Tuesday, July 19, 2016

From Dodging Balls to Dodging Darts

Quick question: what's the difference between a regular dart and a fiery one? Answer? The fire, of course.
Way back in the days of elementary school, I remember "fiery" being one of our spelling words. A couple of us thought it was pronounced "fear-ey" because that is what it sounded more like--something fierce and something to be afraid of.Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
As Steve and I pondered this verse pictured here this morning, we too posed the above question about the differences between an ordinary dart and the kind that would have fire attached to it. The first one could be pulled from the flesh more easily than the one with flames all around it. Also, the second one would burn more flesh and leave hurtful wounds that might take longer to heal. Lastly, a fiery dart singes, blackens, and burns--oh, how it burns. If you've ever been a victim to a burn, you know what I'm talking about. It leaves a pain like none other I have ever experienced and that's been a lot.
Ephesians 6:16 tells us "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."
Quench. Now there's a word that leaves little doubt to its definition! Water eases the thirst more than any other drink and when one has the Holy Spirit in her, she is able to put out those flames that come unexpectedly. She is able to soothe the burn left behind from the arrow that threaten her livelihood. And, she is able to perhaps stop and/or extinguish that arrow in its track before it can do harm.
Keep those shields up, friends. As Patches O'Houlihan once said, "Remember the 5 D's of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge." I think Ol' Patches would find this advice when one is under attack from Satan to be appropriately used here too. The darts are coming your way. Dodge them when you can! With all you have, stand tall, friends, and be wary.
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, as You know, secular excerpts from movies are the least likely to be the ones we should be using to proclaim Your Word. However, sometimes the illustrations from such folks, movies, books, et cetera can be useful in getting a point across. May we be like Paul, Lord: may we use Your Word to gain our strength and wisdom from. May we study It thoroughly and use the lessons in It to prepare ourselves for the battles ahead--as well as the ones in front of us now. Remind us to carry our shields and other battle attire faithfully, Father, so that we may prevail and having done all, to stand. In the sweet name of Jesus I ask these things: amen.

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