Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Write On?

Yesterday my internet was down. All day. Sigh. I had my day all planned out and was relying on doing some long put-off work on my computer but you know what? It's awfully hard to get things in order when your things you need to organize are on Google Docs and you have no way of accessing them. So, I did what any woman with half of a brain in her would: I went to the library to use their computers! I was going to get so much work done after all, I decided, in spite of this minor setback. It would just not be from the comfort of my own home. But alas! When I got to the Hudson Branch, all of the computers were being used. Errrrrrr. Okay, Stef: deep breath. Why not just go to the main branch? Surely they will have some computers open. Great plan! I grabbed a quick chicken sandwich from Burger King, went to Staples to mail a package and thought that I may as well grab come folders to put my work in. Finally, armed with 14 folders in 7 different colors, I was able to rock and roll! I made my way to a computer on the end, near the window, and with lots of room to spread my things out. I got one month's worth of blogs printed out completely (thankfully, I chose this month so that I wasn't too overwhelmed). It takes a lot of time to go back and put them in the right format for printing--something I am trying to teach myself to do correctly the first time so that there isn't so much follow up work to do that often seems to get put on the back burner. "Do it right the first time" is my mantra to my gsons. Guess it's time for ol' Granny to practice what she preaches, huh? Anyway, what does this all have to do with the Faith Challenge posted on the picture? Plenty! Last night, I could not sleep. So, from midnight to around 5:00 am, I went to my Pretty Purple Room and reviewed and organized my blogs that I had printed. I had several already done from previous times. As I held those blogs in my hand, as I checked off my list of which ones were done, done correctly, and which ones needed some more work, the feeling was...was...serene. Here, in my two hands, were words that had been carefully poured out of my soul. Some blogs were only a page while others were three and occasionally four in length. A phrase here and there would catch my attention and I would linger in thought over what made me write those at that point in time. This encouraged me to pull out my handwritten journals in my drawer (if you knew how bad my handwriting was, you'd see why word processing is such an avenue of help for me!). As I poured over those words, those insights into my soul, I was reminded about how good God has been to me, how good He is still to me, and how far He has brought me in the (nearly) past two years since the death of my mother. In closing, I want to encourage you to take this faith challenge today. Write someone a handwritten note. Something that they can touch, that they can pull out and read and re-read when they need a pick-me-up. It doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be on fancy stationery. Don't let the devil use that trick to sway you from participating. Just sit down right now and write. I daresay many of you--like me--have a treasure box of old notes, cards, letters that you have saved for personal reasons. Sometimes just seeing the handwriting of the one who wrote you these words is enough to warm your heart, to give you a smile, to make you feel peace. Let's keep that love flowing, shall we? When technology works, it's great but when it doesn't and we have to go back to our real books, our real paper and pencil, and our own devices for entertainment, reading notes from friends is a great way to pass that time--even if that friend is yourself! PM me if you want my address so that you can send me a note of encouragement! I will gladly take them! And send me yours too. I'd like to send you a personal message as well. Let's pray! Oh Father, You above all of us have written us a personal and private note, words to encourage us, words to inspire us, and words to tell us how very much You love us. Thank You for Your Word, God! How precious It is to me and how I take It for granted too often while using modern technology to do studies and such. The feeling I get when I hold my Bible in my hands is so sweet, so affirming. Sure, it's easier to find things on my Kindle or on the computer but when I linger over well-loved passages, over tear-stained verses, or lock onto scriptures that demand my whole attention there is just nothing like it. Help me to be more giving with my words, Lord. I used to be so much better about letting those I care about know that I care enough to just sit down once in a while and put those feelings on paper, paper that they can hold and could take out when they needed my far-off touch. May I and the ones whom You inspire take some time today to do this for others again is my prayer. Amen.

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