Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hush Your Mouth!

Don't be rude!.jpg

how rude.jpgRemember that ‘80s TV show “Full House” that was on Friday nights for so long?  Yeah, the one they’ve recently made a remake of, “Fuller House” I believe is its name.  Anyways, remember the character Stephanie Tanner?  She’s the one who often could be heard saying “How rude!”

Recently...well, let’s face it. Nearly all of the conversations I have with folks these days I seem to be interrupted in.  A lot.  It exasperates me to no end!  Whatever happened to common courtesy?!  Seriously, and I know I am not the only one this happens to and yes, I confess, I am guilty of it myself (see, I can’t even write this blog for interrupting myself 😛) but isn’t it time to bring Miss Manners back into our lives?

I know we are all just such brilliant peoples with fascinating tales that come to mind when another soul is sharing her latest adventure or another person is discussing some brilliant truth recently revealed to him.  Why must we try to always one-up each other though?  Why must our stories be interjected into the conversation that was on a different topic just so that our wondrous activities could be inserted in where they don’t belong?  Why is what we have to say so much more important than what the other one is speaking about?


That’s all.  I could go on and on about this but I’d probably wind up offending myself as my good Stef argues and plays devil’s advocate with my evil twin.  Instead, I leave you with the thought of trying to control your tongue.  Yes, this is commanded in the Bible and has a usually different connotation with it as it teaches us to not let our thoughts become actions that cannot be taken back.  Hmn.  Maybe not so different after all, huh? James 3:8 tells us “But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”  ‘Restless evil?’  Indeed.  Let’s be peacemakers today, friends, and listen without interrupting others.   They just might surprise you with their knowledge for a change instead of constantly being your student.

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, I know I may step on some toes this time but You know what, Father?  I am tired of being constantly bombarded with rude people!  Whether it is on the news as someone is interviewed with the alleged attempt of trying to find out that one’s opinion when the reality is the reporter just wants to incite anger or whether it is with friends or acquaintances who know better but just think their words are so much more important and necessary than the ones being spoken at the time.

Help us, God, to control our tongues, our minds, our actions.  We are Your children and You have taught us to be better than this even if our parents failed to do so.  We need to be courteous to one another, for when we aren’t, folks are turned off instead of being drawn to us.  They can’t see You when all we reflect is our own selves.  Help us to not try to out-talk another but to use the two ears we have and listen more.

Thank You, Father, for lessons learned.  May I be the one to first set this new old-fashioned way of being respectful back into existence.  In the name of Christ Jesus I pray.  Amen.

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