Sunday, July 3, 2016

With All My Heart?

Colossians 3 23.jpg

Good morning!  I hope you are planning on spending part of your day with the Lord as we enjoy another day of life.  He’s so good to allow us time, isn’t He, to do whatever we choose to do?  That’s only one of the many things I just love about God!

Today I am reminded of a song that is our church’s closing hymn for this season.  It’s called “In Christ Alone” and has been performed by many since written in 2001 by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty.  While the song is so powerful and meaningful (and in my humble opinion sung with the most fervor by Travis Cottrell) that is not the focus of my blog this morning.  Instead, I want you to ponder with me just for a few moments on what you are doing with your life and what you will be remembered for.

Each time I hear this song, there is a wave of emotion that rolls over me.  Sometimes I want to cheer at its victorious story; other times I want to weep as my soul aches over the price my Saviour paid for me.  The first time I remember hearing it was at a Beth Moore Conference I attended in Boone, NC, in 2007.  I can’t even begin to describe the power it had on me and the others who were enraptured by it.  I later shared it with my husband and the man can hardly hear it these days without wanting to cry, laugh, shout, and rejoice.

Do you think that Mr. Townend had any idea when he penned these lyrics the impact he would be making?  I wonder.  These words that so wonderfully depict the love of Christ--when Townend wrote them, did he do it in one sitting?  Did he write, rewrite, discard, edit, and so on over a period of time or did it all happen at once?  Was he a perfectionist who had to have every line the same cadence or did it just naturally flow as his love for Christ couldn’t contain itself and burst forth into this precious song?

What I am getting at and will close with is this:  each day we have the opportunity to do something that represents our God.  Whether that is making tacos, sewing garments, tending to children, running a business, or just the run-of-the-mill day in, day out living, we get the chance to shine.  One thing we do may touch one life or millions of lives.  What is most important though, friends, is the intent of our heart as we be.  Our verse from Colossians 3:23 tells us Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.  We have no clue what impact our words, deeds, and actions will have on this world.  What we do know is that God is watching, cheering us on, and wanting to be pleased in us so that in due season He may tell us “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  Let’s go out today and make Him proud, shall we?

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, how wonderful it would be to write something timeless like this referenced song or some other work that was encouraging to others.  How marvelous it would be to have a walking testimony that emulated that of Your Son Jesus.  How absolutely priceless it would be to know that something inspired by You had the power to change lives on any given day.

Charles Stanley once inspired me with his essay on what impact our lives would have.  My husband daily dumbfounds me with his unspoken but fully seen testimony of a life lived for you.  Little kids astound me with their open hearts that are always ready to forgive, embrace, and love.  Father?  I want to please You and do all to glorify You.  No excuses, no more putting off.  Will You help me to apply this verse today in all of my ways?  Well, maybe not all of them--or at least not all at once.  Don’t want to send this ol’ body into shock, now do we?  

In all seriousness though, Lord, I do want to behave, to honor, and to live a life that is well-pleasing to You.  Hold my hand and guide my path is my plea today.  In the name of Jesus I ask these things:  amen.

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