Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My Review of "The Shack"

2017-03-08 Acts 8 26-31.jpg
“Forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is about letting go of another person's throat......Forgiveness does not create a relationship. Unless people speak the truth about what they have done and change their mind and behavior, a relationship of trust is not possible. When you forgive someone you certainly release them from judgment, but without true change, no real relationship can be established.........Forgiveness in no way requires that you trust the one you forgive. But should they finally confess and repent, you will discover a miracle in your own heart that allows you to reach out and begin to build between you a bridge of reconciliation.........Forgiveness does not excuse anything.........You may have to declare your forgiveness a hundred times the first day and the second day, but the third day will be less and each day after, until one day you will realize that you have forgiven completely. And then one day you will pray for his wholeness......” ― William Paul Young, The Shack

Last night Steve and I went to see the movie version of “The Shack.”  It was based on the novel of the same name, written by William P. Young.  Several people wondered what I thought of it.  That’s not an easy question to answer briefly but I will try.

The year was 2008 when I first read this novel.  Like many others, I was skeptical about God--my God--being represented as a woman.  I read the book with my token religious haughtiness at hand, ready to throw the book across the room at its blasphemous words should I find the need to do so.  However, as I delved further into the story of Mackenzie and his struggle to believe in God when his world was falling down all around him, I was drawn into the story of forgiveness, acceptance, and the mighty power of God’s love.  For you see, I too was facing these dilemmas as my father and sister died within four weeks of each other and the devastating effects left behind as I watched what was left of my family implode allowed me to relate to Mack’s feelings of anger, betrayal, and loneliness.

Much has changed in my life since those events nearly nine years ago.  I have grown spiritually as my sweet and patient Lord has worked in me my own ability to forgive those who hurt me the most.  Like the male version of “Papa” told Mackenzie, I too had to let go of some throats.  I too had to release folks from their “crimes”--often several times a day.  I too had to forgive--even though establishing relationship with them was not going to be an option.  Mostly though, I had to realize God was in control of it all and was using it for my good even though for the life of me I could not understand where He was in all of this chaos.

As I watched the movie, my thoughts were more on the present and how this movie would impact me now.  My awareness of God in His many roles has evolved and I was curious to see how this motion picture would depict Him, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  I’ll definitely say it was interesting and-- with an open mind--enjoyable.  For you see, God can be so many things to us, His children, and He is sensitive to our needs as we reach out to Him.  When one has had an abusive father figure, it’s easy to see why relating to God as a loving daddy would be hard to do.  Long ago, The McKameys sang a song that sums this up better than I can:

In conclusion, what did I think of the movie “The Shack”?  I think it’s a great conversation starter for those who are curious about the Lord, the real Lord, and not just wanting a pat response about Him when their salvation is at stake.  Too many folks have been hurt by religion and false teachings to want to even think of or try to pursue a relationship with God.  Watching this movie just might give you an opening to tell them who Christ is to you and as you tell your story of how God has redeemed you, you just might encourage them to seek Him out too.  

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, there are so many ways You use to reach Your children.  This movie has the potential to bring people to You as they search for the one true God.  Lord, so many have been raised to fear You--but not in a reverential way, Father.  Too many think of You as judge, jury, and executioner, just sitting on Your throne, waiting to rend Your judgment on them because they are so unworthy and bad.  As they watch this movie, read the book, hear true stories of You, and see You in a different light, my prayer is that You will soften their bruised hearts and melt the ice around them.  I pray that You will continue to have mercy as they fight the lies and discover just how wonderful You are!  Lord, so many, so so many don’t know what love is.  My prayer is that eyes will be opened to embrace You the way You embraced us first.  Be our Papa, our Abba, our Father for we need You so very much.  In the name of Jesus I pray:  amen.

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