Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Best Thing

“The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart’s been in the right place all along. You’ve got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can’t. The heart regulates the hands.” (2 Corinthians 8:10-12, The Message)

As I continue to ponder these verses that I have chosen to be ones I especially implement into my life this year, I am struck by several thoughts that are within them.  To begin with, the words “the best thing” remind me of when Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen that good part, the part that would not be taken away from her (Luke 10:42). Now, I don’t know about you but as for me?  I like the good parts of things, such as the biggest slice of chocolate pie, the nachos with the most cheese, or the yellow pieces of popcorn over the white ones (next time maybe I should eat lunch first so I don’t focus so much on food!).  I like the good part of a novel when the storytelling is rich and about to reach a climactic point.  I like the chorus of a song that reverberates in my head as the words touch my heart.  I like the good deals at the grocery store, the good times had with friends and loved ones, and the good memories made throughout the years.

Have you ever been given a choice between something good and something better?  You weighed the pros and cons and tried to decide which was really necessary, which you really really wanted, and which would bring you the longer happiness rather than the instant gratification.  Most of us, I daresay, would choose the better thing, right?  I mean, after all, why settle for good when one can have the best?  That’s what advertisements tell us, don’t they?  The announcers croon in our ears, telling us the most enticing details of the product, and then they zoom in on us personally, telling us what?  You deserve this!

You know what, friends?  I rarely feel worthy of such items.  It’s not often that I allow myself to believe that I deserve something unless I have truly put a lot of hard effort into obtaining it.  But for the verses above when I am told what the best thing is?  When I am told from the precious Word of God what the best thing for me to do is--from Someone Who knows the end from the beginning?  Well, let’s just say it causes me to sit up a little straighter and to pay more attention.  How many times do I wonder what the best thing to do in certain situations is?  How many folks have I asked for wisdom and advice on a topic and listened to them?  Many!  And often their helpful words have led me to pursue things differently.  Yet, when the chips are down (ugh!  More food, Stef?), most of what I need to follow is right here, in the Good Book, just waiting for me to seek it.  

That’s all.  For today, anyways.  I intend to follow up on the other portions of this verse later.  Right now I am going to consider the best thing and appreciate God for showing me that He always has my best planned.  I must be pretty special, huh?  He thinks so!  He thinks that about you too, friends, so I encourage you to revel in that for today.  He gave His best.  For me.  For you.  Wow!

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, how wonderful You are.  How marvelous are Your thoughts and plans!  Why You care so much about me is in itself amazing and oftentimes I just don’t fully appreciate what that means.  Out of all the peoples in the world, You chose me to reveal Jesus to.  You chose me to share the beauty You and He created and to fill my heart with hope and love.  

Thank You, Lord God.  Thank You for giving me Your best.  I love You!  In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.


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