Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Amethyst and Gold

I just love how God works all things together, don’t you?  Whether it’s the lessons I learn from Bible Studies or the nuggets I receive from special someones, when they combine into a portrait of truth that shows me more about God?  Well, it just makes me happy!

Case in point.  On Sunday, I went to a gem show in Hickory.  If you know me, then you would know that this really isn’t my thing.  Thus, my attitude towards it was one of oblivion, of not really caring what was there as much as I cared about spending time with who was there.  However, when my hubbie’s ticket number was called and he won the beautiful Amethyst from Brazil pictured?  Well, let’s just say ol’ Stef was singing a different tune.  For those who do know me, purple is my favorite color so how groovy was it for the Lord to allow me to get this gem, even though moments before I was oblivious to the stones around me?

Ironically?  Unh unh.  Coincidentally? Hardly.  Factually?  Yeah, that might work.  Factually, the conversation around my home lately has involved rocks and their varieties and more information than I need or care to know.  But some pretty ones have been collected and shared with me so this event on Sunday evolved into a nice little lesson for me about different things that the Lord creates and uses for His kingdom.  Now, add to that my and Steve’s study on Job last night (yes, we’re still delving into Job and his tumultuous life) where the discussion in Chapter 28 involved a discourse on wisdom and the comparisons that were used with it correlated to silver, gold, iron, copper, ore, sapphires, onyx, coral, quartz, and others.  Do you see it:  God working--once again--all things together?  From seeing rocks turned into jewelry and having Scripture come alive, God is constantly dazzling me with His compassion and mercy and delight for me to know Him better than ever before!

Wonder why He gives us such great experiences?  Wonder why He uses the little things as much as He does the big ones, the common gems of life to show us the true treasures that await us as well as those that we can experience now if we’ll just open our eyes to what surrounds us?  

I think I know.  It’s because He loves us.  He knows we aren’t all wired the same and that we need different venues to understand the mysteries of His Word.  Whether it’s through geology or geography, people or animals, or through a myriad of other sources, our Great God uses all things to work together for good to teach us more about Himself.  Might I encourage you today to look beyond the surface of whatever is holding your attention right now and think:  what is the purpose of this in my life and how does it bring me to a better awareness of Christ?  I’d love to hear your responses!

Let’s pray!

Dear Father God, how I just adore You!  You use so many things in my life to teach me Your Word so that I just don’t read it, but so that I may better grasp the truths in it.  The bottle of gold I also received as a special gift?  The song lyrics “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” goes through my head as I gaze upon it, captured by its brilliance, wondering at this blessed verse put into song that I’ve known since childhood.  Peter and John blessed the lame man on their way with word of You.  May the jewels You have entrusted to me shine, please, and bring joy to others is my prayer today.  In the Name above all names I ask this, amen.

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