Thursday, April 28, 2016

Paid in Full

Last weekend, I had lunch with some family members to celebrate the hub's and his aunt's birthdays.  The date had been set well in advance.  The place was chosen.  The time was set.  Guests were invited and we even had two more unexpectedly but happily show up.  

The meal was prepared and the anticipation was at its peak as it soon was time for the presents to be handed out.  Even ones whose special day it was not supposed to be received gifts.  The cake was candled, the ♫Happy Birthday♪ song sung, said candles were blown out after wishes were made, cake was passed around and devoured, and then came the climax of the event:  the waitress brought the check.

Virginia had already whispered to me that she and my uncle wanted to pay.  I whispered back "Had I known that I would have ordered the steak!"  It was all fun and games until it was time to settle up.  I distracted our aunt and grabbed the check, because I wanted to pay.  After all, it was her special day--and my hubby's--and too often they have bought our dinners and suppers.  

While I've known this woman for over thirty years, that day I saw Virginia do something I had never seen her do before:  she got up and stormed off.  I was mortified!  She has always been peaceful and peace loving, always avoided conflict of any kind, and again, I was dumbfounded.  I quickly interrupted the other end of the table where Steve was, told him what had happened, and he immediately went to see to her.  His cousin just kind of watched it all, seeming nonplussed about it, and I sat there, miserable, and wondering how this was all going to turn out.

Fast forward to yesterday's morning Bible Study.  The topic was sacrifice and the girls and I discussed some of the things Christ gave up so that we could one day be with Him.  God too had a date prepared for a  life-changing event.  He invited many to come.  He presented His Son as the present, and the preparations were all in order.  Imagine His hurt, His dismay, His disappointment when the guests did not arrive.  Feel His betrayal as many tried to pay their own way instead of accepting what was freely being offered. See the dismay in His eyes as the guests grumbled amongst one another over who was really the special one there.  In great anticipation this meal had been prepared.  But...but what if in His righteous anger, His holy disappointment, His refusal to accept others trying to pay for something that only He could, what if He--what if He too walked away?  What if He'd said He'd been planning this all along and this was what gave Him pleasure and that He wanted to do this for His children whom He loved and instead, instead that payment was taken out of His hands, rejected if you will?  What if He thought to Himself  "Enough!  I've planned.  I've sacrificed.  I've been looking forward to this for a long time but obviously these people refuse to accept what I so freely give?  Bah!  Enough!  I quit!"

Scary, huh?

Okay, I think you all get the picture so I'll wrap this up.  Soon Steve and Virginia came back to the table, smiling, her with check in hand because she was successful in making the final payment for the group.  She kissed me and hugged me and again reiterated how she'd really wanted to do this.  Harmony abounded and I've got the photos to show for it. 

As far as Jesus, though, and His invitation to pay your bill?  Now, that's something you and He will have to work out, if you haven't already done so.  He could have walked away from the cross.  All of His "friends" did, deserted Him in His hour of need, and though He could have called 10,000 angels, He stayed.  He paid your bill.  And mine.  His sacrifice for our salvation.  He's planning another event, you know.  The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  I can't wait to dine with Him, can you?  Wonder if He'll have cake, with candles on it to make a wish?  Ahh, probably not.  The candles, I mean (fingers crossed for the cake!).  Us being there to celebrate with Him is the greatest present.  Unfathomable, huh?

Let's pray!

Dear Lord God, as I contemplate these three events, I am filled with so much emotion.  First, I thank You for once again revealing Yourself to me in the common, everyday activities.  I see You when I look for You and am continually enlightened to the many different ways You reach out to Your children.

Next, God, I thank You for this gift of Jesus.  I cannot help but feel unworthy and it's hard for me to not try to pay You back in some way but we both know I cannot even come close to this priceless present.  So, I will honor You, Father, with my life and do my best through the righteousness of Christ in me to share His story and lead others to You.

Lastly, Lord God, I thank You for not walking away.  You stayed.  You remain constant.  You don't change, nor does Your love for Your people.  Thank You for being this way and loving so intensely.  My hope is that I too can have such passion for those You place in my life, Father, and love them the way You have and do still love me.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray this:  amen.


  1. "I see you when I look for you..."

    Those few words.... Wow.

    1. Yeah, Anne, it's dumbfounding to me what is going on all around me that I am aware of when I take the time to just see.

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