Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How Great Thou Art!

In life, there is much to consider.  Where to work, whom to marry, where to live, how many kids to have, where to go to church, where to shop, how to spend your money, how much of it to save for retirement and/or investments, and so many other objects of concern vie for our time.  If you are like me and only have a tiny little brain, it can be quite overwhelming sometimes!

In the grand scheme of things, though, do these things really matter?  Whether you wear Levi's or Lee Jeans, eat Papa John's Pizza or Pizza Hut's, live on the coast or in the mountains, spend every cent you have today since you are not promised tomorrow, and have three versus two pets:  does it really matter?  When you step back from yourself and evaluate the vastness of the riches of God's glory--and then take one more step back as you realize He created all of it for you--why bother with the small stuff?  Why contemplate that new color of carpet when you can stare at an infinite sky, full of stars, and realize that there is so much of it that you cannot see?  

I often find myself in awe of God's creation.  The beauty of earth is something so wonderful to behold, especially in the fall season when the land begins to prepare itself for rest as winter lurks in the not so distant future.  The brilliance of the setting sun as the days draw shorter and the nights grow longer causes my eyes to reflect on life and the intricacies of it.

God made man.  He made creation.  The heavens and the earth.  Why?  For you, love.  Now that is something to think about!

Let's pray!

I don't know why, and I don't know how but Lord?  Lord?  You made all of this beautifulness for me.  Me!  Astounding!  Furthermore, You are making a new heaven for me to dwell with You in.  Such love humbles me and makes my heart soar.  Thank You, Father, for all I have now and all that is promised to me.  Your generosity amazes me.  You amaze me.

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