Friday, July 29, 2016

Lights out? Nah, not tonight!

July 29.jpg
I’m sitting outside in the gazebo (pronounced gaze-bo), watching Steve work on pre-wiring it for the ceiling fan and lights.  I’m also enjoying God’s majesty as the sun begins to set, providing me a cloudy splendor as the rays shine down like spotlights.  One of my neighbors is mowing and the sound only slightly interferes with the gentle beats of the wood chimes as an occasional breeze moves them together.

When I first came out here, being the typical Southern gal that I am who doesn’t like getting too much nature on her, I lit the Cinnamon Spice Citronella Candle to help keep those pesky mosquitoes away from my tender flesh.  As I watched the flame gently flicker, dancing in the soft breeze, it almost seemed merry, which made me think of Christmas.  I reached over and tenderly cupped my hands around the candle, enjoying its slight warmth, even though my phone tells me it’s 86 degrees out here.  

My thoughts drifted from one place to another, and then they flickered as the flame of the candle wavered.  I cupped my hands around it, trying to prevent its light from extinguishing.  It worked and once again the flame danced merrily about, shining its light, fulfilling its purpose.  I thought about me and my light as I once again valiantly placed my hands around the candle, trying to prevent the wind from overtaking it.  Distracted by my surroundings, I looked away.  Just for a moment.  The sky was so pretty!

Feeling a tickle on my leg, I brushed away the fly that was trying to nest there (although Steve assures me flies don’t nest.  I reminded him I haven’t shaved this month and this fly was definitely trying to nest!).  

Why isn’t that candle keeping the bugs away?”  I thought in dismay.  

Guess what?  It had gone out again, snuffed out by the wind when I wasn’t protecting it, when the watchman had failed in her duty.  Thought it didn’t literally move, the candle had lost its place from the protector.  Only a slight scent of its fragrance was left behind--left behind to remind me.

About what, Stef?

About this little light of mine.  About when I let it shine and when I allow it to give off gentle warmth.  About the fragrance, the aroma that I emanate.  About the bugs I keep away.  And about the winds of care that blow sometimes softly and at other times more forcefully.  It makes me glad that Jesus isn’t like me and does not look away for even one second.  It makes my heart smile as I envision His nail-scarred hands filtering what can and what cannot touch me.  It makes me grateful that while I can sometimes shine before others that it’s His glory that is revealed.  

That’s what it reminds me of.  Aren’t you so glad you asked?

Monday, July 25, 2016


Galatians 5 22-23.jpg

A few days ago, the hubs and I decided it was time to delve into those Fruits of the Spirit verses.  We’d been pondering them for a while and have been doing some brief discussing of them.  However, as we began to read the verses, we had to backtrack to the ones before which in many forms tells us all the things that are not of the Spirit.  And let me tell you, there are a lot of them!  Suffice it to say that we shall be in this passage for a while!


Today as I was mowing, I came around the side of the house.  It took a few times for me to stop concentrating on all of the grass and to check out my scenery.  Imagine my delight and surprise as when I was making a round on the side yard to see a glimpse of yellow.  Hurriedly, I plowed down the patch in front of me as I anxiously made my way back to the little garden of sunflowers we had planted a month or so ago.  Yes:  there it was!  A glimpse of bright yellow, almost orange caught my eye!

Oh thank You, Lord!” my heart sang and I couldn’t wait to make the next lap.  You see, we’d been watching these plants grow rapidly these past two weeks and wondered when their flowers would open.  Today was the day--well, at least for two of them.

Not quite sure if sunflowers were indeed a fruit, I checked to see and the explanation given was that the seeds are a fruit of the sunflower.  Okay, that works for me and for the blog today.  Just as it is often hard to tell if a work done by a soul is from Christ or from the flesh, sunflower seeds can get a bum rap.  Some say they are a fruit while others will tell you they aren’t.  I mean, after all, aren’t humans basically good, kind, loving, and peaceable?  Don’t we strive to be gentle, patient, and practice self-control?  What makes these "fruits” any different than those that are revealed, that are evident when we become children of God?

I think it’s the faith.  For without faith it is impossible to please God.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Even the most rotten of us can exhibit kind characteristics, right?  However, when we are doing them supernaturally as an offshoot of the Vine to Which we cling?  Ahh, that’s the difference, my friends, don’t you think?  When we do them in response to the ways of the world in order to please God and to not further our own agendas?  That is when I believe we are most fruity!

Let’s pray!


Dear Lord, as this study continues to show me different aspects of You, I ask that You help me to develop these traits supernaturally and take away all of my flesh.  Too often I get caught up in trying to do the right thing but sometimes...sometimes, Lord, my motives are questionable.  Well-intentioned, surely, but perhaps not eternally based.

Thank You for my sunflowers!  I am excited to see that patch slowly open and share its brilliance with my neighborhood.  May I too bloom brightly so that others may see You in me is my prayer.  In the name of Jesus:  amen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

And I think to myself "What A Wonderful World!"

I made this for you.jpg

Don’t we serve an all-amazing, wonderful, beautiful, sweet, giving God?  I mean, just look around you.  Creation is blooming with delights He created for His children to enjoy, to savor, to relax in.  

Last night as the sun set, the moon was rising.  A full moon, bathing my ‘hood and the horizon with a soft light.  As I stared up at it from the gazebo, I couldn’t help but think where its light came from.  It reminded me of what my oh-so-precious first grandson said to me once about how I was the sun and he was the moon and he revolved around me.  Those words melt my heart each time I think on them but as I pondered last night how the moon reflects the glory of God, they struck me anew.

God is the Light.  We are parts of His universe and we each have a special part to play.  As He shines on us, we are to reflect to the rest of the world that light, that presence, that life.  Look at the flowers in this picture. See how their glory is revealed?  That is their purpose and as they do their job, they bless us in return.  As they bloom, we revel in their simplistic beauty.  Their aroma is a sweet one, causing us to breathe in their scent, and to sigh with rapture.

Our lives are to be the same as these flowers, as the moon.  We are to be pleasing to our Lord with our presence and in our day-to-day living.  While we will have seasons of growth, of hibernation, and of being resown, our duty is to stay attached to the Vine.  And, as the moon goes through its phases, so do we.  At times our lights won’t shine.  Other times, our illumination will be hard to see because we have been diminished or only allowed partial viewing because our time is not yet.  Regardless of the phases of the moon and the seasons of the flowers, friends we are to reflect the love of God in our lives.  So, go on.  Be pretty for Jesus!  Flash those pearly whites (or, as in my case, what’s left of them).  Put your smell good (what my gsons call aftershave) on.  Do all to the glory of God.  After all, look what He’s done for you!

Let’s pray!

Oh dear Father, what a wonderful world You made!  Thank You so much for flowers, for birds, for trees, for stars, and a moon.  Thank You for children and the sound of their laughter.  Thank You for freedom and time and eyes to see what You have designed for Your children--for me!

You are lovely.  You are good.  And somehow in all of Your wonder, You took time to acknowledge me and to love all that I could be once Jesus came into my life.  But You didn’t stop there, oh no.  You daily show me new things to love about You.  Throughout the moments that pass me by, often You teach me lessons on what a vast favor You bestow on creation.  Mostly though, dear Father, You love me.  Quietly, as when the breeze whispers by.  Fiercely, as when the storms rage.  Simply, as the sunflowers grow.  Devotedly, shining on me even when I don’t want to see Your light, when I try to hide from the brilliance of You.  Ahh, Lord:  You amaze me.

I do love You ever so much, even when I don’t appear to.  Thank You for grace, for the fruits of Your Spirit, for Jesus, and for all the things You do that work together for my good.  It is my honor to serve You in return.  I hope to make You proud!  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray these things.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

From Dodging Balls to Dodging Darts

Quick question: what's the difference between a regular dart and a fiery one? Answer? The fire, of course.
Way back in the days of elementary school, I remember "fiery" being one of our spelling words. A couple of us thought it was pronounced "fear-ey" because that is what it sounded more like--something fierce and something to be afraid of.Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
As Steve and I pondered this verse pictured here this morning, we too posed the above question about the differences between an ordinary dart and the kind that would have fire attached to it. The first one could be pulled from the flesh more easily than the one with flames all around it. Also, the second one would burn more flesh and leave hurtful wounds that might take longer to heal. Lastly, a fiery dart singes, blackens, and burns--oh, how it burns. If you've ever been a victim to a burn, you know what I'm talking about. It leaves a pain like none other I have ever experienced and that's been a lot.
Ephesians 6:16 tells us "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."
Quench. Now there's a word that leaves little doubt to its definition! Water eases the thirst more than any other drink and when one has the Holy Spirit in her, she is able to put out those flames that come unexpectedly. She is able to soothe the burn left behind from the arrow that threaten her livelihood. And, she is able to perhaps stop and/or extinguish that arrow in its track before it can do harm.
Keep those shields up, friends. As Patches O'Houlihan once said, "Remember the 5 D's of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge." I think Ol' Patches would find this advice when one is under attack from Satan to be appropriately used here too. The darts are coming your way. Dodge them when you can! With all you have, stand tall, friends, and be wary.
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, as You know, secular excerpts from movies are the least likely to be the ones we should be using to proclaim Your Word. However, sometimes the illustrations from such folks, movies, books, et cetera can be useful in getting a point across. May we be like Paul, Lord: may we use Your Word to gain our strength and wisdom from. May we study It thoroughly and use the lessons in It to prepare ourselves for the battles ahead--as well as the ones in front of us now. Remind us to carry our shields and other battle attire faithfully, Father, so that we may prevail and having done all, to stand. In the sweet name of Jesus I ask these things: amen.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Fun Ones

It all started out innocently enough.  Steve and I were minding our own business at The Golden Corral, enjoying a nice lunch, when this family came and sat down beside of us.  We didn’t pay them much attention because we were discussing some things that needed to be dealt with.  We, naturally, smiled at them each time either they got up to refill their plates or we did.  When there are kids around, it’s hard for us to not be friendly and make some sort of comment.  That’s just the way we are.

Towards the end of our meal, though, we began to watch them more.  Mom, Dad, cute little baby girl who was too young to talk but her smile could sure light up the room, and...hmn.  How do I describe the son?  Cute?  Definitely!  Mischievous?  Mmn, almost.  He didn’t look like he was trying to get into too much trouble.  We made some general friendly comments to them and kind of connected with the little fella.

Steve decided he needed some chocolate soft-serve ice cream and asked if I wanted anything.  I said that those Gummy Bears did look good and maybe I’d get a bowl of them.  As we rose, I noticed the son had some cotton candy.  Of course I had to stop and chat about it.  He was a sweet guy but also, he was a kid.  Deciding to have some fun, I got him to look waaaay over yonder while I snuck his bag of candy.  Dad played along and Mom smiled as he turned back around.  At first, he didn’t notice the candy was gone so I did a little twirl of sorts, holding the bag behind my back, and when I was in midstream, then he noticed.  He grabbed it out of my clutches while we all laughed and then he proceeded to play tricks on us while we were gone to the dessert bar, such as sneaking my sweet tea.

Matthew 5 16.jpgWhen we got back to the table, I showed him my very own bag of blue cotton candy.  He tried my tricks on Steve, trying to get him to “look” at something while he snuck his lid that the waitress had brought while we were gone.  I twirled again, holding the bowl of Gummy Bears behind me, and stood “gazing” at what he was showing us until he noticed and took the candies.  He was so proud of himself for being so sneaky.  We talked with his Dad and exchanged info about how we had three grandsons and it turned out their son was the same age as our oldest.  Blah blah blah.  In between, he and his son translated for Mom while Little Miss Sunshine continued to smile at us each chance she got. We sat back down and enjoyed our dessert while talking with this family.   

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Soon it was time for us to go so we started saying our goodbyes.  It was then that Dad told us his wife said to tell us that we were so sweet; that most people looked at folks like them like they were...trash.  Not good enough.  I’m not sure the exact term she used but the meaning was still the same.  They thanked us for having fun with their kids and that’s when I told them that that was what we were:  The Fun Ones.  It’s our little name for us that the boys and us go by, so much so that for Steve’s last birthday I had him a sticker made for his truck to let the world know.  It was Buy One Get One Free so I got one for Celine too!  Anyways, they laughed again and I reiterated that it was true:  we are the fun ones and if they looked out at the parking lot, they’d see proof.  Lily (Steve’s truck) just so happened to be parked right out the window there so we laughed again as the husband explained to the wife what was going on.  We said our goodbyes and left, thinking and chatting to one another about how nice that whole situation was.

This past week has been a rough one for our country.  Racial tensions were at a high peak.  Again.  As I recall now as the little boy was telling me “adios” and I told him I didn’t know much Spanish, other than “taco” (huge smile), “enchilada” (big wave of his belly as he recollected how much he himself loved enchiladas), and “adios” it makes my heart warm and sad at the same time.  Warm because aren’t we all just people, regardless of skin color or ethnic background?  Sad because we are all people with various skin colors, beliefs, and prejudices.  Won’t it great when That Day comes and none of this matters?  I think so too!  Even so, come Lord Jesus.  Amen?  Amen!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Romans 8 38-39.JPG
Convinced.  That’s a strong word, do you agree?  It’s as though an argument has been presented and one was persuaded or had the incident proven and thereby was made certain of the facts.  

My grandsons often need convincing.  When I make a dish they are unfamiliar with, they won’t just take my word for it on how wonderful it is.  They look it over to see if it appeals to them.  They sniff it, cautiously approach it, and with the right amount of cajoling, they might try just one tiny little bite.  However, at supper last night, I noticed something that gave me pause.  Daddy was there and he told--not offered--his oldest son to try a bite of what he was eating.  Now whether it’s because it was Dad offering it and one just automatically does what his father says to do or because it met the above criteria, I am still not sure.  What I do know is that W willingly took a bite with very little hesitation and then made up his mind about the food item.

His younger brother was given the same command.  However, he took one look at the food, fervently shook his head no while pointing to the food he was still chewing on in his mouth, and declined.  He did look curiously at his brother to see his response and maybe that was part of why he chose to not participate in this “argument” this time.  Daddy didn’t press the issue and that was the end of the Bratwurst Experiment.  I daresay if Dad had had some chocolate dessert on his fork that the middle son would have quite easily agree to give it a chance.  Mmn hmn.  Something with cocoa on it makes anything look enticing and one would be hard pressed to be convinced that it wasn’t a good choice.  

So, now that you are craving Bratwurst and Chocolate Creme Pie, let’s get to today’s verses from Romans 8:38-39.  Most of you have claimed these promises after having accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, but let’s look at them through wary eyes of one who has been in the faith for a while and finds herself questioning it at times.  

As a new Christian, I was apt to believe everything someone spiritual told me.  For, after all, they knew, right?  They had been around the block, worn out their Bibles, and knew all the best preachers.  They knew chapter and verse the passages that soothed the soul or convicted it, the ones that brought relief in times of sorrow and hope in the times of fear.  Why wouldn’t I believe them when they tried to help me grow?  I hungrily feasted on their words, their testimonies, and didn’t question it in the least.

Fast-forward to an older (ahem, no need to ask how many decades older) and wiser (at times) believer.  I’m a bit more jaded, more leery of just believing words spouted off by someone who claims to be in the faith.  I now question more and research for myself what has been told to me rather than taking everything at face value.  Besides, there is so much out there for me to use to study with.  So many have offered their advice, their knowledge and wisdom, and their many years of delving deeply into the Scriptures.  And yet... yet I often hesitate to just take these words to be truth because mere man wrote them, expounded upon them, or haphazardly threw them out there.

I’ve been called cynical before and that would be an accurate title for me.  Just earlier today I read of Hillary Clinton’s debacle of being found guilty of a crime yet no punishment being handed down to her.  To say this causes great concern for the integrity of my government would be an understatement.  Am I convinced that this woman should be our next American president?  No.  I am not.  But I fear she will be.  Are fear and conviction the same?  No.  Are acceptance and belief the same?  Hardly.  Where am I even going with all of this?  Beats me, so let’s wrap it up with this next statement:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Even when my leaders in high places don’t do what is right, even when I am told to try something with the unspoken expectation that I will like it, and even when death comes by way of taking life or just by killing what was once alive in relationships, I do believe that nothing can keep me from God.  Yes, I still hesitate about fully accepting that the verse says in actuality “that...nothing can separate us from the LOVE of God” (emphasis mine).  I am convinced that I will spend eternity with Him and He will make all of this muddled fluff in my mind clear.  Good thing He’ll have so much time with me, huh?

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord God in heaven:

Whew!  Did any of what I just wrote make sense?!  Lord, the thoughts that go through this ol’ noggin are so convoluted at times that I wonder why You don’t just clear them up before they come out of my fingers for me to share with others.  

Father, thank You for choosing me to be Yours. Thank You for convincing me that I was in desperate need of a Saviour--and always will be.  Thank You mostly though, Lord, for providing Jesus for me.  While my world often seems on the brink of self-destruct, those powers that be are waging wars that I am only a slight pawn in.  Remind me when I get upset to see that these battles aren’t mine and often are just used to try to make me stumble and quit.  I won’t quit, Lord.  I am in the race and plan to see You at the finish line, not along the path somewhere where I threw my hands up and just quit because it got too tough.

Strengthen me, I ask, and keep Your Word ever before me.  And yes, keep those who share it along my journey as well so that I may be further convinced of Your Truths in the areas that matter most.  In the name of Jesus I ask these things, amen.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

With All My Heart?

Colossians 3 23.jpg

Good morning!  I hope you are planning on spending part of your day with the Lord as we enjoy another day of life.  He’s so good to allow us time, isn’t He, to do whatever we choose to do?  That’s only one of the many things I just love about God!

Today I am reminded of a song that is our church’s closing hymn for this season.  It’s called “In Christ Alone” and has been performed by many since written in 2001 by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty.  While the song is so powerful and meaningful (and in my humble opinion sung with the most fervor by Travis Cottrell) that is not the focus of my blog this morning.  Instead, I want you to ponder with me just for a few moments on what you are doing with your life and what you will be remembered for.

Each time I hear this song, there is a wave of emotion that rolls over me.  Sometimes I want to cheer at its victorious story; other times I want to weep as my soul aches over the price my Saviour paid for me.  The first time I remember hearing it was at a Beth Moore Conference I attended in Boone, NC, in 2007.  I can’t even begin to describe the power it had on me and the others who were enraptured by it.  I later shared it with my husband and the man can hardly hear it these days without wanting to cry, laugh, shout, and rejoice.

Do you think that Mr. Townend had any idea when he penned these lyrics the impact he would be making?  I wonder.  These words that so wonderfully depict the love of Christ--when Townend wrote them, did he do it in one sitting?  Did he write, rewrite, discard, edit, and so on over a period of time or did it all happen at once?  Was he a perfectionist who had to have every line the same cadence or did it just naturally flow as his love for Christ couldn’t contain itself and burst forth into this precious song?

What I am getting at and will close with is this:  each day we have the opportunity to do something that represents our God.  Whether that is making tacos, sewing garments, tending to children, running a business, or just the run-of-the-mill day in, day out living, we get the chance to shine.  One thing we do may touch one life or millions of lives.  What is most important though, friends, is the intent of our heart as we be.  Our verse from Colossians 3:23 tells us Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.  We have no clue what impact our words, deeds, and actions will have on this world.  What we do know is that God is watching, cheering us on, and wanting to be pleased in us so that in due season He may tell us “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  Let’s go out today and make Him proud, shall we?

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, how wonderful it would be to write something timeless like this referenced song or some other work that was encouraging to others.  How marvelous it would be to have a walking testimony that emulated that of Your Son Jesus.  How absolutely priceless it would be to know that something inspired by You had the power to change lives on any given day.

Charles Stanley once inspired me with his essay on what impact our lives would have.  My husband daily dumbfounds me with his unspoken but fully seen testimony of a life lived for you.  Little kids astound me with their open hearts that are always ready to forgive, embrace, and love.  Father?  I want to please You and do all to glorify You.  No excuses, no more putting off.  Will You help me to apply this verse today in all of my ways?  Well, maybe not all of them--or at least not all at once.  Don’t want to send this ol’ body into shock, now do we?  

In all seriousness though, Lord, I do want to behave, to honor, and to live a life that is well-pleasing to You.  Hold my hand and guide my path is my plea today.  In the name of Jesus I ask these things:  amen.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Scattered Thoughts

Romans 12 2.jpg

There was a jingle way back when, went sort of like this:

♫I’m different and don’t care who knows it;
Something about me’s not the same.
I’m different and that’s how it goes;
Ain’t gonna play no white sheep games.” ♫

As I was pondering this verse yesterday, two words stood out:  any longer.  That gives the implication, doesn’t it, that there was a time when folks did conform to this world--which they or course did and often still do.  But as most of us have found out, there comes a time in life when we have to grow up, when we have to take a stand, and when we have to not fall for anything.  It’s a rude awakening because we have convinced ourselves that we are different and our originality shines head and shoulders above the rest.  But then something comes along and we realize we have indeed joined the masses and in fact are just another brick in the wall, peach in the pie, sheep in the pasture.  The pride we once felt and the esteem in which we placed ourselves in suddenly is questioned and...And?  And we finally see that this world is not about us after all and that there is so much more at stake than us making a name for ourselves.

Steve is on his way to his dad’s homestead today.  He’s meeting with his uncles to discuss some things about the land and such.  As we were praying this morning before he left, my voice began to shake and my closed eyes began to leak a little as I spoke to God about this “heritage” of Steve’s, about the inheritance I was robbed from, and the larger picture of the home awaiting for us that cannot be taken away.  You see, friends, this world wants to be our home and it wants us to give everything we have into preserving it.  Keeping up with the Joneses is still typical of this American Dream we seem to have rooted inside of us.  Being in debt, buying on credit, and living for today is the mantra sung.  It’s rare to find anyone who isn’t overworked, underpaid, and yet still walking around with the latest gadgets, trendiest clothes, and talking of their latest adventures/cruises/trips/and so on.

Not wanting to dwell on the past and get bogged down by it, I did what any sane ol’ woman would do:  I went back to bed!  As I layed there though with the stillness of the morning around me, the thoughts being kept mostly at bay, another thought came into my mind.  Remember several months ago when you all met with these brothers of Clyde?  Do you remember the “talk” you had with them, Stef, about their salvation and how it was less than satisfactory?  


Do you think that maybe Steve is on his way alone to meet with his uncles because maybe--just maybe, dear girl--this is the time to follow up on that conversation?  Is it possible that as your mind gets off of self and turns back to Me (as it so often does when you try to avoid thinking) that there is a bigger picture being painted today?  My will that you read of earlier:  My ‘good, pleasing, and perfect will’ is continually going on.  Are you going to conform to this world or are you going to indeed be transformed and pray for this incident?

Whew.  Shamefacedly I continue on with this blog as I am once again preaching to the choir.  While my thoughts tend to be on the world and its effects on me, there is a larger universe out there that is so much more worthy to be thought upon.  As I have sat here feeling sorry for myself that I am alone on a holiday weekend, there is perhaps something about to take place that will indeed cause fireworks, celebrations, and cause many folks to revel in Dependence Day when their need for Christ Jesus is finally acknowledged, accepted, and He is acclaimed as their Lord and Saviour!  Could it be today that their declaration is made?  Oh, I hope so!  Will you pray now with me that it might be so?  Thanks!

Dear Lord, as I ponder on what welcome news it would be to hear Steve call me later and tell me that “somehow” the topic came up of You and the Holy Spirit took over and these two relatives became brothers now instead of uncles, my heart is filled with new emotions as I focus on the patterns of Your world rather than my own.  What a great day it would be, Lord, for these two men to become children, to confess their need of You, and to become a part of a family that death cannot separate.

Thank You for the quiet time to reflect on Your Word this morning.  It indeed transforms my mind when I allow it to wash over me.  May Your will be done today and may this be the day more souls are saved through Jesus Christ being preached, taught, and lived in the lives of Your children is my prayer.  I ask it in His name:  amen.