Friday, February 10, 2017

I Don't Want To Settle For Good Not Great

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.  James 1:22

2017-02-10  James 1 22.JPG
Most of us are familiar with the story of Pinocchio, right?  Jiminy Cricket tells the story of a wish coming true about a puppet becoming a real live boy.  The Blue Fairy visits Geppetto’s workshop during the night and brings Pinocchio to life, but until Pinocchio proves himself to be brave, truthful, and unselfish, he will stay as a puppet.  As the story progresses, we find that Pinocchio has issues with telling the truth, which causes his nose to grow longer each time a lie is told.  It’s a good story on morality and will be the background theme for today’s blog.

Okay, be warned: it’s going to get real here.  Hang on and follow me as I delve into my own issues with truth.  I might need to put my boots on!

The other night I began a writing class.  One of the things that the teacher alluded to was the concept of branding.  For those not familiar with branding, basically it’s a way of marketing yourself.  We all know that everything you read on Facebook is true, right?  Yeah.  But truthfully, many of us take at face value what we read as gospel and often quote it to one another as such.  Much of this is because we are too lazy to investigate for ourselves, preferring to take someone else’s word over things, and believing what is “presented” instead of seeking the validity of it.  I mean honestly, how many times have you seen a headline or meme or portion of a story and immediately accepted it without reading the entire story itself to see what was real versus what was proclaimed?  We’re just so busy that we neglect to seek these statements out for ourselves, so we accept without hesitation what the headlines proclaim.

Therefore, when introducing ourselves to others in print, we can embellish our talents, our skills, and who we are and others will just eat it up.  For instance, our teacher told us he was a renowned traveler, journalist, and so on, making himself sound like he was really something and because it was right there, in black and white for the whole world to see, who was going to question it?  It sounded impressive--HE sounded impressive so, of course, we swallowed it and began to blindly believe whatever words came out of his mouth.  This is branding.

The next day in my Bible Study group, one of my dear friends referred to me as “the favorite aunt.”  We had a new lady join our group and as we were discussing age and kids and grandkids, Kristy told me I was more like everyone’s favorite aunt, rather than an old granny (my words, not hers).  Have I mentioned I just love this girl?!  As I tucked this away to reflect upon later, I wondered about how I was going to brand myself for this new chapter of my life that I am embarking upon.

I like to think I am a pretty nice woman.  Fair.  Able to see both sides of the story before spouting off my opinions about whatever situation has been addressed.  I like to think I have sense, integrity, and the ability to love without being too judgmental.  I like to think that I am modeling Christ in my daily activities and making Him proud of the woman I am endeavoring to be.  Friendly, warm, and someone others are comfortable around.  Yeah, this is me and I have got it going on.


What about the other night at the restaurant, Stef, when that waitress somehow took an instant disliking to you?  How did that happen?  Where were all of those wonderful traits you just described about yourself when she was attending to you?  Could it be you were projecting an attitude of self-importance and that your needs must be taken care of before anyone else’s?  What was just so special about you that instead of falling all over herself to make sure your every wish was granted she seemed to do all she could to avoid being in your presence?  





As he so often does without any falseness in his demeanour, along comes my hubby who is just so much higher than I am.  While I told him of my waitress woes and to not be in a hurry to get our order taken, what does he do but treat the gal with exceptional kindness and compassion?  Oh sure:  he too had had a rough day and suffered harsh words thrown at him.  He could very well have joined in with me in my rant against humanity and how poorly his hard-earned dollars were being wasted at a place that didn’t value and appreciate our presence but instead...instead he made a point of being nice, of asking the lady how her day was, and treating her like the one who needed attending to rather than him being the customer.

I was mortified.  Again.  Just who did I really think I was?  Regardless and sometimes in spite of how others treat me, it is not my place to be rude, to complain, nor to speak badly of them.  Had I not just been writing about how wonderful I was and how great of a representative of Christ Jesus I am?  Yeah.  Epic fail.

With dismay and a heavy sense of regret for this huge lapse, I told Steve I needed something from him.  For each time I even think of getting out of line or thinking of myself more highly than I ought, I asked him to say these words to me:  “Remember who you are.”  And then, if that didn’t get me to instantly straighten up, I told him to say this to me:  “Remember Whose you are.”  Firmly.

How grateful to God I am that each time I fail Him He doesn’t cause a disfigurement, such as the extending of my nose, as per Pinocchio.  How thankful I am to Him that He has earthly examples to show me how to live more like Him and less like the world.  How ashamed I am to call myself His child, His bride, when my actions prove otherwise.  


So, if I was to write a brief brand for myself right now what would it say?  Hmn.  Perhaps this:  Stefanie Hutcheson is a wandering soul on a mission to become more like Christ.  While not there yet, she is learning, growing, and seeking truth through her interactions with others, with her writings, and mostly with the studying of God’s Word as her journey continues.  While she has no awards to prove this, one day a crown will be waiting for her that she may return to her Jesus for His faithfulness in making her worthy through His own righteousness.  

Let’s pray.

Dear Lord, I don’t want to be a hearer of Your Word and think I have it down pat only to go out into the world and disregard the truths You have revealed to me.  I don’t want to attend Bible Study and church services to only walk away unchanged and still doing the things I think are right in my own eyes.  I don’t want to be a hypocrite, writing this blog and encouraging others to be more when I myself am less.  People follow examples, Lord, and You have been the Perfect One.  Help me today--each moment of today and whatever days You allow me--to remember I am Yours.  I am a child of God and the future bride of Christ.  It’s time I started acting like it for it’s a privilege not given to all.  As I strive to achieve this position of honor, I need You every hour, every minute, to help me to remember what price was paid so that I could be Yours.  I fail too often, Lord.  Thank You for tender mercies that allow me more opportunities to get it right the next time.  In Jesus’ name I humbly pray:  amen.

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