Books I Have Reviewed

Instant Happy Journal

I wanted to like this book. I really did. I follow Karen Salmansohn on Facebook and enjoy most of her things. So, when the opportunity came for this book/journal, I was beyond excited! 

However, I was disappointed. The suggested entries seemed trite and I just found myself skimming ahead, hoping something would jump start my journal writings. Sadly, I was disappointed and put the book aside. 

Occasionally I pick it up and search again but have yet to write one entry in there. Maybe if it was more topical and not in the order it was laid out, it would be more useful? As is, I am afraid it's one that I will donate to a library instead.

The Life Application Study Bible

I'd like to give an honest review of this Bible but honestly I haven't had much opportunity to use it.  For you see, my hubby took a glance at it and has hardly put it down since!

What a wonderful compilation of God's Word, study aids, and the large print is just what he and I need to delve further into the Truths provided in it.

Speaking of large, this Bible is.  And heavy.  Not something one can carry around lightly so I use it when my desk is available.  I enjoy reading the Vital Statistics for each Book.  Too often the background is overlooked and these help me to understand the story and history that goes on behind the scenes.

I definitely like this new Bible of mine and encourage others who are ready to further their own private study times to look into this tool and see if it is as useful to you as I purpose it to be for me!

Image result for The Life Application Study Bible nkjvI received this book from for this review.


Born to Be Awkward

Ahh, what a lovely title for a book that--if one just went by the title--will commiserate with me on the crazy things I have done in my lifetime.  However, as the old expression goes "A picture is worth a thousand words," this book doesn't say as much as it shows the silly things done in life that in retrospect we just have to sit back and shake our heads, wiping the laughing tears from our eyes, and say "Oh yeah.  Been there.  Done that.  Well, maybe not that but something quite similar!"

Written by Mike Bender and Doug Chernack, this coffee table book will provide you with many laughs and allow you to reflect on those moments in time that provide so many with aches in their sides from your foolish antics.  I highly recommend it through it first.  I allowed my seven-year-old grandson a peek into it and later had to rethink some of the things he saw.  Most were okay but...see for yourself, because there was also a little bit of language that he hadn't been exposed to but now is.  

All in all, two thumbs up!

Does the elevator really go all the way to the top?
A Review of "Crash the Chatterbox" by Steven Furtick
Image result for The Life Application Study Bible nkjv
Because I live in the area of Elevation Church and know some folks who attend there, I was interested in learning more about the author of this book, Steven Furtick.  I'd listened to him on the church's media page but there's just something deeper about reading one's words than that of just hearing them.

It was hard for me to read this book in a few different ways.  The first, literally.  The typeset was small and even with my glasses on, I found it hard to focus.  Secondly, it was truthful.  You know how you can get mad at someone for speaking a certain way and then the more you reflect on why this angered you, you realize it's because, oh yeah, I do this too?  Steven writes the way I think.  Sometimes it's for shock value but there's most always truth in the gist of what is being said.  Thirdly, I struggled with my own Christian background and the way I learned to handle issues versus Steven's way of dealing with certain aggravations.  

So, what am I saying here?  Did I or did I not like the book?  Both.  Would I recommend it to others?  Hmn.  Maybe to those who are more advanced in their walk with Christ.  As mentioned, Steven Furtick likes to try to either shock folks with his words or be a little too coarse than I am used to and that unsettles me.  It's unexpected in "Christian" works and while I can't quite put my finger on it, I guess I'd have to say that there should be a "read with caution" blurb on it.  If you aren't secure in your own relationship with Christ Jesus, then definitely don't read it. Know Whom it is you are following before chasing after the popular dudes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The John Rosemund book Grandma Was Right After All is a delightful read for grannies such as myself.  You know the type:  we want to be acknowledged for our wisdom and--oh, who am I kidding?  We like for everyone to know we are right in what we say and advise!

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