Thursday, February 25, 2016

It Only Takes a Spark

Fire.  That little glow that starts with the teeniest spark and builds into a flame that burns ever so brightly.

Does it fascinate you the way it does me?  I can be around a campfire or a fireplace or even just burning old documents and feel the pull, the warmth--even on a warm day or evening.  I find myself drawing closer to the flame, mesmerized by it, lost in its power.  I want to watch its magnificence as it consumes what is within its reach.  I want its warmth to heat me to my inner core.

Yesterday, I saw a title for a book called "Praying With Fire."  Immediately I was off on tens of tangents (as my wandering brain is likely to do once a hint of inspiration comes to it).  I knew how I liked playing with fire.  I knew the dangers and...the power.  Oh the power!  So I thought to myself, "Stef:  how absolutely wondrous it must be to have this type of fire in your prayer life!  To pray with such fervor, such boldness, such intensity!  I mean, after all, God told us to 'Come boldly before His throne,' right?  Oh Stef:  if you could pray with such command and mastery, that whatever you were speaking of to God would be drawn into this intensity and catch wind and burn, baby burn!  Just think of the effect your prayers might have if your flame turned into a full-fledged blaze that swept over your little world.  How great a matter would that little fire kindle into?"

I tried it.  Subconsciously because my thoughts often take time to turn into concise actions.  Last night, I was asked to close prayer for our missions group.  As I considered the requests, thought of the needs, hurt for the hearts that were troubled, I found myself becoming impassioned.  I spoke to God as though He and I were the only ones there as I prayed for His compassion for those whose lives were in such need.  My voice trembled and shook and then--as it became more focused on the situation--it became powerful.  I claimed God's promises.  I implored Him to heal, to touch, to soothe, and to bless.  A hush fell over the room.

Now, before you think the next words to read are "I suddenly began to speak in tongues and a strong rushing wind began to blow through the classroom" I must tell you to stop right there.  That's not the way it was.  For you see, when I am impassioned, I tend to get quieter, to have passion yes, but to take command of the incident so as to make sure you hear me by being forced to listen more closely to what is being said.  Does that make sense?  Too often I find folks talk over one another in their attempts to have their opinions voiced.  Not me (well, most of the time.  Sometimes I do raise my voice to be heard but mainly out of frustration that I was interrupted in the first place.  Talk to Shirley about that one.)  

To sum it all up, friends, it's time to be bold.  It's time to pray effectively.  It's time to stand.  God isn't afraid when you raise your voice to Him.  Nothing you can say shocks Him (ahem:  remember how he knows your thoughts before you do?).  Speak plainly without fancy words.  It's even okay to whine, to fuss, to gripe, to complain.  But, if you are unwilling to be a part of the next step--the one where you commit yourselves to changing the situation--then just be quiet.  Seriously.  Hush!  

However, if you find yourselves righteously indignant over social issues, don't just sit there and whisper amongst your peers:  do something!  When we sit idly by, our rights get trampled.  Our children's schools are forced to teach other lifestyles and agendas rather than the ones we grew up in and post so fervently on our Facebook pages.  Our bathrooms become stalls for all sorts of indecency.

Stop it.  If you are only going to incite, keep it to yourselves.  But, if you are seeking to rally the troops, to make positive differences, to indeed change the world then begin that work in your prayer closets, your war rooms.  It only takes a spark.  Be a match today.  You might not set the world on fire but then again...

Let's pray!

Lord, how my heart burns within me as I consider so many--too many--cares of this world that are within my power to reshape.  Now, Father:  You know what a big chicken I am and how I like to work behind the scenes rather than be the leader of the pack.  So, on my platform, in my own prayer closet, and as I drive down the roads, help me to see things through Your eyes.  The things that hurt You that I have blindly turned away from so as to not rock the boat or to mind my own business or (and this one really gets my goat when I find myself incorrectly applying scripture to or hear other quote inaccurately) to judge.  Help me, I ask, to wake up. To get up, carry my bed, and to walk.

I'm not talking about going out and having town hall meetings, God.  You know that.  But, with Your help and Your guidance, I am asking You to embolden me whereas my heart used to be frozen.  Light Your holy fire in my spirit and soul so that I will hear from heaven, so that You will forgive my sins, and maybe, just maybe heal my lands.  I'm calling to You for You to show me those great and powerful things I don't know about.  Teach me and refine me today is my earnest and fervent prayer.  Amen!  

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