Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Winning Side

Ouch!  I saw this meme this morning as I was perusing Facebook to see what I'd missed overnight.  I kind of chuckled inwardly as immediately a few folks came to mind and I was reminded of ways they had let me down but then I moved on because, hey, who really wants to end the year with such negativity, right?  We're on to you, Devil, and if 2015 has taught us anything it's that you are only as strong as we let you be.

Speaking of which, recently Steve and I have begun a new Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer, entitled "The Armor of God."  It's a video/workbook study and the topic is one that I have dealt with many times in my blogs.  Also, recently I found some cool little pocket reminders that you may remember I wrote about as well from a local store called "Treasures" here in Caldwell County.  One kid at church has been fascinated with them and I have a little project lined up for him that he's yet to find out about but that I think he will love.

But I stray.  Back to the blogging!

Before Steve left for work this morning, he told me how he's going to use the verse from Ephesians 6:12 for his life verse for the coming year.  For those of you who may not be familiar with it, here it is:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

As we've been studying this passage, it has really hit home about what our struggles are about--not whom.  Did you get that?  Did you see it?  Gently friends, I must remind you that--contrary to popular belief--life isn't all about you.  It's not all about me.  Shocking, huh?  As my daughter once said, we're all just celestial lab rats.  Kidding but...There is some truth in this.  For you see, there are forces at work that are above our pay grade.  Way above it!  There is a war going on and we are pawns in it.  Now I don't know about you, but as for me, being used is a major pet peeve of mine!  When I take the time to step back and consider what's really at play here, I have a decision to make and you do too.  Whose side are we going to bat for?  Whose side are we going to cheer for?  Which team already has the promised victory?

Mmn hmn.  Team Jesus.  Team Heaven.  God's Army.

I want to encourage you today to take some time to ponder those aggravations that have crossed your pathway lately.  Those folks who continue to get your goat, to make your life miserable, to take your eyes off of Christ and get in the flesh and wish damage to?  Those situations that anger you and cause you to doubt?  The calamities going on in the world that just seem to have no end?  Friends, these are all part of the scheme, part of the war for control.  When you can take the time to consider what is going on and see how you are being used, I think it might just change your perspective.  When you realize the choice is in you to let the madness reign and continue or whether you choose to believe these forces at work can be thwarted by your refusal to be used to harm others, change will come about in your lives.  Those petty annoyances can be more easily shaken off when you accept that those sent to pester you are just lab rats too.  I mean seriously:  do you really think folks want to be hate goats, want to be hated, want to just ruin your life?  Honestly?  Come on now.  You know better than that!

Who are you going to believe?  The Jesus Who said He has come that you might have life and have it more abundantly or are you going to believe in the thief who has come to rob, steal, kill, and destroy you?  I know what I am going to do and Whom I am going to trust!  My prayer is that you will do the same.  Let's end this year on a high note rather than inviting those who haven't harmed and/or disappointed us yet to take one last shot.  Who's with me--er, rather, who is with Christ?  Stop fighting battles you aren't even meant to participate in.

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, as this year is nearly over a new one upon us, help us.  Help us to consider Your Word, Your promises, and Your plan for our lives:  the plans to give us a hope and a future.  Help us to choose love, to walk away from conflict, and to not partake of evil in any manner.

Thank You for the gear provided to us as we strive to be soldiers on the lookout for possible infractions of the joy You have provided for us.  We don't want to fight (Lord, You know one of my biggest mantras is how I am a lover not a fighter!) but when engaged, Father, may we have our battle gear on.  Our helmets of salvation, belts of truth, feet shod with the preparation of peace, breastplates of righteousness that can only be found as children of You.  May our shields of faith be proven and may Your sword of the Spirit--Your Word, Father--be ever present in our daily dress.  Lastly, as the study Steve and I are doing teaches, may we be constant in prayer.  Without You we are nothing, can do nothing, and no good will be found in us.  But with You, Lord?  Oh, what victory!  I like winning, Lord!  Thanks for choosing me to be on Your team!  When You put me in, Coach, may I be ready and willing to serve is my plea today, asked in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.  Amen!

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