Wednesday, July 20, 2016

And I think to myself "What A Wonderful World!"

I made this for you.jpg

Don’t we serve an all-amazing, wonderful, beautiful, sweet, giving God?  I mean, just look around you.  Creation is blooming with delights He created for His children to enjoy, to savor, to relax in.  

Last night as the sun set, the moon was rising.  A full moon, bathing my ‘hood and the horizon with a soft light.  As I stared up at it from the gazebo, I couldn’t help but think where its light came from.  It reminded me of what my oh-so-precious first grandson said to me once about how I was the sun and he was the moon and he revolved around me.  Those words melt my heart each time I think on them but as I pondered last night how the moon reflects the glory of God, they struck me anew.

God is the Light.  We are parts of His universe and we each have a special part to play.  As He shines on us, we are to reflect to the rest of the world that light, that presence, that life.  Look at the flowers in this picture. See how their glory is revealed?  That is their purpose and as they do their job, they bless us in return.  As they bloom, we revel in their simplistic beauty.  Their aroma is a sweet one, causing us to breathe in their scent, and to sigh with rapture.

Our lives are to be the same as these flowers, as the moon.  We are to be pleasing to our Lord with our presence and in our day-to-day living.  While we will have seasons of growth, of hibernation, and of being resown, our duty is to stay attached to the Vine.  And, as the moon goes through its phases, so do we.  At times our lights won’t shine.  Other times, our illumination will be hard to see because we have been diminished or only allowed partial viewing because our time is not yet.  Regardless of the phases of the moon and the seasons of the flowers, friends we are to reflect the love of God in our lives.  So, go on.  Be pretty for Jesus!  Flash those pearly whites (or, as in my case, what’s left of them).  Put your smell good (what my gsons call aftershave) on.  Do all to the glory of God.  After all, look what He’s done for you!

Let’s pray!

Oh dear Father, what a wonderful world You made!  Thank You so much for flowers, for birds, for trees, for stars, and a moon.  Thank You for children and the sound of their laughter.  Thank You for freedom and time and eyes to see what You have designed for Your children--for me!

You are lovely.  You are good.  And somehow in all of Your wonder, You took time to acknowledge me and to love all that I could be once Jesus came into my life.  But You didn’t stop there, oh no.  You daily show me new things to love about You.  Throughout the moments that pass me by, often You teach me lessons on what a vast favor You bestow on creation.  Mostly though, dear Father, You love me.  Quietly, as when the breeze whispers by.  Fiercely, as when the storms rage.  Simply, as the sunflowers grow.  Devotedly, shining on me even when I don’t want to see Your light, when I try to hide from the brilliance of You.  Ahh, Lord:  You amaze me.

I do love You ever so much, even when I don’t appear to.  Thank You for grace, for the fruits of Your Spirit, for Jesus, and for all the things You do that work together for my good.  It is my honor to serve You in return.  I hope to make You proud!  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray these things.  Amen.

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