Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Are You Prepositioning Me?

4-5-17 prayer.JPG

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”  (I Corinthians 13:11 KJV)

Yesterday, I wrote a blog about prayer and got some interesting feedback from it.  Some laughed, some questioned.  Others disputed, agreed, and discussed in great length what prayer means to them--and asked for clarification as to  just what it meant to me as well.

I’ve pondered it a lot.  A lot!  Here’s what I came up with just a few moments ago.  

Did you read the words on the created meme I wrote?  They say “When you pray, be sure you are talking to God and not at Him.”  In a brief description, I hopefully will clear that difference up for you.

Scenario 1.  You are at a Burger King drive-thru.  A voice you cannot see asks if s/he can take your order and you begin speaking of what you’d like.  You drive up to the window, pay your dues, and take your purchase.  It’s not until later, when you open your bag, that you realize something is missing.  Huh.  Did you not order correctly?  Did that cashier not hear you mention you wanted no pickles, not extra ones?  And where did these onions come from?!  Why is there no salt in the bag?  And where are the napkins??

Scenario Two.  You are at your doctor’s office.  After the initial greetings, you are asked why you are here.  In great detail, you explain to the physician what is wrong with you.  You proceed to list each and every ache, pain, concern, and tell of those things that “just don’t feel right.”  The doctor listens sympathetically, tries a few exercises or procedures to see if it is all in your head or if follow-up care is needed.  Your responses will either help the doc to determine if you need medicine, more tests, or psychiatric care.  Either way, the discussion you have with your personal physician is not just a one-way event.  A deep conversation takes place, even if it might be a little embarrassing when you discuss “that.”

Do you see the difference, friends?  In the first scenario, you are telling what you want.  You are expecting results and the outcome to be as you ordered, and honestly?  You could care less what the attendant’s opinion is.  By golly, if you want a milkshake and a cookie that’s not any of their business now is it?  You are listing your demands and expecting to get those demands satisfied.

On the contrary, in scenario two, you are looking for help.  Guidance.  Results that may come at a personal cost to you because you might have to do more than pop a pill or watch what you eat or exercise more.  You are putting your trust in one who has experience and education.  You are relying on this wisdom because the one you went to is trained to handle your situation and give you information that helps you to be better.

In conclusion, when you talk to God, what is your expected outcome?  When you pray to Him, what do you think happens?  Does He take your order and you go on your merry ol’ way or...or do you take some time-- maybe even making it an appointed time--to discuss with Him the matters on your heart?  Do you talk with Jesus and wait for His responses or are you too busy and just throw up ritualistic words, rote prayers, and forget about the situation after you have done your dutiful portion?  Do you go into detail with Him about those souls you just lifted up or just tell Him you want a hamburger and expect Him to make sure you “have it your way” without reminding Him that you don’t like ketchup and that your hot dog needs to be well-done, extra well-done?  

You know that expression “you get what you pay for”?  Let’s change it to “you get what you pray for” and see if our prayer lives don’t take on a new life of their own.  Let’s see if we want the faceless cook behind the counter making our meal (the one who knows nothing of our personal preferences) or if we prefer to go to someone like the waitstaff at JD’s Smokehouse, who really know what we mean when--without asking-- we say we want brisket but they know we specifically want the burnt ends.  Let’s see if the doctor at Urgent Care takes the minimum amount of time with us versus Sally, our regular doctor, who asks about that mole that we forgot to mention, who notices that our color is off, and often takes us by surprise and even asks about our kids and grandkids.

Relationship is what it’s all about.  If you don’t have one with God, how can you expect your prayers to go past the ceiling?  If you don’t talk to Him, with Him, and be prepared to listen to His answers, how can you honestly expect the Good Lord above to make that difference you desire?  Why should He bother with your half-hearted attempts when Jesus plainly told us we are to give all?  He did.  When He died on the cross for our sins, He gave all so that we wouldn’t be left hanging for our selves.

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, this was another tough one to write.  May my words be tempered by Your grace as I endeavor to help folks to see that You are worth so much more than a cursory sentence or passing thought.  Ahh Lord:  how we need to grow up and stop expecting to be pacified by You and start doing some work on our own!  We have become so complacent and so spoiled that we often refuse to stand up on our own two feet and practice what we’ve been taught.  We expect You to take care of our friends but don’t want to be the instruments used to assist in their needs.  We want to tell others how awful another one’s circumstances are in hopes that they will take up the torch that was passed to us.

Father?  We ask amiss so often and then wonder why our prayers that took those whole ten seconds to mutter weren’t answered.  We want instant gratification and minimal effort on our parts to see that our desires are fulfilled.  We want You to handle things but don’t want to know the details or discuss with You the possible outcomes.  

We are wretched.  Entitled.  Selfish.  Self-serving.

And yet You love us.  You love us because You know we are human and that is how You created us to be.  To be?  Hmn:  that’s not quite right, is it, Lord?  Yes, You made us but...but You made us in Your image.  To be more like You.  To be Christlike in our actions and attitudes.  I shudder to think what my life would be like had Jesus been as cavalier with my pains and hurts as I am with the needs of others who ask me to help them!

Help me to grow up, Father.  To stop speaking like a child and to woman up and put those childish things away.  Contrary to popular belief, this world is not out there for me, does not revolve around me, and is not just sitting on its axis waiting to please me.  No, this world is Yours and we are just aliens, passing through, hoping to make it better before we go to our eternal home.  Hearers and doers of the Word we are called to be.  As my prayer life continues to evolve, may I be more earnest in it, as Jesus was when He spoke to You on my behalf, Lord God is my prayer, solemnly asked in His precious name.  Amen.

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