Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's okay: I'm the limo driver!

Good morning!  Tell me something:  do you have a badge?  Maybe it's your student ID, workplace card, or some other type of tangible item that you use to let others know you belong in this place where you are at.  In the movie "Dumb and Dumber," the character of Lloyd Christmas had one and he thought it gave him access to all sorts of places that the rest of the world wasn't allowed into.  Watch this video clip for those of you (unlike Valerie) who might need a reminder:

The older I get, the more I realize that I need something tangible to help me out when I forget who I am.  Oh sure, there's my driver's license to tell me my name, address, and blood type--and that I am an organ donor.  But...but sometimes as I walk this road of life, and the fiery darts of the wicked one come my way, I need something more solid, more defining, more powerful than a piece of paper with my "facts" on it.  I need protection.  I need my Superhero Jesus to come bail me out of whatever predicament I may be in.  I need verification that I am His child.

This picture doesn't do this justice, but the other day at Treasure's, I found this pocket coin.  On the front, as you see, is the Shield of Faith that is spoken of as part of the whole armor of God in the Book of Ephesians.  On its reverse side is the reminder:  to put on the full armor of God.  There were other pieces available and I may go back and get another (like the helmet to protect my head and my mind!) but this one was most pertinent to me at this moment.

Those fiery darts of the devil are coming at me from all sides lately and when I saw this, I just had to have it.  I can keep it in my pocket and reach down and feel its comfort when I am resting, driving, or just going about my daily walk.  Oh sure, it's not that big and truthfully probably couldn't fend off many actual spears thrown my way.  However, knowing it is there, knowing the truth behind the words imprinted on it makes me feel stronger.  It makes me feel I am not alone.  It reminds me that while my adversary is out there seeking to devour and to destroy me that my Hero, my Warrior is not only in my pocket, He's in my heart.  He's on my side.  He's prepared the way for me and He does not expect me to go it alone.

It feels good to have something to hold onto, doesn't it?  Something that is warm inside of your hand?  Something that you can look at whensoever you choose and though the rest of the world is unaware of its impact, this little reminder of Whose you are is priceless.  So, to conclude, I do hide the words of Christ in my heart that I may not sin against Him.  I do trust Jesus to take care of my every need.  And lastly, I now have this other reminder of His Word to reassure me when those hurtful sticks are thrown my way.  I just have to be sure to reach for it--for Him--and not trust in my own strength to save me.

Let's pray!

Oh Lord!  How I love having more of You close to me.  It isn't always convenient to carry my Bible around so this little coin that I now own is one of my new favorite possessions that points me back to You when my eyes stray.  It allows me to stay "in touch" (if You will) when I need an extra boost or just a quiet reminder that You are always with me.

Thank You for loving me, for securing me, and for equipping me to keep on.  Honestly, Lord, these past two weeks have been a doozy and I faltered a few times as the hits just kept coming.  May I keep my eyes on You and trust in You to be my shield when all is said and done is my prayer today, asked in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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