Saturday, September 23, 2017

Letters From Home (less)

Matthew 25 44 when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you.JPG

A little while back--after feeling frustrated each time some homeless soul asked for our help and us not having anything handy to give--Steve and I prepared some “homeless bags” so that we’d be prepared for the next time.  We filled ziploc bags with goodies, cleaning things, one little Bible verse card, and thought we were ready.  However, the more we thought about it, the more things we would add:  a pair of socks, a little bit of cash and four quarters, band aids, and--one of my personal favorites--one of those little tea lights that are battery operated.  After all, the double entendre was too good to pass up:  light for dark nights and for us shining light on our fellow man.  Ooh, yes, go ahead and pat us on the backs the next time that you see us.  We are just such good Christian folks.

{Pardon me while I choke}

As the bags sat on our table, ready to be dispersed, I had one last idea to really make the bags complete.  “Let’s put a stamped post card and pen in there.  That way, should they so desire, they can send their loved ones a note letting them know how they are.”  Brilliant, if I do say so myself.  

Anyways, this blog could go lots of ways but I want to hear from you today.  I know a lot of my readers are also writers so I want to give you all the opportunity to let your creative juices flow today.  Here’s your assignment:  imagine you are the homeless soul.  You are sitting there as you chew on your raisins and wondering just what kind of person puts a postcard--a postcard of all things!!--in a bag like this.  As you wash away your food with the last drag of water, you continue to ponder this card.  It’s already stamped and nothing on it will give away your whereabouts except the postmark.  That is, if you even use it.  

You roll the pen between your fingers.  Your mind is already thinking whom you’d like to send a note to.  That soul’s address is imprinted on your brain.  Do you dare?  What would you say?  There’s only room for a few lines.  

Taking a deep breath, you sigh.  The decision has been made.  Consider your words carefully, for again, there’s only space for a few of them.  Breathe.

“Okay,” you decide, and pick up the pen.  "Here goes."

Now, Wandering Through The Bible readers, write.  You can send them privately if you like but I think it will be quite interesting to see what you all come up with.   Ready?  Put yourself in place of the homeless one.  Who would you write to?  How much information would you include?  What would you say?  I can’t wait to read you today!

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