Thursday, April 13, 2017

Let's Talk Trash!

4-13-17 Ephesians 4 29 let's talk trash.jpg

Oh the things one hears at prayer meeting on Wednesday nights!  From the requests for divine intervention to the praises of God’s people, the range can be quite something.  Wanna read more?  Mmn hmn:  I thought so!

Usually the service begins with a song and last night was no exception.  “Because He Lives (I Can Face Tomorrow)” was sung with fervor as the congregation settled into the evening.  Next, the pastor spoke a few words about prayer and then asked if there were any requests.  It didn’t take long for the hands to raise and the voices to call out what was needed.  This went on for a while and then came the time to offer praises.  Ranging from the weather to having good health and being able to--and here’s where it gets juicy, folks!--being able to go to the dump on Saturdays.  That’s right.  You heard it here first, friends.  

The dump.  Trash.  The weekly ritual of loading up the truck and going with the spouse to the landfill was the topic for the next several moments.  Apparently, all the older folks do it.  Linda and Grady?  They do it each Saturday and have for quite a few decades now.  Shirley?  Oh my:  you should have seen the gleam in her eye as she recanted how this is the only time she is allowed to ride in her Steve’s truck.  What a treat!  I must say though, that Charmeyne was a bit miffed and Pastor Dale picked up on it rather quickly as he apologized to her for not taking her to this exceptional place for a date.  They’ve been missing out and I saw a few other women elbowing their men and harrumphing as they too realized that this tradition of Saturday trips to the dump was something they also had not been experiencing.  Well, except for Deanna.  Deanna offered up a praise that the trucks come to her weekly and she doesn’t have to do this time-honored task.  I murmured a quick “Thanks” as well that I no longer had to ride in my Steve’s old, dumpy, no radio, and seats-that-had-lost-their-cushioning-long-ago truck.  

Ahh.  Trash talk.  Rituals.  The things that married couples go through as part of their “we’ve always done it this way” way of life.  What was so great about it though--seriously--was the fondness in the way the ladies spoke of this.  The tenderness of their conversation as they recollected the many times the day started off trashy and then led to further adventures was palpable.  Oh sure:  that might just have meant going to Bojangles for a ham biscuit and then on to the grocery store for weekly supplies.  But you know what, friends?  That’s what they look forward to.  In their golden years, even though they have time during the week, this was how it was always done and it worked so why change it?  Although, to be honest, I did see a wistful look in a few eyes.  The ones who could not or did not have the ability to rid their household of waste to a place each week that was meant for this purpose.  Nope, those days were gone.  Whether because of poor health or inability to drive or other reasons, this practice was not theirs and they have to rely on others to get rid of their garbage for them.

Habits.  Rituals.  Traditions.  Wednesday night prayer meetings.  The old ways.  There’s a longing in many souls for the good ol’ days.  There’s also a hunger for the future days.  Days where trash and menial tasks don’t take up our time.  Days that don’t end as we revel in the cleanness and purity of heaven that God is providing.  Days where our joints are no longer out of whack but renewed so that we can jump, dance, and move around without impediments as we rejoice in Jesus.  As Pastor Dale sings a lot lately:  ♫What a day, glorious day, that will be!♫

Let’s pray!

Dear Father above, how I cannot wait to spend eternity with You!  As I readied the trash can for today’s weekly pickup, I remembered last night’s prayer meeting and the things we discussed.  Many emotions were shared as folks told of the ones on their hearts, the ones in need of healing, of help.  Oh God:  how we need You to save and cleanse us!  How we expect You to clean up our messes and make us whiter than snow.  How we love You for taking our sins upon Yourself so that we can be set free!

Thank You, Dearest God, for salvation.  Thank You for being our One to talk to when we cannot understand things for ourselves.  Thank You for listening to our cries, to our prayers, and to our praises.  We mustn’t forget to praise You, Lord, for You have wrought all things in us.  How we want to please You, Father!  Thank You for the good, the bad, and the trash.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen!

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