Sunday, May 21, 2017

Can You Hear Me Now?

Psalm 116 1-2.jpg

Question:  why do you love someone?  Is it because of what they do for you, how they make you feel, how they treat you, because of what they purchase for you?  What is it that allows your heart to care so deeply for this one?

Question number two:  what happens when all of their gifts cease?  When they stop listening to every word you say, when they take your feelings for granted, and when they stop catering to your every need:  do you still love them then?

Question number three:  when the good times end, do you still consider this person worthy of your affection?

Psalm 116 begins with the writer saying he loves the Lord because… Because why?  Because He heard him.  Because He listened to his voice, to his requests, and not only did the Lord hear the writer, He really listened.  He got up close so as not to miss a word.   

Ahh, how I can relate!  So many times in my life I have just wanted someone to listen to me, to put everything else aside and fully concentrate on the words coming from my mouth.  I longed for someone to hear what I was saying and not to interrupt during the pauses, the moments when the words weren’t coming out as succinctly as I needed them to, or to not butt in as I was collecting my thoughts so that my sentences would make sense.

Can you relate?  I’m sure most have heard that “God gave us two ears and one mouth to better hear and speak half as much” or something to that effect.  James may have said it best in 1:19:  “...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…”

When you are troubled and want someone to just listen to you, is there a certain soul who comes to mind?  Someone that you just know will understand, will nod sympathetically as you pour your heart out, and who will not interrupt with her own stories and try to fix you when maybe you aren’t really even broken but just a little scattered and need to just sort things out as she wordlessly just...just listens?

The psalm writer found that One when he looked to God.  And, apparently, he had called upon Him more than once since his love for our Lord filled his heart with thanksgiving and praise.  That type of relationship doesn’t just happen, you know.  It takes trust and attention.  Sometimes I test folks with a casual or outlandish remark to see how they will respond.  I’m seeing if they are going to allow me to explain myself or to just think “That woman is nuts!” and walk away or describe how they would never do or think this.  Depending on their reaction, I then know if I can further open myself up and find an earthly friend worthy of my praise and loyalty.

In conclusion, sadly, it’s rare that one can find that type of friend. Thankfully though, we don’t have to keep our thoughts and emotions and dreams and wonderings to ourselves.  Nope!  Our heavenly Father is there, waiting and wanting to bend low to hear our every word!  No wonder He is called the Lover of our souls!  May He love on you today, friends, as you call out to Him with your concerns, with your most personal cares, and with your cries?  He wants to to be your Friend.  While others--not when--don’t drop everything when your voice calls out, God does.  His ear is inclined to you.  

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