Sunday, February 28, 2016

Baby Steps

Recently, a winter weather event took place that knocked the power out for my daughter and her family.  They wound up spending a night with us and, as per usual for Steve and me, the next morning we read a devotion from the Jesus Calling by Sarah Young book I had received for Christmas, before everyone left for the day.

I had asked my oldest gson if he'd read, and as he perused through the page, barely had he read the first line when he exclaimed "This is the first verse we learned when we did our Bible Studies, Granny!"  He asked his brother if he remembered and then he described the card we'd used.  How my heart glowed as they reminisced about that day so many days ago when they'd sit with me and Lisa in my Pretty Purple Room on the days I'd get to keep them when she was over and we'd do our daily devotions.
Don't you just love it when all thing work together for good, when you see those seeds planted from three years past showing good, solid roots?   Sure, my grandsons are young.  Their formative years are in front of them now and soon their tiny little minds will be filled with so much fluff.  Truthfully, they already are, so I am particularly happy that the times I was able to spend with them a few years ago had some effect on the things they are learning now.

Two of the boys are in school now so we don't get to do those Bible Studies like we used to.  This chart shows some of the cards we did when we started back in January 2013.  My youngest grandchild often walks by this wall hanging and looks at it with curiosity.  I can't wait to do his first study, hopefully soon, and do some more sowing!

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, how I thank You for the opportunities to spread Your Word to these precious boys You allow in my care every so often.  Such sweetness and simplicity they reveal to me as I myself study Your Word.  You have used them mightily to reveal so many of Your gentle attributes and I thank You for children, Lord.

Today, as Sunday School Teachers all around are preparing their lessons and wondering perhaps if it really matters, please reassure them it does.  These lessons matter.  The results might appear to go in one ear and out the other, but Lord?  In between those ears, there is a tiny little brain that absorbs and retains these teachings and one day, one sweet day, that lesson will come back to these little ones.  You promised us that Your Word would not return void: that Your Word endures forever.  You were right!

May we all take the time to teach our children well is my prayer today, Father.  Teach us how to best teach them, in the name of Jesus is my prayer.  Amen.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It Only Takes a Spark

Fire.  That little glow that starts with the teeniest spark and builds into a flame that burns ever so brightly.

Does it fascinate you the way it does me?  I can be around a campfire or a fireplace or even just burning old documents and feel the pull, the warmth--even on a warm day or evening.  I find myself drawing closer to the flame, mesmerized by it, lost in its power.  I want to watch its magnificence as it consumes what is within its reach.  I want its warmth to heat me to my inner core.

Yesterday, I saw a title for a book called "Praying With Fire."  Immediately I was off on tens of tangents (as my wandering brain is likely to do once a hint of inspiration comes to it).  I knew how I liked playing with fire.  I knew the dangers and...the power.  Oh the power!  So I thought to myself, "Stef:  how absolutely wondrous it must be to have this type of fire in your prayer life!  To pray with such fervor, such boldness, such intensity!  I mean, after all, God told us to 'Come boldly before His throne,' right?  Oh Stef:  if you could pray with such command and mastery, that whatever you were speaking of to God would be drawn into this intensity and catch wind and burn, baby burn!  Just think of the effect your prayers might have if your flame turned into a full-fledged blaze that swept over your little world.  How great a matter would that little fire kindle into?"

I tried it.  Subconsciously because my thoughts often take time to turn into concise actions.  Last night, I was asked to close prayer for our missions group.  As I considered the requests, thought of the needs, hurt for the hearts that were troubled, I found myself becoming impassioned.  I spoke to God as though He and I were the only ones there as I prayed for His compassion for those whose lives were in such need.  My voice trembled and shook and then--as it became more focused on the situation--it became powerful.  I claimed God's promises.  I implored Him to heal, to touch, to soothe, and to bless.  A hush fell over the room.

Now, before you think the next words to read are "I suddenly began to speak in tongues and a strong rushing wind began to blow through the classroom" I must tell you to stop right there.  That's not the way it was.  For you see, when I am impassioned, I tend to get quieter, to have passion yes, but to take command of the incident so as to make sure you hear me by being forced to listen more closely to what is being said.  Does that make sense?  Too often I find folks talk over one another in their attempts to have their opinions voiced.  Not me (well, most of the time.  Sometimes I do raise my voice to be heard but mainly out of frustration that I was interrupted in the first place.  Talk to Shirley about that one.)  

To sum it all up, friends, it's time to be bold.  It's time to pray effectively.  It's time to stand.  God isn't afraid when you raise your voice to Him.  Nothing you can say shocks Him (ahem:  remember how he knows your thoughts before you do?).  Speak plainly without fancy words.  It's even okay to whine, to fuss, to gripe, to complain.  But, if you are unwilling to be a part of the next step--the one where you commit yourselves to changing the situation--then just be quiet.  Seriously.  Hush!  

However, if you find yourselves righteously indignant over social issues, don't just sit there and whisper amongst your peers:  do something!  When we sit idly by, our rights get trampled.  Our children's schools are forced to teach other lifestyles and agendas rather than the ones we grew up in and post so fervently on our Facebook pages.  Our bathrooms become stalls for all sorts of indecency.

Stop it.  If you are only going to incite, keep it to yourselves.  But, if you are seeking to rally the troops, to make positive differences, to indeed change the world then begin that work in your prayer closets, your war rooms.  It only takes a spark.  Be a match today.  You might not set the world on fire but then again...

Let's pray!

Lord, how my heart burns within me as I consider so many--too many--cares of this world that are within my power to reshape.  Now, Father:  You know what a big chicken I am and how I like to work behind the scenes rather than be the leader of the pack.  So, on my platform, in my own prayer closet, and as I drive down the roads, help me to see things through Your eyes.  The things that hurt You that I have blindly turned away from so as to not rock the boat or to mind my own business or (and this one really gets my goat when I find myself incorrectly applying scripture to or hear other quote inaccurately) to judge.  Help me, I ask, to wake up. To get up, carry my bed, and to walk.

I'm not talking about going out and having town hall meetings, God.  You know that.  But, with Your help and Your guidance, I am asking You to embolden me whereas my heart used to be frozen.  Light Your holy fire in my spirit and soul so that I will hear from heaven, so that You will forgive my sins, and maybe, just maybe heal my lands.  I'm calling to You for You to show me those great and powerful things I don't know about.  Teach me and refine me today is my earnest and fervent prayer.  Amen!  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

"God bless America!"
"God have mercy on America!"
"Surely the Second Coming is near."
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
"Don't judge."
"God loves everyone."
"When you've done all you can do, stand."

Oh, how my mind is buzzing this morning as I ponder the condition of my world--my world that has once again been invaded by the perverseness of souls who have been blinded to what is true, right, and pure. Last night, Charlotte's City Council voted for legislation that allows males to use female bathrooms and females to use male bathrooms. Transgenders and homosexuals pushed for this and guess what? They won. This "non-discrimination" ordinance now puts regulars Joes and Sallys at risk of their rights, their privacies being invaded because...

...because a few people chose to make a stand. A few people let their voices be heard. They used their platforms and demanded to be listened to. Their rights were being infringed upon and they weren't going to sit down and take it any longer.While some politicians quickly jumped on the bandwagon in support of this, a few others were opposed to it and vowed to fight to make sure this didn't become law.

As Steve and I heard this news right before bed last night, our souls were...not grieved. Not saddened. They were mad! Furious! Righteous indignation fueled our thoughts and we prayed--oh yes we prayed for these ones who made this possible. We prayed not for mercy for their souls. Un unh. We prayed for God to step in and destroy, to plague, to vindicate His children.

Let that seep in a moment. In case you ever thought Steve and I were just the "sweetest things" who could wish no harm on anyone, think again. Not only do we wish it, we actively pray for God to show Himself mighty and to put the force on them.

"Oh, you shouldn't judge people. They can't help the way they are."

I beg your pardon? Have they no will, no self-control, no self-respect? Have they no knowledge of Biblical truths? Have they never heard that while God is indeed a God of love, He also set His standards before the foundations of the world were laid? Did they ever read Genesis where one day, God had enough and destroyed those evil people in Sodom? And why was it again that Noah had to build an ark?

I am no politician and do not plan to get on a soapbox to explain my position on this. I have some friends who declare themselves to be homosexuals and while I love them, I fear for them. I fear they are so blinded by the lies of Satan that the truth of God's Word will not permeate their hearts before their final breath has been breathed. If they read these words of mine and are offended, I pray that they will repent of their willful mockery of my God's love and mercies.

For right now, I have a voice. I have a platform. And I am taking my stand. I will not turn a blind eye to this decision by elected officials near me. I will not vote for politicians who turn blinded eyes against such atrocities that I just wrote about. I will not pray for mercy for them but instead for judgment. I will not pray for God to bless America when Americans continue to sit by and let this happen. Stand up, friends! Don't wring your hands and wonder why this could be. Open your eyes, get up on your feet, use your voices, and speak. Look what happens when we try to not get involved, to mind our own business, and to pray for peace. Read in your Bibles how Jesus came not to bring peace but a sword. And when you pray? Pray fervently. Judge righteous judgment. Love your neighbor, of course, but love as Christ did. Love your neighbors enough to tell them the truth.

Monday, February 22, 2016

I Owe You One

Tell me something:  are you the kind of person who finds it easy to take things from another?  No, I don't mean "are you a thief?"  That would just be silly.  What I am asking is:  do you find it hard to take something from someone else when you are in need?  For instance, if you are going through a financial difficulty, can you easily ask another for a loan?  Or, when your sitter bails on you, do you feel confident in asking your neighbor to watch your little darling?  What about when you need a ride to the doctor for an appointment that is going to take hours:  is there someone you can ask to go this "extra mile" with you and not feel as though they will decline your cry?
Most of us don't like to ask for help.  Call it pride.  Call it selflessness for not wanting to put another out.  Call it independence for wanting to handle things on our own.  Whatever label you choose, the simple fact is we don't like to be indebted to anyone.  Right?  Come on, now.  You know this is true.  So much so that it often carries on over into our prayer lives.
We don't have much trouble asking the Lord for our daily bread, do we?  Or when we uplift prayers for those around us who are needing.  Yet...when it comes to asking things for ourselves, do you--like me--find yourself bartering with God?
Lord, if You will heal my husband, I promise I will be a better wife to him.
Father?  If You will heal me from this cancer, I'll never smoke another cigarette again.
God, if You will get me out of this debt, I'll start to tithe--or at least make a donation to a certain cause.
Often our exchanges go even deeper, as we try to get the Lord on our side, making vows to be in church every time the doors are open, to pray every hour on the hour, to visit the sick, to take care of the needy, to stop swearing, drinking, philandering, overeating, or whatever we can come up with to get on His good side.  No more football.  No more soap operas.  I'll only listen to gospel radio.  I won't go to the movies, to the bars, to the stores.  I'll stop gossiping.  My clothes won't be so provocative.  I'll only speak when spoken to.  I'll stop complaining, whining, and being ungrateful.  Lord, whatever it takes for You to fix this, I'll do it.  I swear!  And then you proceed to swear by your firstborn, on the Bible itself, or what have you.
Oh my cow, friends, we have got to stop this!  Last time I checked (which was just a minute ago), God didn't put stipulations on His blessings.  Oh sure, He wants us to live righteously and to put certain evils away.  He tells us in 2 Chronicles 7 that:
"If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…"
And, also remember when Jesus Himself told us in Matthew 11:
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls..."
But the gist of all this, friends, is that we have not because we ask not.  Let me let Brother James explain it better:
You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. 
Ask God, friends, for what it is you need.  Don't make Him promises you and I both know won't be fulfilled.  Just ask.  Do you need to beg?  Seriously?  Hmn.  I guess it depends on what you are wanting and just how capable you truly feel God is in being able to handle your request.  Those of us who grew up with earthly dads who were often stingy may feel we have to approach God this way while those who grew up as Daddy's girls may find they just have to sincerely bat their pretty little eyes at God and ask Him unwaveringly what it is that they need.  And those who range somewhere in between these two tangents?  Probably the best advice I could give is to--you've got it!--just ask.  Trust that God knows what we need, when we need it, or if we need something entirely different.  But until we go to Him, to Him friends, we just won't know, now will we?  Let's talk to Him now, shall we?

Dear Lord, the same Father I wrote about days ago Who loves to lavish His children, the same God Who delights in His kids, I come to You now with a plea.  No, scratch that, Father.  Not a plea but a request.  

Father?  I have this thing that has been bothering me for a while now.  It's been an aggravation to me and I tried to solve it on my own, with my methods, and with my interests put first.  But it kind of blew up in my face, and it created strife amongst those I love dearly.  So, yesterday, I made the decision to let it go, to let You handle it, and to take myself out of the equation.  For I see--as You so openly allowed me to when I take advantage of all of those lovely scriptures in Your Word--that this fight, this situation doesn't really concern me at all.  I am a tool, being used to be a stumblingstone.  You know that was not my intent, Lord, when I first began this quest of mine but like most things in life that I try to do without seeking Your approval first (yeah, I took for granted You were going to bless me in spite of me) it fell flat.  It also took a few down with it and now I am grieved in spirit and heart to have been a part of this.

I ask You now (and thanks for letting me come to You after the fact after I have messed up) to re-right the apple cart that I spilt.  Help me to save face as much as possible and mend fences where some of the boards were cracked.  Humble me and remind me that this lesson wasn't one I needed to relearn until I tried to do things in my own strength and power.  I was wrong.  I took my eyes off of You and placed them on me.  That's never a good idea, is it Lord?

Thank You for reconciliation and the opportunity to do better next time.  May my eyes focus on You and Your glory is my prayer for today.  In the name of Jesus I ask for it.  Amen. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

And the winner is...

It's that time of the year again. Political campaigns run rampant and no one is safe from all of the commercials and advertisements of those wishing to be elected as our next POTUS. Whether we like our choices or not, it seems like the two frontrunners are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Whoever wins, our country will still be divided, still have conflicts, and still wonder when there will ever be an elected official that we all are happy with.

This morning, in my spam folder, there was an email entitled "Stefanie Hutcheson: you have been chosen!" This is nothing new to me. I've known I was special for quite a while now. ;) Oh sure, way back in the day, I was seldom picked or nominated for anything. Well, there was that time I was in the running for a Senior Superlative--Class Clown, if you can believe that. But my good friend Cathy Allen Nicholson won instead. She's still cracking us all up with her charm and quirkiness, by the way. But back to me. While I love Cathy dearly, I'll have to write a blog about her another day.

While my "fifteen minutes of fame" were not realized back in high school, my eternal recognition for something better, something higher, and something much more significant have been written down in the books and thankfully, do not depend on my fellow man's decision as to whether or not I am the right woman for the job. I am. I'm kinda of special, you see. Famous? No. World renowned? Hardly. Is my face instantly recognized when plastered over billboards or on television ads? Nope: not there either.

So, where, Stef? Where is this fame, this notoriety, this special election you have been chosen for and just what are you running for anyways?

I'm so glad you asked! For you see, while I made the list, the even better news is that you did too! Woo hoo! You, me, and yes, that one over there who no one EVER thought would be anybody special? Turns out, we were all on the ballot! We were all in the running, and the best news? We were CHOSEN. We didn't volunteer. We didn't have to put our finances into being elected. And thankfully for many of us, our skeletons in the closet won't negatively affect our chances of winning! Read this passage from Ephesians 1 and see for yourselves:

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will— to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him Who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of His glory. 
Now, that is good news worth reading about, don't you think? No presidential seals are waiting for us but we have a better trophy: the seal of the Holy Spirit. Our inheritance is guaranteed (unlike down here where our popularity can change on a dime--no pun intended). Christ Jesus chose us before there were Bushes and Clintons and Washingtons and Kennedys. Before the foundation of the world, He had you and me on His mind, set us apart for greater things, and is even now cheering us on as we fulfill His purposes in our lives. So, go on. Get out there and run this race. Don't grow weary and don't faint. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. You have been chosen by One Who knows the end from the beginning. Regardless of the politics of the world, the government is on His shoulders and He has you by your right hand. Our victory is already established. Let's walk as if we're the winners Jesus already made us to be, shall we?

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, in a world where I am often overlooked and underappreciated, where my talents often lie dormant, and when the haters are out there seeking to destroy and steal my joy, You remind me that this world is not my home. Your Word assures me that when others are picked first, You chose me to be a part of Your family. Mostly though, God, You elected me and Jesus and the Holy Spirit confirmed me and now? Now, my future is secured and my position in Christ affirmed. I am Yours. Elected. Chosen. Set apart. May I take this role seriously and do You proud is my hope. Amen!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

No Love Lost

No love lost. That was the title of an email I received today and it struck me. Usually, when I hear this phrase, there is a negative connotation to it so I was curious as to what the email was about. Seeing that it was from a photo company that wanted me to save all of my precious pics, it gave a whole new meaning to this term.

No love lost. Hmn. How much love do we have setting around, lying in our hearts, and aren't using it? How much love do we have in our eyes but aren't allowing it to shine forth? How much love are we withholding from our arms as we refuse to touch those around us who might need a pat on the back, a hug or two, a touch on the shoulder in empathy? And our fingers? Why aren't they picking up more phones, writing more notes, and cooking little goodies to take to those who are homebound?

Lost. Unable to be located but...not unable to be found. Remember when Jesus said that "none would be plucked from His hand" or when He said that He came "to seek and to save that which was lost"? I John 3 tells us quite a bit on how Christ first set the example and what our responsibilities are once we become children of our King. As I read through this passage, I determined that it's really not that hard--to love, I mean.

The other night, Steve and I actually did a study on verse one of this passage:

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
While Steve's immediate thoughts led him to how much he loves his grandsons and all that he wants to give them, mine were focused more on the name calling aspect of this scripture. To be called a child of God, to be associated with His family? Many of you know the shame I have dealt with over the one I was born into so to be chosen to be a part of the family of God is an honor! What we both agreed the most on, though, was just how absolutely wonderful to be lavished, to be adored, to be able to love those gsons of ours because we were first shown how to by the wonderful Jesus.

In conclusion, let's not leave any love behind. Friends, as we go about our days, our hours, our minutes, let's look for ways to shine, to lavish, to love. Verse 18 says:

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
Sounds like a great plan to me! Let's pray!

Dear Lord, how great and wonderful You are to delight in us, to choose us, to love us. May this love not be lost. May it not be taken for granted. May it not be hoarded up but instead spread widely for all of Your other children to relish and revel in.

Thank You for loving us, for loving me. I love You too! Amen.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sonshine On My Shoulders Makes Me Happy

One thing I can guarantee to you about living in North Carolina: on any given day, the temperature can fluctuate from 15-55 within hours. Yesterday at this time, there was a light blanket of snow, mingled with some ice, covering my 'hood. Last night, in the wee hours of the morning, the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed. Meanwhile, sleet poured down, once again covering up my little community, turning the trees and yards and roads into a winter wonderland. And this morning? At a more reasonable hour, the sun shines, the ice is glistening on nature, and the day promises to be more springlike in the early afternoon.

Friends, does this remind you How much like the weather are we as circumstances around us change quickly? Do we at first not think too much of the cold because hey, don't we all go through certain seasons in life? That's just the way it goes, right? And then, when another event happens to make us burrow more and maybe even prepare for impending doom (such as losing our power), we just kind of sit back and think we've got it all under control and even if something does happen, we'll be okay for a few hours.

Sounds good until...until the distant rolls of thunder are heard. Thinking we must surely need our hearing checked, we ignore them, giving them only a cursory thought, even lightly laughing as we think another storm cannot be brewing in our lives so soon. And then BOOM! The clash of the the thunder shakes our homes. The brilliance of the lightning illuminates the darkness briefly and allows us to catch a glimpse of the chaos and fury going on just outside of our walls. The winds whip and other sounds try to damage our calm. We start to pay more attention; maybe even finding another soul to go snuggle with and get some comfort and assurance from. The storm passes by, the night quiets, and then comes the morning.

Ahh, the morning. The sun begins to shine over the ridge. As it warms, the ice begins to crackle, merrily so. It drips as the coldness is erased by the light that gradually comes to show just who really is in charge here. The skies turn blue and we can't help but gaze upwards, seeking those sparkles and illuminations of the icicles melting and then watching them fall onto the grass that is thawing. It's really quite amazing.

Like winters in our Tarheel State, we too will experience seasons that vary from day to day--and as proven--sometimes within the same day. I'd like to encourage you, friends, to keep watching for the Son. He's still shining although sometimes He lets the clouds roll in and the cold to chill us to remind us that He gives life. He gives love. He changes our hearts, our minds, and our attitudes to make us more like Him. May He melt your sadnesses today with His love, warm your hearts with His Word, and mostly, may He shine through us all today is my prayer.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Well, Since you volunteered...

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know what I need. Many of you have heard of my plight and written notes on Facebook or passed them on through the church or others and said to let you know if I need anything. Because of my situation and because time is such a precious commodity, it's hard for me to call you and tell you these things in my time of deep distress. Sometimes there's barely time for me to even take a bathroom break or go off for a few moments of alone time to cry, to process, to get myself together. Please don't take this the wrong way offered so here is what I need.

I need help. I need someone to drop me off some food that can quickly be reheated for those times when I am unable to prepare a meal. Leave it on my front porch if I can't get to the door. It may look like I am home but my hands may honestly be doing things that don't allow for opening of the door in a timely manner.

I need a restaurant card or two for when I am running to and from doctor appointments and know there won't be time to eat once I get home so I have to stuff it down quickly as I am on my way to get meds refilled or supplies purchased. That unexpected treat furnished by you for that special moment when the strength is low can be just what the doctor ordered.

I need gas cards so that I can keep the tank filled. Again, with my hours being stretched so that there is little brain functionability, I often am so distracted that I forget this simple mundane task and honestly? Sometimes there are just so little dollars left that I am having to choose between eating and getting the scrips for my loved one (or myself).

I need you to take out my trash. I don't like to make a big deal out of it but it's not something I had to handle before. Others may have home pickup but I don't. It piles up and gets in the way. If you could please take a bag on your way out from your visit, that'd be great.

Oh, and that step you tripped over on your way up? That needs fixed too but I don't have time for it right now. I keep meaning to get to it but...

I need you to keep sending me cards to encourage me. Phone calls are tough because it's rare that it's convenient to chat, but try me. Leave me a voice message because sometimes your sweet words soothe my heart better than any ointment. Knowing you are praying for me, thinking of me, and loving me help to sustain my hurting soul. Those texts that you know I see? Don't be mad when I don't instantly respond. They give me motivation and remind me that you care. Keep sending them!

I need you to not be afraid to ask me how I am feeling. I don't though need to hear how you are or how your mom is going through this same situation because frankly, this is my situation and though there may be similarities, I need you to hear my story, my woes, and my cares. I'm afraid. I'm uncertain. Sometimes I am mad and need to vent. I need you to love me enough to let me rant if I need to, cry if I want to, or to be lifted up with some funny stories so that I don't take it all too seriously. I can't handle your sadness now because I am drowning in my own.

I need you to drop by without calling first once in a while because timing is everything and sometimes I may need you to do a certain task for me at just that moment. It may be to just let me go for a brief walk or go to the bathroom without fear of interruption for a quick shower or clean up of my own self. I might ask you to throw the clothes in the dryer or put a few dishes in the dishwasher. I probably won't but I need you to come into my house and look around, see what is being neglected, and just do it. I might even need you to sit with my loved one so that s/he knows there really is a body behind the words being said. Sing some songs. Pray with him or her. Don't stay all night but do come. It gets lonely with just us here. Remember: they were there for you.

If, however, I greet you at the door and say it isn't a good time, I need you to quickly and quietly go. I appreciate you but I just don't have the minute that turns into three that turns into ten while my attention is desperately needed elsewhere. I'm not trying to be rude or hurt your feelings. I just must be somewhere else in that moment.

I need you to send me flowers. Whether they are for me or the one I am caring for, they brighten up the place. Send me yellow ones and daisies and such that remind me life is out there because inside these four walls, death is often too near. I need some inner sunshine! Have your kids draw me pictures. Anything that adds light to my darkness will help.

I need you to understand that right now, sometimes it's all I can do to make myself get up in the mornings. I need you to hear what I don't say, to give what I don't ask for, and to know that I need you but am too full of pride to ask for your help. I am too ashamed of my dirty house to let you visit. I am afraid if I show you my emotion you will write me off as some lunatic when in actuality I am really quite sane but am having a moment of pure panic as I deal with the fact that my loved one is dying, that I am facing life alone, and that I am scared.

So, dear friends, I need you but I won't ask you these things. I want those casseroles. I want your visits so I know I am not alone and that you really do want to help but...I cannot ask you. I don't have time. Time is what I often need. You are busy too so if you don't mean it, please don't say it.

And, after my loved one has gone on, I need you. I may say I want to be alone but...keep trying. Keep showing up. Don't let me drift away too. I know I can appear fine but that doesn't mean I am. And lastly, remember, you asked if there was anything I needed, to let you know. I just did.

For anyone who may be reading this and thinking I need you right now because of some crisis I am having, let me assure you: I am fine. However, each morning when I get up and check Facebook, someone else isn't. Someone has just been diagnosed with cancer. Or their kid was in a wreck. Or their house burnt down, they lost their job, their husband left, they found out something that devastated them...

Friends, it's so easy to say "Call me if you need anything." But may I ask you: how do you think they are going to do that when they are barely treading water? Maybe they can't even afford to pay their phone bill itself so how can they cry out to you?

Let's make it a point to do, to act, to love without being asked. You know what is needed most of the time. It's you. They need you. Your ears. Your smiles. Your shoulders to hug on and cry on. Your time to help. They need to know they can text you in the middle of the day and get a quick word of encouragement. When they remember or get the chance to go to the mailbox, they need a card waiting there to show that though you aren't physically there, you are with them in spirit. They need you to show up unasked for because, after all, if you really love them, aren't you going to be in the vicinity anyways?

Next time you are at a fast food place, buy a gift card. Just in case. Grocery store? Pick up some extra frozen pizzas, casseroles, and maybe some sodas. Post office? Grab a few extra stamps 'cause even though you can't pay their bills, you can allow them to get sent out. Many times this is something overlooked but definitely needed. Leave them on their counter when you visit. Make the time to visit.

Depending on the season, have your kids mow their yard, wash their cars, take out the trash, walk their dogs, and so on. It's the little things that matter. Make a difference today, friends. That's what we need.

Monday, February 8, 2016

All the world is a stage

Mordecai sent word to Esther to tell her "...For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance... will arise from another place... And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" 

I have a few things to share with you all to ponder as Super Bowl 50 has been completed and the stage has been set for much of the world to see and hear who claimed victory and how the loser would handle defeat.  Stick with me a few moments?  Thanks!

Disappointed?  Mmn, a bit.  Disgruntled?  Nope; that's not quite the word I'm looking for.  Disheartened?  Yeah, but only because I had built him up to my pastor and a few others due to his comments on his faith that I recently read.  Disgusted?  No, that's not the word either, although my mind is a bit perturbed.  Disillusioned?  Maybe.  Maybe that's what I felt when I heard Peyton Manning last night as he told the millions of folks watching what he was going to do to celebrate the win over the Carolina Panthers:  
"I'll take some time to reflect," he said. "I have a couple of priorities first. I want to go kiss my wife and my kids. I want to go hug my family. I'm going to drink a lot of Budweiser tonight, I promise you that. I'm going to take care of those things first, and say a little prayer to thank the man upstairs for this great opportunity."
And then there was Cam Newton.  No, that sure wasn't his greatest game but does one game define you?  Of course not!  Read here the text his mother sent to him before the game began:
 "I understand that hot and cold water comes out of different fountains. You are neither hot or cold. You have a big platform. Which fountain are you? Don't let the devil win over your words or speech that represents the dark world. But represent the awesome God you serve through your words. ... You win with your character and powerful words you speak.'' 
Sadly though, Cam's words were not powerful--or at least not in the way that they could have been.  They sent a message all right.  However, it was not the one I had hoped to hear.  Another example--like Peyton's--of a wasted opportunity to use the platform of his celebrity.  "I'm done," Cam said, as he walked out of the press conference, to the chagrin of many, myself included, as I waited for some praise for his teammates and fans.  Sadly, his emotions were too unsteady so he walked away instead of choosing to build up what the other team had taken down.

But wait a minute, Stef.  Peyton did acknowledge his thanks for God!

Did he now?  Really?  'Cause when I heard him mention "the man upstairs" I wasn't sure if he was referring to God or to George Jefferson.  I mean, seriously?  Seriously, after eighteen seasons in the NFL, after countless wins and healings from the various injuries, and after all of those prayers he said he prays, he refers to God as "the man upstairs" instead of the Savior of his life?  What a horrible waste!  Think of the beer he planned to drink.  He had no trouble specifying which brand that was.  Could he have not clued in some of the watching world which man it was that he was going to thank for this tremendous win?

Shame on Peyton Manning!  Shame on Cam Newton for walking out of the press conference after all he and his team had accomplished this season!  Two men from each end of the spectrum with one humongous opportunity to let the world know that win or lose, all glory goes to God.  And neither did.  What I would have given for a stage such as theirs to...

To what, Stef?  To show what God means to you?  To share the miracles He's worked on your behalf?  To proclaim that none of this would be possible except for His mercy and grace?  To tell that despite the outcome of the game, you were on the winning team?  To thank Him proudly and yet humbly before mankind for saving your soul?

Yeah, something like that.  And while I don't have a huge audience, I do have this podium and with as much as is in me, with as much ability and determination that I can muster, and with all grace coming from Christ Jesus, I purpose to use my Wandering Through The Bible page to do so.  May I not waste the stage before me is my heart's earnest desire.  Before the curtain falls on my final act, I pray that God will use me to spread His Word, His love, and His encouragement to all who read this blog.  

In closing, don’t be a Cam.  Don’t be a Peyton.  Don’t waste the moments you are given to share the good news of Christ Jesus.  William Shakespeare penned it well all those years ago when he declared that all of the world's a stage.  The audience is watching you, watching me.  Will we get a standing ovation at the end, be asked back for an encore, or will they throw tomatoes at us?  Will they demand their money back and rue the day they placed any faith in us?  Will our performances be those “once-in-a-lifetime” events that are never forgotten or will their heads bow in shame, the way mine is, because faith was placed in man rather than Jesus?

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, what could have been done in Your Name versus what actually was causes my heart to hurt.  To rage.  To judge.  However, Lord, as I so often do when faced with such emotion, it also makes me reflect on my own actions and what is lacking in them.  Father, please forgive all the times I let You down by not giving You my first fruits.  I’m sorry for the neglected minutes that could have been spent giving acclaim to You when I instead took glory for myself and as an afterthought remembered that oh yeah, this wouldn’t have been possible without You?  What a wretched lot we are, Lord!  How do You put up with us?


Help us, Lord?  Again?  And again?  And again?  We need You so!  Remind us, Father, that in spite of our failings, when You see us, You see Your Son.  You aren’t disappointed in us when we fall.  Nope, instead You sweep us back into Your arms, kiss away our tears, brush off our dirt, and place us in upright positions so that we may stand for You and give it another try.  

Thank You for such mercy.  For such grace.  To say “I love You” is small but because of how You first loved, it’s enough.  I love You, Lord God.  I love You.  Amen.

Friday, February 5, 2016

That's Cool

Jackie and Hyde, from the sitcom "That '70s Show" taught me a lesson years ago that I put on the back burner but thankfully my photographic-memory-husband reminds me of frequently.  For you see, I suffer from a disease known as Stef Pity.  It's the kind of illness that affects my mind, heart, and sense of reason.  It happens when I take my eyes off of God and put them on myself.  It occurs frequently when I listen to the world and let its cares bog me down.  Click on the link above and watch as a young girl learns to not take life so seriously.

There's a verse in Ecclesiastes 7:21 that begins " not take to heart everything people say..."  Being that I am the sensitive soul, you can see why I catch Stef Pity often in my lifetime.  The symptoms are easy to spot:  whinyness, watery eyes from peepers that have seen too much, dull hearing from ears that have been listening to the wrong speakers, feet that won't get up and go because when they do, troubles await.  Other side-effects of Stef Pity include poor attitude, lack of luster, and chills that are a result from the coldness that sets into my heart.

So, surely there must be some cure for this disease, right?  Also, is it contagious?  What can I do to protect myself from falling victim to this sickness?

Good questions!  Yes, there is a cure.  Yes, it is contagious--deathly so.  The best ways to prevent yourselves from catching it are complicated but when combined with the Great Physician's prescription, you have a wonderful chance of survival and the ability to live a complete and fruitful life.  How?  How can you not fall prey to this infirmity?  Read and practice the following directions:

  • Avoid foolish people
  • Keep your mind clean from wayward thoughts
  • Wash your soul several times throughout the day with the Word of God (the powers of its ability to clean are legendary)
  • Stay busy (idle hands are the devil's playground and just think of all of the cooties out there when you are frolicking about on the swingset and such)
  • Pray often, keeping your attention on God rather than the members of the Stef Pity Support Groups
  • Whatever.  Don't take life too seriously.  Solomon told us himself that it's all vanity so eat, drink, and be merry.  
Merry, not sad.  Not seclusive.  Not hidden away so your lights can't shine.  Light dispels the darkness, you know.  Go shine on those afflicted with Stef Pity and illuminate the Jesus that is just waiting for them to go to Him for the ultimate healing.  The cure is in you, folks.  Don't let those you care most about fall victim to Stef Pity.  Love is infectious.  Be a carrier!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Directions.  Instructions.  We need them to make life decisions.  From following a recipe to finding our way around with a map, we need to know where to go, when to go, and what things might be encountered along the way.

For a couple of months now, I have been troubled by a situation.  Though I pondered, prayed, and pouted about it I just couldn't get any relief and whatever efforts I made to make it better for myself, I found I was getting nowhere.  Yeah, I had "The Book" and I had a great adviser to talk it through with me.  I did several studies and spent much time agonizing over the best course of action.  One thing kept nagging at me through this ordeal.  I didn't want to do it that way though so I kept ignoring it.  

Like many great concoctions I have made and baked, and like many trips to different adventures without quite knowing the right pathway to take, I decided to do it on my own.  A tweak here, a detour there and the end result was good.  Not the way the picture showed but still, I made it.  It tasted good and the walk on the wild side, on the road less taken, still got me where I was headed.

First.  First.  That word kept nagging at me though.  Sigh.  Like when the recipe tells you to first soften the butter at room temperature.  Like when the directions tell you there is a detour ahead but in your haste, you forge ahead anyways, thinking by the time you get there, that mess will be cleaned up.  Oh sure, you can use the butter that's not yet ready and the whole cake will still taste fine, if you don't mind the fact that you might encounter a lump or two of fluff where the ingredients didn't quite stick together correctly.  You won't win the blue ribbon for it though.  And you can drive that beaten path and then fume when the detour signs abound and cause you to backtrack because you didn't read the directions.  You didn't do what was first required.

Jesus had a few things He said we should do first, before attempting to get the rest of the job done.  First we had to do certain works--whether that meant plucking some beams from eyes, gathering some tares, seeking, reconciling, and/or binding--before we could receive the ultimate prize.  And guess what?  When one does these things, the end result has a happier ending!  Less time is wasted.  More production occurs.  Vision gets sharper.  The projects get completed.

Next time you are faced with a task, read the directions, friends.  That trip you are planning?  Seek first that the pathway is indeed clear.  Don't be a Stefanie.  

Be Like Bill Generator:
Let's pray!

Father, as I reflect on the time I wasted on something that should have been resolved in a matter of moments--a day at most--I am ashamed that I did not do what Jesus said to do first.  I learned a great lesson though, Lord, and for that I thank You.  Like a turtle, I can be slow but...but like a growing child, I can learn.  Thank You for the wisdom gained and gleaned.  May I never stop learning--especially to do things right the first time.  In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

But I Didn't Do It!!

Matthew 5 and 18 brothers.jpg
Do you ever mix up Bible verses or take them out of the context for which their purpose is actually meant?  Me too!  

Case in point:  as you read the two passages pictured, you can see how similar they are.  They both deal with wayward brothers (and sisters).  They both deal with how to handle issues that are in need of reconciliation.  They both deal with (gulp) you being the one to go try to rectify the situation so that peace may be restored.  Yes:  you.  Even though the “brother” may be the one with the problem, you are to go to him.  

Okay Stef, I don’t think I like where this is going.  

Join the club!  But hang with me, for you see, there is a difference here that begs exploration.

In the first scenario, the brother has his feathers all ruffled up about something you did that bothers him.  His problem, right?  I mean, after all, we aren’t responsible for how others feel or how they assume what we said meant something else.  If they misunderstood, then that is on them, not us.  Maybe next time they’ll listen better.

Mmn hmn.  

If there is a next time.

If there is another time when they will allow you in their inner circle that--oh by the way--involves several of your peeps too.  Mmn hmn.  Peeps that are starting to notice a new friction, a separation, that something is off.  Now whose problem is it?

Let’s move on to the second scenario.  This time the brother has done something to you.  Because you are so sweet and wise and don’t want there to be conflict, you go to said brother and tell him “Look Buddy, what you did really hurt my feelings.  You took something that did not belong to you and recompense needs to be made.”  Something like that.  However, this brother is not interested in your hurt feelings, or giving back to you what is now in his possession.  In fact, he doesn’t really even want to discuss this with you.  So, being the “good Christian soul” that you are, you go to your trusted friends and ask them to try to help you make this right.  After all, just because the brother offended you doesn’t mean you want to cut him out of your life.  You just want peace and cannot have it until this situation has been rectified.  You still love him it’s just that he messed up and needs to say he’s sorry.

But no, this brother still isn’t interested in reconciliation, even though you brought along a couple of peacemakers to be non-biased and get things back in order.  They see the effects this is having not only on you two but on the friendship as a whole.  Wanting to honor Christ, they urge you both to get this settled.  If it is, then you get your brother back, fellowship is restored, and life goes on.  If, however, your brother still refuses to reconcile, then he is wrong.  He is brought before the church for one last opportunity to repent and then his ultimate decision is to be made:  do I lower myself so I may be raised back up and restored or...or do I choose to be right in spite of the consequences, in spite of losing my church family, my reputation, and my testimony?  

For arguments’ sake, let’s conclude this by saying it’s all the brother’s fault.  He is the one with the problem in both situations.  Let him deal with it as he sees fit.  Me?  I’m just going to pretend like it all didn’t even happen and wait for him to come to his senses.  He’ll miss me soon enough and if there’s some collateral damage on the way, it won’t be my fault.  After all, I am the injured party.  If anyone needs apologized to, it’s me.  No way.  Unh unh!  I will not go to him and make things right.  

That only leaves one more last question then before I close.  If the brother is wrong (and I think we have proven that he is) and if the brother has hurt you (and we’ve shown this to be true to as well) then why is Jesus telling us--you, me--to go first?  First.  Privately.  Just the two of you.  Why did Jesus put that responsibility on you, on me?  Why didn’t He put it on the brother who was the one who erred to begin with?  Why is it our problem?

Let’s pray!

Oh Lord, how You know my reasons for writing this blog today!  The situation I am dealing with is quickly festering into something stinky and hurtful and in my opinion, one that needs to be dealt with fast.  My sensitive soul keeps thinking this “brother” should come to me, that he will see how wrong he was, and that we will talk and then laugh at how silly the whole thing was and how great it is to be friends again.  Restoration will take place and our friendship will be stronger than before because we proved Your way to be best.

But God?  My brother isn’t coming.  Not to his senses and not to me.  I know what to do but...but Lord?  I don’t want to!  I do not want to go to this soul and ask forgiveness for something I did not do!!  But...gulp.  Sigh.  But God, Your Son Jesus said it’s me who needs to take that step.  It’s me who needs to go try to rectify and heal what has been damaged.  Obviously, I care and am bothered by it, as well as the effects it is having on those around me.  So, prepare me, Father.  Tenderize my heart and pride to humble myself and go make peace.  It is possible.  It is necessary.  And my heart is tired of hurting over this.  

Go before me, I ask.  Prepare this brother’s heart to be willing to accept me, to listen to me, to forgive me.  Had a hard time writing that last word, Lord!  Obviously I am still struggling here but I know:  I know this is necessary.  Sigh.  Oh Lord!  Help me to make this right, I pray, in the name of Jesus.  Amen.