Monday, April 3, 2017

Why don't you come over here and make me do it?

4-3-17 Psalm 143 8.JPG
Good morning!  Tell me something:  what is your purpose?  No, no, I don’t mean who are you and why are you here.  Rather, I mean what is it that you purpose, propose, plan to do today?  Get the kids off to school so you can start the household chores?  Wear matching shoes to work?  Try to get through the day without losing your calm?

I’m sure we all have something in mind to start off our Mondays on the right foot.  I’d like to share my purpose with you for a moment, if I may, and hope to encourage you along the way to develop yours into one that brings honor to our Jesus.

For too long I have been lazy.  I plan all sorts of things to start my day but before I know it, I’ve been on Facebook too long or searching Pintrest or doing some other recliner-type “work” and then when I look up, I see the clock is nearing 10:00.  That may not sound so bad until you consider that I’ve been in this position since 7:00.  By then, I’m usually starting to get drowsy and think that I’ll just save my real work, do my real plans when I’ve had a little rest and my mind is clearer. Somehow, most days, that just doesn’t really pan out.

So, I decided last week to be proactive.  I purposed to set myself a schedule and stick to it.  Whether it’s the memory of the theme mentioned in my writing class a couple of weeks ago about folks wanting maximum results from minimal effort, or if the lack of discipline in my ol’ self is finally making itself known to me, or whether it’s just time to be better, today I purpose for myself a new plan, a new agenda, and though it’s basic and in some ways elementary, I have no man (this is in reference to the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5:1-15 that I wrote so much about last year) to do it for me.  I have no dictator standing over my shoulder to tell me what to do and when to do it.  I don’t have an accountability partner in the flesh to motivate me to fulfill my plans although I have asked my husband to “gently remind” me throughout the day when he checks in on me to see how my new schedule is going.  

So, wish me success?  In about ten minutes or so, part one goes into action--literally.  I purpose to walk for about 20-30 minutes each morning before the sun gets too hot for my delicate skin.  One of my neighbors might help me out with this as our relationship develops into a hopeful friendship.  And I’m the kind of girl who really needs feedback, affirmation, and accountability in my life.  Who knows that our paths didn’t cross yesterday for such a time as this?  Reminds me of a song called “Mary Did You Know?”  As for the other parts of my plans?  I need success with them to if I am to accomplish my goals.  And a helper would be nice for that too.  But until she comes along, it’s just me and the Lord, so let’s pray--’cause this ol’ girl has work to do!

Dear Lord, thank You for the ability to be light-hearted about a matter that really needs some work in my life.  While others have successfully dealt with time-management in their lives, self-discipline is something I have struggled with.  As I came across Psalm 143:8 earlier, it really got me.  While some versions use the words “make, show, teach, and reveal,” the KJV states Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee” (emphasis is mine).  Thank You for showing me that purpose is needed and You and I both know I need to be determined in my steps.  Self-control is not one fruit of Your Spirit that I have in my basket so help me today, Father, to obtain it.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

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