Friday, March 17, 2017

"And we'll not fail to give You all the honor and glory, Jesus."

"And we'll not fail to give You all the honor and glory, Jesus."  C360_2017-03-17-10-41-54-537.jpg

Ever said those words, friends?  I know I have.  Whatever bind I had gotten myself into or some trouble that only Jesus could save me from and this promise (or one similar to it) flew from my lips in my attempts to make my burden an "If-you-do-this-for-me-Jesus-then-I-will-do-that-for-You" vow.

Hmn.  Wonder what my old Mars Hill University Probability and Statistics teacher would make of this "If/Then" statement?  I know he sure put me through a lot of improbable dilemmas.

Seriously though, as I contemplate my prayer life, I found myself pondering these words of David written so very long ago.  I was reflecting on me (one of my favorite topics) and how many things God has brought me through.  That led to me thinking of Prayers and Praises time at church and how we (definitely me included) spend so much time asking (whining?) about problems and so very little time praising for what we've been brought through.  It's almost embarrassing at times when we've been given the opportunity to list our woes and then comes the moment when Brandon or Pastor Dale asks if any of us has a praise.  Sometimes--even though the floor is carpeted--one could hear a pin drop as silence envelops our now- stilled tongues.

What happened to those vows we made, to give God ALL of the honor and glory when it was all said and done?  Was our problem just not that big to begin with that it didn't deign being thanked for?  Did we just want to have our voices heard by others and--truthfully--not even go home ourselves and pray for what we had just asked others to do?  That time spent letting others know about Aunt Jill and our neighbor Fred and his cousin Billy Bob who worked with a man who had some type of disease that can't even be pronounced and oh, by the way, we really need to pray for...

Do you feel me, friends?  Though I am offering these examples in a comical way, it happens nearly every service.  Someone I don't know a thing about is being introduced via prayer time and I am being told by others that this is how I should spend my time--praying for this one--and then later, when I ask about the progress of that soul, often I get a blank stare as the one who asked valiantly tries to recall just what the heck I am talking about.


I am so guilty of this.  I'd rather pass the buck on to my spiritual friends who have time to pray for these souls that I'd rather not fool with.  I'd rather burden them with my load because they are just so much stronger, so much closer to God than I am that surely He will respond better to them on my friend's behalf (and other parts of his/her body).  Their effectual fervent prayers will reach God's ears before mine even float to the ceiling.  Right?

Heavier sigh.

Nonetheless, when a promise is made to God, we ought to keep it.  His Word tells us it's better to not say anything than to make a promise we can't keep (Ecclesiastes 5:5).  

In closing, I’m not writing these words to criticize (even though my toes feel a bit stepped upon) but instead I am writing them to propose a challenge to you, to me.  What if right now we all just took a moment or two (or twelve) to thank God for answered prayers--and maybe even some unanswered ones?  It doesn’t have to be a public praise but you are surely welcome to share here if you like.  Back in my Flemings Chapel days, there were some lovely ladies who kept prayer journals.  They would review them, place a checkmark beside the answered ones, and reflect on God’s goodness in His discernment to do what He felt needed done.  I myself keep several logs and think I am going to review them now and do a little thanksgiving myself.  It’s about time I kept my word to God, huh?

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, as I shamefacedly approach Your throne, I’m not going to dwell on what I should have done and put the focus on me.  For You see, Father, this time is about You and about how wonderful You are and have been in taking my prayers and the prayers of others and dealing with them.  I may not have always liked Your answers and some of these prayers I surely would have answered more quickly had I been You (ahem) but that in itself is another praise to You, for Father, had I been in charge?  I shudder to think what a mess I might have made since I have no foresight as You do.

Thank You for all the times You have spent listening to my cries--whether they were silent or aloud.  Thank You for mercies in not giving me what I thought were the desires of my heart.  Thank You for healing, for security, for love, my precious family, and for my church.  Thank You mostly, Lord God, for redemption through Christ Jesus.  Sigh.  May my words be fewer except when speaking of You and Your marvelous grace is my prayer.  In the merciful and patient name of Jesus I pray.  Amen!

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