Saturday, December 10, 2016

Mary Memories

Mary Memories

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Greetings from a cold, chilly, and captivating Myrtle Beach!  Brr.  The things one does to catch the glimpses of the brilliant and beautiful sunrises around here.

As I braved the cold way-below normal temperatures for this wondrous place, I couldn’t help but think of all the sacrifices my dear Lord made for me.  Seriously Stef:  you are just mere steps away from a well-warmed hotel room so that you can enjoy this spectacular sight and you have the audacity to complain about your fingers going numb while you take a few photos?  Brat!  Just think of what Christ endured so that you could have this privilege.  I think a few moments of “harsh reality” you can take.

After I stopped berating myself, I noticed the seagulls, out for their morning nourishment.  As their elegant flight was all about me, it reminded me as the sun was quickly approaching that one day I too shall spread my wings in flight.  I too shall bask in the luminosity that is my Lord’s, as I circle in the air towards Him.  My sister Mary loved the beach!  We grew up in California and spent a bit of time at the coast though truthfully, I can’t recall those times.  However, after she had been diagnosed with the cancer that took her from me over eight years ago, we did get to revisit the Pacific Ocean and share some sweet memories there before she passed away.
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Mary’s favorite hymn was “I’ll Fly Away.”  As I watched the seagulls circling around, I remembered Mary.  I remembered the lyrics to this song.  I rejoiced as I reflected that some glad morning, I too shall fly away.  When the shadows of this life have gone, I get to rise to my Jesus.  Just a few more weary days...just a few.  And in the spirit of not being whiny, they really aren’t so troublesome.  Nah:  my life is great and I am thankful for my many blessings.  But...should the Lord call me home--whether in the morning or the still of the night or sometime in between, I’m ready.  Will I meet you in mid-air, friends?  Hope so!  

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