Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Free refills!

2015-06-17 I Cor 1 27.jpg

June 17, 2015

Good morning!  Are you ready for another inspirational message this morning--with the inspiration coming from my beloved husband?  Great!  Let’s get started.

See the picture of the cup holder?  The other day I noticed it was getting low so I went and got some cups to fill it up.  Steve happened to be in the bathroom at the same time and watched with amazement as I took the lid of the container off and placed the cups inside.

Wow!  I didn’t know you could do that”  he exclaimed.

What:  take the top off” I asked?  He nodded.  “Well, honey, how do you put the cups in then” I responded.

I usually just shove them up from the bottom.  Hmn.  Guess your way is easier.”

Oh my cow.  

We both laughed and I tucked away this nugget until now, thinking about how many times I have done silly stuff when there is a much easier way.  A better way.  The right way.  A way that doesn’t involve me forcing something into an arena when there is a kinder, gentler avenue that makes things fit.  Scratch that.  It doesn’t make things fit:  rather, they fit because they were made to work in a certain order.

Following directions isn’t something many of us like to do.  Reading instructions?  Ha!  That’s for those who aren’t as gifted and intelligent as those of us who just automatically understand key concepts and ideas.  Yeah, you see where this is going, don’t you?  We try things our way, just knowing that we can do the job more efficiently, take less time in the process, and then...well, we wind up hunting down those printed words that show us--often with a picture illustration--just how easy the steps are to getting the task accomplished.

O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth…”  Can’t you just feel the frustration of Paul in Galatians 3 or better still, the angst of Christ in Matthew 17 when He said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you?”  Yeah, the cup illustration is a laughable one but I wonder just how many times each of us makes decisions (okay, poor choices) that make our Lord’s eyes roll and test His patience?  His way is the one to choose and if we would just do so, our lives would be so much easier.  Don’t you agree?  Instead of us trying to force something into a place where, sure, it would fit what if we took a minute to read the directions and not “kick against the pricks” (Acts 26:14)?  What if we considered the information set before us and read the guidelines?  Couldn’t we be more effective and less aggravated by just keeping it simple?  

I hope this has made some sense.  Too many times I have tried to enforce my beliefs, my way or the highway, and/or my stubbornness has not allowed a project to be completed in a timely manner because I am just so wise and know it all and if you don’t go along with me then it just won’t be as good.  Ha.  As if.  

I think it’s time to pray now.  Join me?

Dear Lord, as I conclude this note I wonder if my meaning is clear?  I wonder if those who are reading this will see that we don’t have to force our beliefs, our ways, our lifestyles on anyone but that instead, when we follow Your Word, Your directions, Your plan that we can all get along and live peacefully with one another?  I wonder if we all took a few moments each day to consider the precepts You have laid out for us, if we set our minds to honor You, and if we purposed in our hearts to love just how much easier our lives would be?

Oh the times I have tried to make someone see things my way and gotten angry and upset when they didn’t.  Lord, I hang my head in shame over my pride.  It has run rampant and turned people away from You rather than drawing them near because my disposition was not one of love but of domination.  I am so sorry, Father, for being so pig-headed.  

As I go about my day, will You remind me to think before speaking, to consider before acting, and to seek Your will instead of seeking my own personal gain?  Thank You, Lord.  How You put up with me is confounding but I thank You for doing so.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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