Friday, October 16, 2015

So Easy Even A Granny Can Do It!

"Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, 'Do you understand what you are reading?' And he said, 'Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?'"  Acts 8:30-31

This morning I was up around 3:00. I just couldn't get my ol' body to stop aching and my mind to stop wandering. So, I came in here to my Pretty Purple Room and began the process of binding my blogs. It's something I have been wanting to do for a while and for various reasons kept putting off. Happily though, I have been working on them for the past couple of days and thought myself ready to get out my new machine.

Hmn. Looks easy enough--even for a ditz like me. How hard could it be? Besides, not only are there instructions, but there are pictures to walk me through each step. Yeah: I can do this!

Emboldened in my thoughts were also the reassuring words the lovely Myra Beck posted yesterday in her vlog about failures ( and since I am so good at those I figgered it was time for a success of my own.  So, ahem, almost two hours later I did it!  I kid you not.  Yes, I had the instructions.  Yes the pictures helped but...but my one lone copy surely was not supposed to take this long to put together.  I started on the next one and yep, you guessed it:  it still wasn't going smoothly.  So, I did what any other normal, harried woman would do:  I waited for the alarm clock to go off and for Steve to get up.  Of course he came to see what I was doing and spent the next ten minutes showing me the right way to do it.  You see, even though I had the book, I had the directions, it still was just not making any sense to me.  I needed a teacher to show me and once he did, it all made sense.

Do you think that is the way the Ethiopian felt?  He had the words of life and the ability to read.  Yet it wasn't until Philip came his way that he was able to have the light bulbs go off in his head.  It wasn't until someone sat patiently with him and explained things that the story really came together.  

October is Pastor Appreciation Month.  What a great time to honor the men who spend countless hours learning from God so that they may turn around and teach us sheep what we just aren't sure about.  What a great way to honor your Sunday School teachers and ministry leaders as they endeavor to honor God with their labors.  And let's not forget those pastors' wives either who understand more than their hubbies often do.  They all work together for good because they love God, they are the called, and us?  We get to reap the benefits!

Here's a picture of my book, all nicely bound.  Thank you Steve for showing me the way.  Thank you Pastor Dale, for expounding on the Word.  Thank you Charmeyne for often pointing out the obvious, and for all of those who are too numerous to mention here but have impacted my growth, thank you.  I'm a visual learner and you have shown and told me what's best with your gentleness and your compassion.  I appreciate you all!

Let's pray!

Dear Father God, the greatest Teacher out there, I want to say thanks for all of the souls You have sent my way to teach me more about You.  I once heard an expression that basically said "Preach the Word all day long.  Use words if you have to."  Thank You, Lord, for those whose lives epitomize Your Truths and Your love without preaching man's words but instead by modeling Jesus. 

Continue guiding me and molding me into His image, I ask, so that I too may be counted amongst the teachers You use to further Your kingdom.  It's in His precious name I pray, amen.

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