Thursday, July 24, 2014


July 24, 2014 Do you ever feel like you are bothering God; that your prayers, your needs aren't as important as those of some of His other children? That God really doesn't have time to worry if you are going to overcome--with His help (that you are afraid to ask for)--the little struggles you face each day? If you do, you are wrong. Are you a parent or around kids much? What are their needs? Let's see: there are the basic ones of shelter, food, and clothing. They need to be trained/educated. They need to have boundaries put before them so that they don't stray into territories that they just aren't ready for. But what about those other little needs they have? In their minds, everything is a priority, an issue that needs constant and immediate attention. For example, each time my gson passes the jelly bean dispenser, he says--in an astonished voice--"I haven't had a jelly bean today!" As though the world would just stop if this issue wasn't taken care of unless the suddenly starving kid gets one or two of these necessary vegetables. Does he need a jelly bean each day? Of course he does! He needs not only the nutrition this bean provides but also needs to know that his daily life just won't be the same, won't be as good, won't be as fruitful without this little treat. He also needs to know that his need is noticed by the one who can take care of it. He needs the affirmation that approval is needed so that he can go about his daily business in a better manner than if the jelly bean was not a part of it. And, there are also some days, when more than one bean is needed. Shouldn't he be able to ask for one or two more just in case they are--maybe not needed as much as the first one but--they just tasted so good that he couldn't help but ask for more? Kind of reminds me of that verse "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good." So, what is your jelly bean today and/or most days? Is it for a loving heart? A patient spirit? Is it for a tender soul that is more aware of the needs of others rather than your own? Is it for just the strength to get up each day and face what life has for you? Is it for the car to start, the kids to mind, the husband to remember to pick up a jug of milk on the way home? Is it for that little pain in your body that is "no big deal" when so many others have worse ailments? Just what is it that keeps you from being better because you didn't ask for a little help from the God Who holds it all in His hands? Jelly beans, while tiny little things that don't take much effort to provide, are usually a source of happiness for most. Sure, compared to a full-course meal, they aren't as sustaining but...they are necessary for keeping one balanced and whole. How else would we stay so sweet? Let's pray! Dear Lord, we need more jelly beans. Whether they come as bits of tolerance, whether it's just the feeling of completeness they give us when we are alone in the crowd, or whether it's the little kick we need to help us swallow the rest of the meal that we must eat each day, we need more jelly beans. Help us to not be afraid to ask for them but to indeed be amazed that this little bite of joy is so easy to be acquired if we will just ask for it each day. Also Lord, I pray, that we won't be slack in asking from You the things we think we need that perhaps others will tell us are a bother to You. Just as I get a feeling of satisfaction for making my grandson smile and to see the delight on his face as he partakes of the little treat, You too enjoy seeing Your children experience joy. Remind us that You aren't too busy or will think less of us when we ask for our vegetables in life. Thank You! You are a wonderful God!

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