Thursday, November 12, 2015

You Should See The Other Guy

Good morning!  It's been nearly a week since my last blog.  I just couldn't find the words to write that would help me to express the meandering thoughts wandering through my mind.  Yeah, I was still recovering from my hateful cold, trying to reconcile the thoughts about my sister-in-law's passing, my everyday issues, and oh yeah:  my fears about the skin cancers growing in my head.
"What's it like inside the bubble?  Does your head ever give you trouble?  It's no sin; trade it in.  Hang on:  help is on its way!"  
The Little River Band crooned this song way back when and it's one of my favorites.  However, I don't know of a soul who would trade my head, my mind, for theirs.  

The chorus of the song goes like this:  
Hang on, help is on its way
I'll be there as fast as I can
"Hang on," a tiny voice did say
From somewhere deep inside the inner man
Hmn.  Kind of reminds me of this verse from Jeremiah 30:17 that goes like this:
 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord, 
"A tiny voice" could also be described as a still, small voice, correct?  "From deep inside the inner man" could refer to our soul.  These lyrics combined with the promise, the declaration of God when He said He "will restore you to health and heal your wounds" gives me much joy.  Help is on His way, as is restoration.  Whatever the cancer is inside of us, friends, God is there to heal us.  For you see, cancer is defined as:  a practice or phenomenon perceived to be evil or destructive and hard to contain or eradicate.  For me, my mind is a constant battlefield, and the disease of self is rampant in it.  Add to that my physical infirmities and I am indeed a man in need of a Saviour.  

Let's face it:  we all have our stories of heartbreak and disillusionment.  We all have our private pains--whether physical, emotional, or both.  The trick is how we deal with them.  The comfort of sharing our stories and having others pray for and with us is unspeakable.  The satisfaction of the good reports when those prayers are answered is a relief like none other.  

Like me, the scars left behind will be evident for a while.  I was hesitant to post this picture but I did so to remind me, to leave a vivid portrait of what cancer does.  While it is a horrid disease and has claimed far too many loved ones throughout the ages, it can be contained.  It can be eradicated.  The Great Physician can take His holy blade and cut it from our hearts, our bodies, and our spirits.  It doesn't have to destroy us.  Does it hurt, when He takes our yuck out?  Sure.  Unfortunately, for those sins that are so deep, there isn't a numbing shot to dull the effects as the knife does its handiwork.  There aren't pain pills for the upcoming hurt nor is there a bandage to hide the hideousness left behind.  But there is a Comforter nearby to hold our hands.  There is a Listener Who wants to hear our sorrows rather than interrupting us to share His own war stories when we just need someone to hear us grieve.  And there is that wonderful promise He gave us when He said He'd never leave us nor forsake us and that He'd restore us.

As I conclude, my mind is already jumping ahead to next week when I go have my stitches removed and get to repeat this operation for another part of my body that has been cancer stricken.  Isn't that the way it goes?  We get one area of our lives under control and then another is waiting, biding its time to damage other areas of our bodies?  These consequences from previous bad behaviors and/or choices that led to this sickness cannot be changed, cannot be undone.  What can happen though is that the stimulus can be contained, can be refrained from being committed again, and can be avoided when proper diligence is paid to be holy.  And yes, I know there will be some times when things happen that I have no control over as I am tested again physically and emotionally as the devil continues trying to kill, destroy, and steal my joy.  That's when in my weakness, I must allow Jesus Christ to be strong in me.  My hope is that you will make this choice as well.

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, thank You.  Thank You for the cancers in me.  No, I am not glad they are there but the lessons You teach me through them show how much I need You.  They show the ugliness of this world and point me to the promise of the one to come where there is no sickness, no pain, no dying.  The day is coming when You will have the final victory, Lord, and it can't come soon enough!

For my friends, loved ones, and those I do not know who are suffering from cancer, from loneliness, from heartbreak, and from stolen joy, I pray that You will be their strength today.  Father, I pray that You will embrace them so tightly and securely that they cannot help but sing in the midst of their struggles, cannot help but praise Your name for the wonderful Saviour You are, and cannot help but share their stories with others so that they too can point others to You.

Lord God, I love you.  I appreciate You.  I anticipate the day I get to meet You face to face.  Until then, keep me.  Settle me.  Still me.  Love me.  In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen.

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