Saturday, July 2, 2016

Scattered Thoughts

Romans 12 2.jpg

There was a jingle way back when, went sort of like this:

♫I’m different and don’t care who knows it;
Something about me’s not the same.
I’m different and that’s how it goes;
Ain’t gonna play no white sheep games.” ♫

As I was pondering this verse yesterday, two words stood out:  any longer.  That gives the implication, doesn’t it, that there was a time when folks did conform to this world--which they or course did and often still do.  But as most of us have found out, there comes a time in life when we have to grow up, when we have to take a stand, and when we have to not fall for anything.  It’s a rude awakening because we have convinced ourselves that we are different and our originality shines head and shoulders above the rest.  But then something comes along and we realize we have indeed joined the masses and in fact are just another brick in the wall, peach in the pie, sheep in the pasture.  The pride we once felt and the esteem in which we placed ourselves in suddenly is questioned and...And?  And we finally see that this world is not about us after all and that there is so much more at stake than us making a name for ourselves.

Steve is on his way to his dad’s homestead today.  He’s meeting with his uncles to discuss some things about the land and such.  As we were praying this morning before he left, my voice began to shake and my closed eyes began to leak a little as I spoke to God about this “heritage” of Steve’s, about the inheritance I was robbed from, and the larger picture of the home awaiting for us that cannot be taken away.  You see, friends, this world wants to be our home and it wants us to give everything we have into preserving it.  Keeping up with the Joneses is still typical of this American Dream we seem to have rooted inside of us.  Being in debt, buying on credit, and living for today is the mantra sung.  It’s rare to find anyone who isn’t overworked, underpaid, and yet still walking around with the latest gadgets, trendiest clothes, and talking of their latest adventures/cruises/trips/and so on.

Not wanting to dwell on the past and get bogged down by it, I did what any sane ol’ woman would do:  I went back to bed!  As I layed there though with the stillness of the morning around me, the thoughts being kept mostly at bay, another thought came into my mind.  Remember several months ago when you all met with these brothers of Clyde?  Do you remember the “talk” you had with them, Stef, about their salvation and how it was less than satisfactory?  


Do you think that maybe Steve is on his way alone to meet with his uncles because maybe--just maybe, dear girl--this is the time to follow up on that conversation?  Is it possible that as your mind gets off of self and turns back to Me (as it so often does when you try to avoid thinking) that there is a bigger picture being painted today?  My will that you read of earlier:  My ‘good, pleasing, and perfect will’ is continually going on.  Are you going to conform to this world or are you going to indeed be transformed and pray for this incident?

Whew.  Shamefacedly I continue on with this blog as I am once again preaching to the choir.  While my thoughts tend to be on the world and its effects on me, there is a larger universe out there that is so much more worthy to be thought upon.  As I have sat here feeling sorry for myself that I am alone on a holiday weekend, there is perhaps something about to take place that will indeed cause fireworks, celebrations, and cause many folks to revel in Dependence Day when their need for Christ Jesus is finally acknowledged, accepted, and He is acclaimed as their Lord and Saviour!  Could it be today that their declaration is made?  Oh, I hope so!  Will you pray now with me that it might be so?  Thanks!

Dear Lord, as I ponder on what welcome news it would be to hear Steve call me later and tell me that “somehow” the topic came up of You and the Holy Spirit took over and these two relatives became brothers now instead of uncles, my heart is filled with new emotions as I focus on the patterns of Your world rather than my own.  What a great day it would be, Lord, for these two men to become children, to confess their need of You, and to become a part of a family that death cannot separate.

Thank You for the quiet time to reflect on Your Word this morning.  It indeed transforms my mind when I allow it to wash over me.  May Your will be done today and may this be the day more souls are saved through Jesus Christ being preached, taught, and lived in the lives of Your children is my prayer.  I ask it in His name:  amen.

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