Thursday, July 31, 2014

I Don't Want To Grow Up

July 31, 2014 My grandson is in a near state of depression. Last night, he was just so overwhelmed that he could hardly put a voice to his thoughts. Why? He has a birthday coming up in a few weeks. This will truly be a bittersweet event. Poor guy! He loves parties, loves playing, and loves being...the baby. He has been the baby for the past few years and for most of the years has revelled in this role. Take for instance when it was time to potty train. As I would change his diaper and powder him up, I'd coo to him that in a few more days it'd be time for him to start using the pot like a big boy. He'd smile so sweetly at me and say "No, I'm not." And he didn't. Not in a mean way. He just wasn't ready to let go of this portion of his "youth," the portion that let him be coddled and taken care of. He has a new brother on the way. He's pretty excited about it and has all kinds of plans to be his "protector" and talks of how he will help Mama feed him and play with him. But, somehow in the midst of all of this new baby chatter and his upcoming birthday, the ConMan is fraught. He does not want to grow up. He curls himself around Mama's expanding belly, jockeying for position as he gently rubs the baby, and snuggles ever closer to his nurturer. He has his birthday all planned out. He wants to go to Krispy Kreme and for everyone to bring him orange (his favorite color) presents. He and I planned this a few weeks ago and he refuses to budge on it (much to his parents dismay). He wants his friends to be there to celebrate with him but he does not want to turn four. He just is so sad about this! Can you blame him, folks? I think he has been somehow supernaturally impressed with the fact that growing up is not all that it is cut out to be. Responsibilities. Less play time. Eating vegetables. Going to school. Having to walk without being carried. Being rocked to sleep is so much better! Resting on the top of someone's shoulders is often easier than putting one foot in front of the other. Your food being cut up for you and brought to you is so much nicer than getting it for yourself. Your clothes somehow mysteriously are laid out for you and cleaned without you having to lift a finger to get them to the laundry room (except for those times when you want to help out). Taking nice warm bubble baths and then being wrapped up in a soft towel and comforting arms are hard things to beat! Yeah, if it was up to my darling gson, he would never get older. I Peter 2:2 says "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby..." He likes the sincere milk, the purity of it, the uncomplicated portion that he is allowed so that he may grow--but not grow up. And, if it were up to me, I'd keep him at this age. Sweet. Needy. Dependent. Loving. Able to be mended by a few smooches and hugs--and a couple of jelly beans don't hurt either. Sigh. Life comes at us too quickly sometimes and then...and then we are looking back at it, wondering why we were in such a hurry, why we didn't slow down and remain kids for longer. When did we become old? When did our sunny dispositions that all could be made right with a cookie and a kiss change? Why can't we just play all day and not do chores? Today I encourage you to be a kid. Laugh. Do something silly. Get chocolate all over you and use the back of your arm to spread it even more messily around you. Don't pick your "toys" up and put away for later: take them out now! Take a good long nap after hearing a good story to encourage your dreams to be filled with adventures and far off places. Let someone else wait on you and cut your food up for you. If they are strong enough, let them carry you around for a bit and maybe even swing you in their arms (or take you to the playground if this option doesn't pan out). Holler "Wheeeee" and rejoice in this day that the Lord has made. Too soon it will be time to be an adult again. Too soon it will be that your body doesn't have the energy to frolic. Too soon the cares of this world will infringe upon your calm. Go find a kid and play with him or her today. I'll bet you will be glad you did! Let's pray! Dear Lord, how my heart aches for this child who sees so clearly that being older is a lot of work and takes away too much fun. Help me as his granny to show him that there is still a lot of fun to be had and that getting older isn't so bad. Help me to instill in him love and carefreeness (I think I just made up a new word, Father). And mostly, help me to enjoy this little child You have placed in my life and see the world through his eyes rather than the cynical and often jaded ones that are on my face. You have provided us with great beauty and life. May I--and my "baby"--enjoy it to the full is my hope. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen.

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