Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

"God bless America!"
"God have mercy on America!"
"Surely the Second Coming is near."
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
"Don't judge."
"God loves everyone."
"When you've done all you can do, stand."

Oh, how my mind is buzzing this morning as I ponder the condition of my world--my world that has once again been invaded by the perverseness of souls who have been blinded to what is true, right, and pure. Last night, Charlotte's City Council voted for legislation that allows males to use female bathrooms and females to use male bathrooms. Transgenders and homosexuals pushed for this and guess what? They won. This "non-discrimination" ordinance now puts regulars Joes and Sallys at risk of their rights, their privacies being invaded because...

...because a few people chose to make a stand. A few people let their voices be heard. They used their platforms and demanded to be listened to. Their rights were being infringed upon and they weren't going to sit down and take it any longer.While some politicians quickly jumped on the bandwagon in support of this, a few others were opposed to it and vowed to fight to make sure this didn't become law.

As Steve and I heard this news right before bed last night, our souls were...not grieved. Not saddened. They were mad! Furious! Righteous indignation fueled our thoughts and we prayed--oh yes we prayed for these ones who made this possible. We prayed not for mercy for their souls. Un unh. We prayed for God to step in and destroy, to plague, to vindicate His children.

Let that seep in a moment. In case you ever thought Steve and I were just the "sweetest things" who could wish no harm on anyone, think again. Not only do we wish it, we actively pray for God to show Himself mighty and to put the force on them.

"Oh, you shouldn't judge people. They can't help the way they are."

I beg your pardon? Have they no will, no self-control, no self-respect? Have they no knowledge of Biblical truths? Have they never heard that while God is indeed a God of love, He also set His standards before the foundations of the world were laid? Did they ever read Genesis where one day, God had enough and destroyed those evil people in Sodom? And why was it again that Noah had to build an ark?

I am no politician and do not plan to get on a soapbox to explain my position on this. I have some friends who declare themselves to be homosexuals and while I love them, I fear for them. I fear they are so blinded by the lies of Satan that the truth of God's Word will not permeate their hearts before their final breath has been breathed. If they read these words of mine and are offended, I pray that they will repent of their willful mockery of my God's love and mercies.

For right now, I have a voice. I have a platform. And I am taking my stand. I will not turn a blind eye to this decision by elected officials near me. I will not vote for politicians who turn blinded eyes against such atrocities that I just wrote about. I will not pray for mercy for them but instead for judgment. I will not pray for God to bless America when Americans continue to sit by and let this happen. Stand up, friends! Don't wring your hands and wonder why this could be. Open your eyes, get up on your feet, use your voices, and speak. Look what happens when we try to not get involved, to mind our own business, and to pray for peace. Read in your Bibles how Jesus came not to bring peace but a sword. And when you pray? Pray fervently. Judge righteous judgment. Love your neighbor, of course, but love as Christ did. Love your neighbors enough to tell them the truth.

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