Thursday, September 8, 2016

Fraud Alert!!

Fraud alert.jpg

I’m the kind of girl who has so many random thoughts or sees a great quote or finds a great Bible verse to later blog on or hears something I feel is worth repeating so I jot these things down on pieces of paper, in the backs of my many notebooks, or on writing pads that are nearby.  Every once in a while I try to go over them and see what they mean to me now, in a different light and on a different day.

Case in point:  as I came in my Pretty Purple Room this morning, there was a mess.  Here’s a pic to show you some of my small collection:

As you can see, there is much material to sort through.  However, as I came across the one prominently displayed, I was reminded of our church meeting last night, when Brother Brandon spoke to us on being careful that who we present to others in the world matches up with who we are in private.  I don’t know if you can see it on the note (or be able to read my horrible handwriting) but my note said “Fraud Alert.  Identity Theft.  How I wish I was constantly the woman behind the computer screen and didn’t revert back to the old me when my fingers are no longer typing.”  :(

Brandon’s words are echoing through my head this morning as I review this written thought from Lord knows when.  It’s easy to be so full of bubbly encouragement and truths and light when I am writing these words to you all but...but when I step out from behind this screen, are the folks who know me and read my blogs wondering who this chick thinks she is?  Do they question if my actions match up with my professions of faith when they encounter me in various circumstances?  Mostly though, I wonder if God--Who knows me inside and out--is pleased with the image I project in my daily walk.  Oh, I hope so, but I fear I fall short far too often.  

So, for those of you reading this, call me out when you see me erring.  Let me know--privately please--what I am doing wrong, right, and what could use some help.  Scripture tells us in Proverbs 27:17 that “Iron sharpens iron.”  Don’t let me be a vessel of rust that corrupts and corrodes.  As I continue to endeavour to share the love of Christ through this blog, my desire is to be a blessing.  I don’t want to just be a hearer of the Word; I want to be a doer.

Let’s pray!

Dear Lord, whew!  This was a tough one.  So many times I can feel like I am in Your perfect will and then bam!  Something happens to show my humanity and set me back a few paces.

Lord?  As I struggle with my wandering mind, I ask You to be that Guide for my pathway that was promised.  I ask that You continue working in me, perfecting me, and readying me for Your kingdom.  I long for Your words of “Well done, My faithful child.”  Prick me when I falter, I ask, in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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