Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Who invited you?

What's on your mind today?  Bills?  Problems?  Issues that just keep popping up no matter how many times you have dealt with them?

For the past few days, the devil has been really riding my back.  And since he likes to use all weapons in his arsenal, he invited a few friends with him.  Perhaps you know them?  Guilt, Anger, Snide, Liar, Accuser, and Destroyer.  Familiar with them?  Me too and truthfully, I wish they hadn't come.  I don't like them.  I don't like the way my heart reacts to their presence.  They show me just how ugly it is and then they laugh when they have wrought their presence into my previously calm demeanour.

So, what to do?  Easy!  I have got to get dressed, putting on that full armour of God that is in my closet.  And speaking of which, I recently got my prayer closet back into working order.  Hmn.  Maybe that's why they are on my doorstep, trying to get into my home.  I'll bet they want to wreak havoc in there too.

So, here's my choice (because if you know me, you know one of my most frequent sayings in life is that everything is a choice):  I can let them in and entertain them while they sneak and leave their mark on everything they touch or I can just not let them in.  Keep that door closed.  I can retreat into my sanctuary and rest in the presence of God.  I can tell Him of my cares and sit at His feet while He soothes my savage beasts and keeps them caged up where they can do no harm.  Why worry over things I cannot change?  That just distracts me from working on the things that I do have power over.

I am going to make the good choice today.  I am going to do what is necessary and that is to keep my focus on Jesus.  My eyes and ears are gonna look for and listen to Him, not some crafty creep who only wants my destruction.  My hands are going to be folded in prayer and uplifted in praise.  My heart is not going to revisit the hurts but is going to open itself up to the good things my Lord has prepared for me.

So, thanks but no thanks Devil.  You and your friends can go somewhere else today.  I have better things to do.  Good riddance!

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