Tuesday, April 19, 2016

You Don't Know

We read this devotion the other morning and, as He's just so fond of doing, the Great God revealed His Word to be true through the actions of our grandsons.  Please don't just look at the picture today and go on, friends.  Read it.  Read the following words.  Watch the video at the end.  Lastly?  Stop your whining and grumbling.  God knows what He's doing!  

"But you don't know what I know or see what I see" is the key sentence in this passage.  Too many of us are in such a hurry, aren't we?  Always wanting to know the end result to see if the amount of labor we are about to put into something is going to be worth the pay off.  And, in our haste, we mess up.  We find obstacles and stumbling stones.  Things that we might avoid if we were paying better attention instead turn into things we run headfirst into--and then we wonder why we are sick, why we itch, why we hurt.

And then?  Then we want to rant and rail against anyone and anything.  We'll angrily slam our fists into a wall (better than a person's face, huh)?  Harsh words may spew from our mouths.  Expenses may incur from the damages created by our impatience and lack of taking our time to do things slowly, carefully, and correctly--the first time.

In conclusion, I want you to now watch this video I made, featuring my hubby who God so often uses to make things sensible to me.  Hope this helps you out as well!

Let's pray!

Dear Lord:  as today begins and we battle our To Do Lists, I ask that we first take a moment, right now, to stop and ask You to guide us.  You know the road ahead of us and we have the lovely verses from Proverbs to aid us:  "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."

May we walk in You today is my prayer, Father.  Love You!  Amen.

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