Wednesday, July 26, 2017

That's What Friends Are For!

Two are better than one, because...if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

Last night was a time of affirmation.  Let me rephrase that:  last night was a time of much-needed affirmation!

2017-7-26 Ecc. 4 9-12.JPGI’ve been in a rut lately and my soul has been burdened.  While it’s nice to be able to share these things with the hubby, I was able yesterday to speak with two folks who really got me.  I mean, they didn’t just nod their heads in understanding while looking for the nearest exit.  They not only confirmed my feelings but had nearly equal ones in response!  Do you know how good that feels--to know you aren’t crazy, to know that while your spouse agrees with you because, after all, you’ve been married so long that your thoughts often mirror the others’, and to know that all things work together for good?  If you don’t, my hope is that you will be able to go out on that limb and risk it.  Either you’ll break the tree because your weight is too much for it or you’ll find that when Christ is the vine and we are the branches, love covers all.  Rooted and grounded in Him, we can remain steadfast.

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, thank You for brothers and sisters in Christ who are there when needed.  Thank You for the fellowship, the compassion, and the love You placed in our hearts towards each other, in spite of the world trying to convince us that we are on our own.  We aren’t.

Father?  My heart is still heavy and while it was nice to share, the answers weren’t there.  These friends didn’t have them, as they too were searching for the best avenue to take.  Will You help us--both individually and corporately--to keep seeking Your Word to find what we need?  Thanks.

Lastly, Lord, I pray for those out there who feel alone, uncared for, unheard.  I ask that You send someone their way to see their souls, to hear what’s not being said, and to respond to the cries for help that don’t make it past the eyes.  I ask these things in the name of Christ Jesus, my Redeemer and my Advocate.  Amen.

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