Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Out with the old

Here it is, the last day of May.  I've written to you all before that I love the "firsts" of things, such as new months, places, jobs, and so on because they give us a chance at starting over: of doing things right this time.  Today, though, I want to concentrate for a few moments on the "lasts" of things, because who of us is promised tomorrow?  Mmn hmn.  Exactly!

I've been discouraged lately in some areas of my life.  Stagnant.  Rebellious.  Distant.  Disheartened.  Mad, even.  I wrote recently about losing a dear friend, Betty, my "Number One Facebook Supporter" of this blog.  Although technically she hasn't passed yet, the doctors say she won't regain consciousness.  When I visited with her last week, I believe she heard my words, felt my touch, and mostly, I trust that she sensed my presence and the love I feel towards her.  I also mentioned losing my friend Lisa several weeks ago.  Although we weren't as close in the end as we were in certain times, the impact she made on my life gave me much inspiration and many topics to write about.

Between the two of these losses, I could easily bury my head in the sand and stay there, content in my misery and sense of loss.  I could burrow in the comfort of my Pretty Purple Room as I ponder the sense of what it's all about anyways.  I could never pick up a pen, touch the keyboard, or voice my thoughts via videos and just let myself be overwhelmed with the futility that must resemble that of which Solomon felt when he penned his thoughts on the vanity of life in the Book of Ecclesiastes.  However, like Solomon wrote, there is a time and a season for all things.  And the time to keep silent has passed!

As I finished reading the Book of Isaiah this morning, there were a few passages that stood out to me but the one posted in the picture illustrates my wandering thoughts today:  "You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent."  It was as though God Himself was encouraging me, telling me to keep at it.  Whether my audience is vast or is only one soul, is it not important--vital, even--to share the things God reveals through me in all circumstances?  I think so!  Those who are meant to read it and be touched by it will be.  We can't all be like-minded all of the time but sometimes...Sometimes can't we just agree that our Lord is worthy and greatly to be praised?  I don't want the rocks to do my job for me.  Thus, the days of being hardened are over!

Yeah, I like new beginnings and tomorrow I am going to start a new form of blogging for a month, thanks to an invitation by SouthernSavers.com.   Here's the link, for those of you who may want to join me:  http://www.southernplate.com/2016/05/june-scripture-writing-plan.html.  The challenge is this:  to write down a  passage of scripture each day and to ponder it.  Hey:  even for a slacker like me, that's not too hard!  The topic is on forgiveness and I certainly can continually glean more on this issue since it's such a necessity in my daily living.  My hubby is going to do it with me and hopefully between the two of us holding one another accountable, we will stick to this 30-Day Challenge and learn much.  But, for those of you who may not have such a handsome accountability partner, I offer to you...me.  Join me here tomorrow as we walk our way through the Bible and draw closer to understanding just what forgiveness is all about.  Plus, if you join me and my ol' man has for some reason slacked off, you can keep me on track!  You know what happens when I wander!  

Let's pray!

Dear Lord God, as I contemplate the past couple of months and the losses I have faced, I apologize.  I'm sorry for taking my eyes off of You and withdrawing into myself.  You are all too familiar with sorrows Yourself, Father, and I should have run to You instead of hiding in myself.  Yes, there are seasons in life and some of those aren't the fun ones that we'd prefer go through.  As I purpose to (once again) do better, I ask that You send me some folks to keep me on my toes.  Thank You for the kind words from Sarah, Kathleen, Ressie, Joy, and from Veronica Shah that helped to encourage me as I shuffled about in my despair.  Lord, I need lots of pats on the backs.  I need many words to uplift me and to validate me.  But mostly Father?  I need to stay focused on You and keep my eyes ahead and not behind.  Thank You for another opportunity to do it right.  In the name of Jesus I pray:  amen.

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