Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What Is That To You?

2016-11-08 John 21 21-22.JPG
What Is That To You?

Good morning!  I want to share with you the concept of my and Steve’s latest Bible Study.  It’s entitled “What Is That To You” and is a result of...well, of me trying to not be such a busybody, always trying to straighten everyone else out, and instead, as Jesus told Peter, to basically mind my own business.  When I do that, when I keep my eyes on Christ, following Him and not checking to see what you are doing (yes you!) then I have time--much more time--to consider the teachings of Christ and to determine what they mean to me.

Obviously, the scriptures are for everyone and yet we are told to work out our own salvation.  Does that mean we are to decide how and when we get saved?  Hardly!  Rather, it means that each of us has our own story of our experience of allowing and receiving Jesus into our lives.  For some it was an earth-shattering event because of the revelation of just how much in need of a Saviour they were.  Others (like me) were saved as a young child and did not know the extreme benefit of having Christ Jesus dwell in us.  The lessons were taught way back when and we believed them, believed what the preachers preached and the Sunday School Teachers taught.  But then, somewhere along the line, our thoughts became questions and we wanted better, deeper answers to the things we’d always believed.  Not that they were necessarily wrong, but...but that more insight was needed, more understanding of the behind-the-scenes action that was taking place.  As I go through different stages of life, I find that some scriptures that I had relied upon for various seasons have become more study-worthy, such as the one pictured above:

When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, If I want him to remain until I return, what is that to you? You follow Me!”  (John 21:21-22)

Peter, like I so often am, was questioning about what role others are to play in this adventure of life we are all on.  He was more focused on John and what he was doing than he was on himself.  Jesus, however, was more concerned that Peter knew his place, his calling, and his pathway.  Ouch!  Peter must have felt the sting of that rebuke: “What is that to you?”  I know I did.  It’s as though each time I read these verses, Jesus is saying the same thing to me:  Stefanie, what is that to you--that thing you keep observing in others?  What is so important in that soul’s life that it keeps you from doing what I have planned for you, My child?  Keep your eyes on Me, Stef, and don’t worry about others.  Stefanie?  You follow Me!

So, here I am.  Keeping my eyes on the prize ahead for me but prizes aren’t just randomly handed out in God’s kingdom.  Prizes are more like rewards, awards even, for accomplishing specific tasks.  My path isn’t the same one you will trod, nor is yours one that I must walk down.  Oh sure, they will intersect at times and even run along a parallel course.  When they do, I want to be your companion not your competition nor your thorn in the flesh.  I want to keep you encouraged and motivated and inspired to keep walking, to keep standing, and to be still when the time is for you to do such things.  But mostly I want to mind my own business and follow Jesus where He leads me.  I can’t very well do that if I am watching others, now can I?  My eyes must stay on my Saviour!  Even if I could walk in your shoes, they weren’t designed for me.  I have my own pair and they must be broken in, I must be broken in, as I follow our Lord down this road He has prepared for me.  It is pleasant when a companion is travelling beside of me, no doubt, so when our paths do intersect, let’s be teammates and not adversaries.  Life is not a competition:  we all can be winners when we focus on our goals instead of one another.

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, the lessons You teach aren’t always received joyfully.  Some of the instructions are hard and I often fail on the exam.  I can’t use a cheat sheet, Father, and get by on others’ knowledge.  Some lessons I must learn for myself because I am in a constant state of flux.  What was true and simple in my yesteryears is now sometimes complex and questions arise as to how I am best to deal with the situations in my life today.

Thank You for Your Word, Lord.  So much of it I have read and studied many times in my life but now those words have deeper meanings.  I pay more attention to key phrases and specific word choice in scriptures that in the past I skimmed over or didn’t completely understand--nor take the time to do so.  Also, due to my ever-changing roles in life (wife of a middle-aged husband, grandmother, Mom instead of Momma, blogger, and the different positions within my church that I participate in), my mentality has changed as well.  I’m not a child any longer and I am responsible more than ever for the biblical truths revealed to me concerning my behaviour, my lifestyle, and my representation of You.

Thank You for this new study, Lord, and I am excited to discover the revelations You show me as I take Your Word to my heart as my crazy head examines myself and I contemplate why I believe what I believe and if changes need to be made.  When changes need to be made.  Quicken me, Father?  Help Steve and my pastor and my friends to sharpen me.  “What is that to you?  Follow Me” is the command given.  Oh how I anticipate what these things are to me, Lord Jesus, as my journey with You continues!  May my eyes stay on You is my prayer today.  Keep those squirrels and rabbits at bay, I pray in Your holy and precious name.  Amen.

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