it consume them with its vastness. I don't think they will fall into it but sometimes, God, sometimes we just hurt so much when that loved one is gone. Our loved ones cannot be replaced but they can be enhanced by new experiences, new folks and animals to take a place (not the place) that is hollow. I ask that You do that for my friends.

Thank You for listening to my wayward thoughts this morning, God. I'm ready now for my rest in You. Please send hugs to those who are hurting, I pray, in Jesus' Name.



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Proverbs 28:23

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Wandering Through the Bible

July 18




We all know the type. They are the ones we want to have around us, the ones who make us feel better about ourselves, the ones who tell us what we (think) want to hear. Oh yes, they are everywhere and are considered to be the most popular in our society. They are the ones we want to be seen with, and they are the ones we want to be known as.


Except when our world caves in around us. We know something isn't quite right. Probably, we even know what that something is but until it is confirmed by another, we don't want to acknowledge it to ourselves. That way, we can blame them if it doesn't work out right. Right?

The ones who call us on our sins, the ones who dare to speak the truth, who love us enough to speak the truth--these are the ones that the Bible says will find favor. These are the ones who we really count on, the ones who we go to in the dark of the night (for who wants to go in the light where s/he might be seen?!), the ones we call or text or email with our woes. These are the ones who tell us what we don't want to hear but what we know we need to hear so that we can get it all back together.

Are you a rebuker or a flatterer? Personally, I am both. I do start off usually telling, agreeing with, and encouraging my friend as to what she wants to hear. And then, depending on her response, I may go the next step and gently call her on actions that may not be seen on her part, actions that need to change in some way so that she will be an even better person than she already is. I have been called brutally honest by some and I don't like that term. Brutal implies hostility or something painful and yes, the truth does hurt sometimes but I'd rather season it with love. I hope in these years as I've aged that there is more salt and sugar rather than hot pepper and vinegar.

Back in the days of my (first) college experience, I had a roommate that I just loved so much and admired. However, because we were young and trying to get it all figgered out, we messed up. A lot. So, we'd have these "Let's be honest" talks and tell each other the negative things we were doing that perhaps we were unaware of. Ouch! We had some brutal sessions, no doubt. We pricked each others tender hearts more than once but...We loved each other enough to be honest, to care enough to tell things that would help us and see that what we were doing was only hurting ourselves. Whether it was about the clothes we wore, the words we were saying, or the things we were doing, Virg and I let it all out. Surprisingly, we are still friends to this day!

Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor rather than one who has a flattering tongue. Yeah, most of us still flock to those flatterers. We want to be around the ones who make us feel pretty, make us feel special. But the wise friend knows who her wise friend is and visits and/or chats with her regularly. It's good to check up, don't you think? I do! Maybe I'll go give Virginia a call and see what she thinks about me, the real me, and get some advice on how to improve. Let's pray!

Dear God, I thank You for the past and current Virginias I have in my life. Thank You for using Your children to help correct one another in love rather than hatred or spite. As I go about my day, I ask that You continue to grow me in wisdom so that, should the cause arrive, that I may speak truths to my friends--seasoned with much love and grace!--and not just let them flounder about in things that I know are harming them.
In Jesus' Name I ask this: amen.

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John 10:10

Wandering Through the Bible

July 17


It all started out innocently enough. My family and I were enjoying an afternoon at Tweetsie. Steve and the boys were riding the Ferris Wheel while Ash and I watched from down below. It had been a good day. Sure, it was a little hot and we were getting tired but for the most part it had been a day of fun.

I was telling Ashley how riding the chair lifts was the best part for me. I have always wanted to fly and as I coasted down the Tweetsie Mountain and enjoyed the scenery below me, the blue, nearly cloudless sky above me, I couldn't help but worship God for His wonderful creation and for letting me see a bird's eye view of it.

Out of nowhere came a memory from last year. It was from when my sister had called me while the boys, Steve, and I were up at Tweetsie to tell me my mother's time was nearly over and that, even though "calling me was one of the hardest things she had ever done," she thought I should know that it had been rumored that my mother had been asking for me... or had regrets about our relationship.. or something. My sister wasn't quite clear about it because...well, we won't get into that. We also won't get into the subsequent call to my mother to verify these rumors and how she denied them. For you see, if we did that, then--like yesterday--my joy would be killed. My peace stolen. My forgiveness destroyed.

That's what Satan does. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

For a moment yesterday, I nearly gave in to the unexpected attack. I nearly gave into the bitterness that once again reared its ugly head and tried to take me to places in my soul that I have already dealt with. I nearly--no, I did--fuss for a moment about how wicked they (this includes my brother, sister, and a few other choice people) were and how each one had his or her price and now we know what it was. Oh yes, for a moment, I was just the sparkling example to my daughter of how wonderful dear ol' Mom is and what a forgiving, leave-it-in-the-past soul I am. But before the devil tries to make me self-hate again, let's focus on the term "for a moment." Because, you see, through nothing but the grace of God, this moment was a temporary thing. I remembered what Christ has taught me: He came that I may have life and have it to the full. That's "full" not "fool." I am not going to be a fool for the wicked one again. Through God's grace and the necessary washing and rewashing of His Spirit over my soul, then I can remember the words, the truths He has taught me. I can remember that through Him, I have a new family, a new Father and Mother, new siblings, new folks that love me and cannot be bought out by this world.

Let's pray.

Dear Awesome Wonderful Father God,
You are so good to me! You took what the devil tried to use against me yesterday and changed it, changed me for good. Yes, I messed up when I fussed for a moment but that's the human side of me, the side You came to fix, to heal, to have an abundant life. Through Jesus, God, I can live a life that is unencumbered by things in my past that hurt me. They only hurt when I let them.
Help me to continue to take those thoughts captive that try to enslave me into a mire of bitterness and hate. Remove from my heart the wounds that still throb and are used against me by the devil. I don't want him to have any victories in me, Lord. I know sometimes I am an easy target so please help me, strengthen me, and continue teaching me that in You, I don't have to live that way any longer.
Thank You for Your grace and love. Thank You for Jesus. In His Name I pray, Amen!

Luke 10:40

Wandering Through the Bible

July 16

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" (Luke 10:40)

Sunday after the NEXT at MGC service, Steve and I came home and turned on the tv. The pastor at Elevation Church, Steven Furtick, was preaching on Mary and Martha and it was quite entertaining--as well as enlightening. He was telling of Mary's virtues, of course, but jokingly--sort of--spoke of Martha and her woes. I won't recite the sermon (it's available on line) but what struck me the most was when he said a couple of things, such as commending Martha for first voicing her problem; next by voicing it to the only One Who could help her with it. He talked of how we often go to others and/or try to get them to jump on our bandwagon for support when what we really need is good, strong, spiritual advice.

How many times have I fussed, moped, and grined (FYI grine is a word I made up. It consists of gripe+whine=grine) when I felt overwhelmed, underappreciated, or just plain out that someone else was getting off easy while I did all the hard stuff? Too many times, that's how many! Instead of taking the easy, peaceful way I too too often stress about what needs to be done, is there enough food, will so and so get along with this one, did I put extra toilet paper in the bathrooms, is there enough ice...Tell you what: this kind of thinking, of worrying wears an old gal like me out--even before the preparations have begun!

I do have a lot on my mind most of the time. I do make lists, like pictured above, of all the things I need to do in a day. I came up with a great new way of solving this one morning in Bible Study with my friend Lisa. I made a column with an "I will..." list on the left hand side. On the right it said "And I will receive..." This was to help me to show the benefit of doing whatever chores were on it. For instance, I will wash the clothes...and I will be glad when I go to my closet and have plenty to choose from. I will read my Bible...and I will receive peace to start my day. Get the point?

But sometimes, even in my efforts to simplify by making these lists and telling myself that I need to relax, I forget to talk to God about it first. I forget to tell Him what I'm thinking--even though my thoughts are about Him and His work and pleasing Him, I forget to be a Mary and sit at His feet. This is needful and when I do it, it is indeed a much better beginning than when I get out my pencil and paper and write about what I need to do throughout the day.

Dear Lord God,
Sigh. I am such a slacker. My mind is constantly racing with all of the troubles of the day and my heart suffers for it. Please help me as I begin this day to think on You, to talk to You, to be still with You. You aren't interested in my works and plans to better Your kingdom if You haven't directed me to do such. Help me to be quiet, to learn more of You, to talk to You before talking to others. I am sorry for being a Martha. Help me to be more like Mary? In Jesus' Name I ask, amen!


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That’s Why I Play The Binga!

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Wandering Through the Bible

July 14


That's Why I Play The Bingo

Good morning! I hope your day is off to a good—and healthy—start. My back is a little out of whack and I must admit I have had better days but…I started to write "enough about me" but it's not. After all, this is my blog!

This morning as I checked my emails, I got another one of those notifications from Facebook, saying I requested to change my password. Sigh. I get so many of these! Who knew I was so wonderful that folks wanted to get into my personal account and impersonate me?

Anyway, I went to Facebook to notify them that I did not request this change and saw that I had a personal message. It was from a man, overseas, that is in an online game that I play. A week or so ago, as my hubby was more enthralled with some man-flick movie, I was entertaining myself (as I often do) with Bingo. I got in one of my zones and pondered in my head the reasons I play the Bingo (no, I can't just say "Bingo" 'cause my grandson Connor used to ask me if he could sit with me and play "The Bingo"). Here are a few I came up with:

I don't have anything else to do…so I play the Bingo.
My husband ignores me…so I play the Bingo.
My friends are busy…so I play the Bingo.
I don't want to eat junk food…so I play the Bingo.
I don't want to do housework…so I play the Bingo.
There's nothing on tv…so I play the Bingo.
I don't want to think about things…so I play the Bingo.

You get the point. I use bingo as an escape, as well as plain out enjoying the game. I have so many Bingo friends! They send me "gifts" each day. They sometimes talk with me in the chat room that is on the playing page. Some send me notes and we start up chats. I hear from my Bingo friends on a daily basis—much more than I do from most of my "real" friends and family members. That's why I play the Bingo!

So, back to my message on Facebook. One of my friends had just noticed the contract event I sent out, requesting that my friends sign my little plea for assurance of their salvation. He just noticed it and wondered about the motivation behind it. Wow! I was floored! I mean, seriously, that would have been one of my first thoughts, had someone sent me an invitation like this. Are you sick? Are you dying? What's wrong with you?! None of my friends, no one who knows me well asked me this question. And yet, here is this "stranger," this man I will most likely never see (did I mention he lives across the ocean?) not only checking on me, but also having a conversation about Jesus with me. How absolutely wonderful!!

To wrap it all up, this is why I play the Bingo: to connect. To make acquaintances with those whom I may never see in this life but whom I will see in Heaven. It's also why I write this blog: to connect with those who aren't across the sea (although it'd be cool if I did!), to connect with those I'd like to get to know better, to connect with other folks who—like me—are just wandering about in their faith, seeking answers, asking questions, and longing to be closer to Jesus. Thanks William! You made my day!

Dear God, I thank You so much again for social media. It allows me to connect with so many folks. The power of the pen (now replaced with the keystroke) is mighty and I appreciate that You let me use my computer to affect others. May that effect be widespread and Your Name lifted up as each of us that use computers, tablets, Iphones and Ipads…all of it: may we honor You and have conversations about You in ALL that we do. In Jesus's Name I pray. Amen!

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Proverbs 3:6

Wandering Through the Bible

July 15


Good morning! Ready to delve into another verse? Great! Let's go!

Dear God, as I start to try to understand this verse and what You'd have me glean from it, I ask You for wisdom and good sense. I saw that word "submit" and immediately thought of all the times I joked that that word was not in my Bible. It is and I am ready to do so as I ponder this verse. I look to You to help me make sense of it. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

"Submit to Him." Submit. defines this as:

1. To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another.
2. To subject to a condition or process.
3. To commit (something) to the consideration or judgment of another. See Synonyms at propose.
4. To offer as a proposition or contention: I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable.
1. To give in to the authority, power, or desires of another.
2. To allow oneself to be subjected to something.

Hmn. That's not really so bad, is it? To surrender. Doesn't surrender mean to stop fighting? Wave the white flag and say "I give up!" Probably if I am to this point, then what I was fighting for--or about--probably wasn't worth the effort and energy that I used to put into the battle. That sounds reasonable to me.

My paths could certainly use some direction. I am in this transitional phase of life where I am about to turn 50 in 3 months or so. That is a lot of life lived but there is still so much more that I want to do, to accomplish. But how do I begin? Where do I begin? This way or that one: which road should I choose?

For the past 5 years, I have been devoted to my youngest grandson. He will start kindergarten next month and I already dread the thoughts that some other soul will have his attention, his love (I certainly hope and pray the Lord sends him a teacher that will have the qualities that make her lovable to him!) for so much of the day. I won't have access to him like I have had up to this point. In fact, my days are numbered since school, traveling, and a new, earlier bedtime will be in his future.

And what about my sweet Connor? He is at that fun age between 2 and 3 years of age. Depending on Mama's job, I may have a lot of opportunity to see him or it may too be cut off, shortened due to his brother's new life and all of the time that that will take out of his routine schedule.

My daughter may or may not depend on me more as the school year begins. She is the first to tell me that I don't have to base my life around her and her family. But how can I not? They are my world! Right? Right?

No, Stef: they are not. They are their own unit and while having you around is often profitable and fun, they can make it without you. And, you can make it without being so involved in their lives too.

I can?

I can. Sigh.

So, as I ponder my soon-to-be once-again changing status in life, I pray that I will be submissive to God's plans for me. I am excited to see what they involve and where He leads me in this new stage of my life. Changes are already going on and continue to do so. Stay tuned, blog readers of mine: the best is yet to come! Let's pray.

Dear God, I am excited to see what You have in store for me. Whether it's a job, a continuance of partial baby-sitting of my precious Connor, a mix of the two, or something completely different my hope is to be in Your will, in Your spirit, in Your grace. Help me to be in tune with all You are teaching me and help me to surrender my will for what Yours is. Amen.

I Corinthians 13:13

Wandering Through the Bible

July 13


Love is an action word. It is also a noun.

1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3.sexual passion or desire.
4.a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
5.(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?

There are many things in this life I love. My husband, my daughter and her family, the Lisas is my life, as well as the Virginias and the Carols. I could throw a few other names out there but then you all would get the big head.

I love being able to express myself. I love cooking--and eating! I love the pictures my grandsons make me and the way they make me laugh. I love technology (especially when it works!). I love going to movies, doing Bible Studies, going on rides with the radio up, the window down, and the wind blowing through my hair. I love Walmart!

I love watching football, especially when the Cowboys play. I love scrapbooking and getting together with others to do it. I love reading a good book. I love going to the beach, as well as going to Tennessee. I just love so many things and peoples and places!

I love God. I don't say it enough and am ashamed that He wasn't at the top of my list. I love how He sent His Son for me and hearing about how if I had been the only one on this earth, He still would have sacrificed Him for me. I don't love my sins that made Him do so.

Today as I enjoy my weekend and celebrate my father-in-law's 73 birthday, I want it to be a special time. I want to show love like never before. I want to be kind, sweet, tender-hearted, encouraging, and fun. I want the love of Jesus to shine through me tomorrow at the Next church service. I wouldn't even mind loving me some great JD's Smokehouse brisket! I hope your weekend will be a good one too and remember: the greatest is love. Don't be afraid to love someone today.


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Phillipians 4:8

Wandering Through the Bible

July 11


Whatever. Whatever?

Definition of WHATEVER
1a : anything or everything that <take whatever you want>
b : no matter what <whatever he says, they won't believe him>
c : whatnot <enjoys skiing, hiking, or whatever>
2: what 1a(1) —used to express astonishment or perplexity <whatever do you mean by that>

I've done this verse before. Quite a few times. I even have some great stationery, a notebook or two and a file folder with WHATEVER emblazoned on it. And, I also have this really cute wall decoration with it on it that I gaze at when I am in my Pretty Purple Room.

I've taken this verse apart, word by word, and have still yet to make a dent in it. I've got a few of those thoughts written down and on the cork board above my treadmill for me to ponder while I walk.

Whatever I do, wherever I go, I am to think on these things from Philippians 4:8: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

I don't know about you, but that pretty much sums up all the good things in my life that I should be dwelling on instead of letting the negativity of the world permeate my thoughts. And there is so much good out there to think about! My grandsons. My health. My family. My home. Flowers. The great messages I am hearing at Next. The Bible Study I have the privilege of dropping in on on Thursday mornings and the prospects of the one I may get to be a part of at Curves.

My husband. My home. My friends that encourage me and love me and put up with me. My country. Music! The unexpected kindnesses I see go on all around me. My tomatoes that are growing so well in spite of all of the rain we've had and the joy at seeing my cucumbers starting to flourish.

My God. Surely He is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and definitely Someone to admire. If I capture my thoughts and take them captive, direct them to thinking about Jesus, and keep them focused there, then I can truly fulfill this verse, 24/7/365. It's easier when I surround myself with things that illustrate Him, with music that praises Him, with friends that love Him like I do. And could anything be more noble than loving Jesus with a pure heart? I don't think so either!

Dear God,
Thank You so much for the whatevers in my life. I am still contemplating how many things I have to be thankful for and one day, I will get to those scrapbook pages and make a dent in what I consider to be worthy of going on those pages.
You are indeed kind, noble, good, righteous, admirable, and oh so praiseworthy! May I think on You as I go about my day and at the end of it, still have so many thoughts going through my mind of how magnificent You are! In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.


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Exodus 14:14

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Stefanie HutchesonWandering Through the Bible

July 9


Good morning! Are you ready to explore another verse with me this morning? Great! Take a moment and read these translations of EXODUS 14:14

New International Version (©2011)
The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."
New Living Translation (©2007)
The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."
English Standard Version (©2001)
The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent."
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)
The LORD will fight for you; you must be quiet."
International Standard Version (©2012)
The LORD will fight for you while you keep still."
NET Bible (©2006)
The LORD will fight for you, and you can be still."
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
The LORD is fighting for you! So be still!"
King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
The LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
American King James Version
The LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
American Standard Version
Jehovah will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
Douay-Rheims Bible
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
Darby Bible Translation
Jehovah will fight for you, and ye shall be still.
English Revised Version
The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
Webster's Bible Translation
The LORD will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
World English Bible
Yahweh will fight for you, and you shall be still."
Young's Literal Translation
Jehovah doth fight for you, and ye keep silent.'

That was quite a lot of different ways of saying the same thing. Or was it? Did you ever play that game "Gossip"? The premise is that somebody whispers a phrase or sentence into someone else's ear. Then that person repeats it to the next person's ear and so on and so on until the last person then recites what s/he heard. In most cases, it is not what the original verbiage was. Close? Mmn, maybe. Maybe not. Lots of things get misinterpreted in the translation.

So back to this verse. The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still. Hmn. How would you phrase it? Be still or be calm? Hold your peace? Keep silent? Looks like all of those Bible scholars differed a smidge in their latter part of the verse but the first part they seemed to be most agreeable in: it is the Lord Who does the fighting. Our part, however it is deemed, is basically to do nothing.

Do nothing? Let the Lord handle it? I surely have to add to it or voice my opinion or stand up and fight or…On and on it goes and it wearies me just thinking of all the ways I think I need to try to help my God fix things. Funny: I don't recall Him asking me where to hang the stars and galaxies. And the animals? He surely didn't ask my opinion or not on whether to make spiders, snakes, and mosquitoes. Don't even get me started on how I feel about the way He made man for surely I could have assisted Him better with that! Right?

Un, no, Stef. Wrong. Just as God needed no help from me in creating the world, He needs no help from me in the fights, the battles, the disputes with friends, coworkers, family, and such that I face. Truthfully, when I try to make things right within myself, don't I usually mess things up? I just have to have my say. It must be done my way or it just won't suffice. Oh yes, I am just so perfect that if things don't match my standards then they just need to be left alone. Kind of like me. I am alone. All of my master plans, my dictatorship way of thinking, my do-as-I-say attitude left me alone. I may have won a few battles but the war? The war is still being fought and I am on the sidelines, finally still, finally seeing what a mess I made, and wishing, oh how I wish that I had just left it all alone, left it in Your hands, God. Let You fight the misery of broken relationships instead of trying to force them into what I thought was best. I'm alone, on the sidelines, watching those family members, those former friends, those whom I used to work with go on with their lives, leaving me behind as collateral damage because I was too intent on having it my way. The hindsight is indeed 20/20.

So what now? The war still rages in my mind, in my heart. Obviously my battle plans didn't succeed. New thoughts and resolutions come to my mind on how to resolve these broken relationships but…Can they really be put back in place? Can they ever be the same? Are they beyond repair?

You be still, Stef. Just be calm. You only have to be silent, to hold your peace. You must be quiet. You must be still.

Sigh. Okay, Lord. Let's try it Your way. I'm being still. I'm listening. I'm waiting. My tongue is silent. Fight my battles, Father. Fight for me.

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Proverbs 10:9

Wandering Through the Bible

July 8


People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall. Proverbs 10:9

I had the great pleasure of reuniting with an old friend last night. We had a blast as we talked about things from kids, husbands, career choices, common friends we had but maybe had not kept up with, and mostly—the best part—was talking about our Lord. I had always been in…I hate to use the word "awe" when talking about my fellow woman. "Reverence" makes her sound too holy and trust me, she isn't—and I mean this in a good way! Lisa is the type of person who, once you're around her, you know she's saved; you know there's a difference about her. But it doesn't come from her speech. Well, that's not quite right: she carefully chooses her words to not be condescending, to not be critical, to not be judgmental. She doesn't loudly proclaim nor need a t-shirt that advertises she is a "Christian." Rather, her speech shows it in the words she doesn't say. Does that make sense? If one has to constantly tell another s/he is a follower of God but doesn't have the actions to back it up, it kind of makes me wonder who s/he is trying to convince.

Anyway, back to my description of my friend. Lisa is kind, smart, fun and funny, and has approached life with a zest that I have always admired. Unlike me who makes all these plans and rarely follows through on them, Lisa acts, and puts her adventures into realities. She's faced many challenges and usually wound up the victor in them. Even back in the day when we were really just girls, Lisa was one of the ones I wanted to be like when I grew up. She had it all together and nothing was going to step in her way of achieving her dreams.

Fast forward (gulp) thirty years. Guess what? She made them happen. She became a teacher and excelled at it. She's even already talking of retiring! Aren't we too young for this—especially since I haven't quite even got started on becoming the woman I used to dream of being? She's a wife—to the same man for nearly that space of time also, as well as being the mother of three kids who seem to get a lot of their great character traits from dear ol' mom. She's active in her church and her community and she's…well, she's Lisa. A woman you can trust with your secrets. A woman who gives great advice but not in an "I'm so much more learned-than-you-are" way. A lady who knows how to act in public but still can cut up and have a good time without having to resort to ugly jokes or put-downs on other people. I daresay if you walked up to Lisa on the street and just started up a casual conversation, you would leave thinking you had been with someone quite special, that you had made a friend. That you had met someone worth getting to know better.

And what is that difference? I'm so glad you asked! Lisa has integrity. defines this as:
1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.

Hmn. The state of being whole. Soundness of moral character. Honest. Yep, these terms describe my friend. With Lisa, what you see is what you get. However, if you look a little more closely, if you take the time to discuss the finer things, you will find that she truly lives these traits. She's infectious! The more I am around her, the better type of soul I want to be! I feel safe with her. Sadly, I cannot say that about all of the women in my life. As our Proverb says for today: People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall. Lisa has "walked the walk and talked the talk." She'll probably be mortified and embarrassed that I would devote this blog to her but how could I not? How could I not pat this wonderful creature on the back and say "Well done, my child, my example, my friend. Well done indeed!"

She has made a path, following the moral code of Jesus. Her path is straight, eyes fixed on the prize. Ha! Yesterday's theme song at church was "Eye of the Tiger." No, that's not a typo. The church I am attending has been doing a series on movies and this song was used as an intro to the "Lone Ranger" movie out now. The theme of the message was "who was that masked man?" Though Lisa wears many hats (teacher, mother, wife, friend, caretaker) what you see is what you get. She has no need to hide her identity: she is a child of God and it shows through in all of her ways. She hasn't slipped nor fallen while following Christ. Oh I'm sure she's probably stumbled a time or two. She's not perfect, after all. How else would she be able to relate to the likes of me without getting a stone or two stuck in her shoes on this roadway of life?

In conclusion, I want to say thank you to Lisa. I have known you for…well, we already established we've been friends for several decades. Suffice it to say that in all of the years our paths have crossed, all of the roads we've taken separately and together, and all of the future trails we've yet to blaze that I am proud to call you friend and would still like to be someone like you when I grow up. Until then lady, keep that road paved for me. I'm right behind you!

Dear God, thank You for the Lisas in my life. Yes, I devoted this blog to her but there have been a few other women in my life who have impacted my life in ways that have made me a better person. My hope is that one day I can touch many lives as they have done by living a life that pleases You, that edifies You, that models You. I don't want to say I'm such and such and bring glory to myself—especially when I have no actions to back that up. Rather, Lord, I want to be evidence in this world that I too am Your child, that I have a love for those who struggle, that I want to reach this world and make it a better place by encouraging those around me. Will You help me to do that? Take away my masks and let the real Stef shine through? Make me more like Jesus is my prayer and it's in His Name that I ask these things. Amen.