Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Random thoughts of a harried blogger

June 9, 2015                                                       https://youtu.be/zulKcYItKIA

I was introduced to this song this morning and have listened to it four or five times now.  Click on the link and check it out for yourselves and see if you relate.

I'm tired, friends.  I'm tired of policemen being berated for doing their jobs.  I'm tired of hearing the sadness of people's voices as they discuss being alone because their spouses have left them--and their kids--to fend for themselves.  I'm tired of hearing how awful Obama is, how wonderful Bruce Jenner is, and I'm tired of  Christians being attacked because of taking stands that they think they are supposed to.  This Franklin Graham stuff is getting close to mob mentality and...I'm tired of it.

But what should I do?  Should I do anything?  

I have friends that are black.  I have friends that are white.  I have friends that are homosexuals and some that are homo sapiens.   I have friends that are adulterers, thieves, gluttons, boastful, liars.  I have friends who love the USA and friends who are planning to secede from it if given the opportunity.  I guess what I am saying is that I have friends of all backgrounds, races, preferences, religions, and beliefs.  I love them and they love me.  Do we agree on everything?  Hardly.  Do we practice the same lifestyles?  Not even close.  Are we on the same social platforms?  Same political party?  Do we drive foreign or domestic cars?

Who cares??  Why does it matter??  

Sigh.  I've been pondering this blog for several days now, whether to say anything and if so, how to do so unoffensively.  Or, should I speak boldly about what God says and let that damnation get the offenders in due time?  Should I let the masses hound it out and just sit back as mankind wars against itself, with the "experts" telling one another "truth" and from their pious thrones rule the world?  And just what did God really say about it all anyway?  And that, my dear loves, is where I am now.

Proverbs Chapter 6

Galatians Chapter 5

1 Corinthians Chapter 6

And then, blessedly, this verse followed:  

Without Jesus Christ sanctifying us and making us holy, none of us stands a chance.  None.  No one.  While I am not in any way condoning lifestyles of sin, my role here on this earth is not to judge but to reflect Christ.  Did He turn His back on sinners?  No!  Did He deprive them of His presence or did He seek them out purposely?  I'll help you out with that one:  He came to seek and to save that which was lost.  He didn't have to look far then and He certainly doesn't have to now.  We make it so easy for Him, don't we?  

I've been pondering how to take a "Christian" stand on these issues and I've come up with this:  I don't have to.  I don't have to tell the world how I feel about them and the choices they make.  While I am not to turn a deaf ear nor blind eye to sin, it is not my place to condemn.  Rather, I am to convince them by the way I live my life that when Jesus is allowed to clean up a mess such as me, then there is hope.  There is a future.  And there is love that covers a multitude of sins.  I'm living proof of the wonders God can do when sinners confess their need for a Saviour and allow Him to mold us into the image of His Son.  For you see, I was that fornicator.  I was that thief.  I was that gossiper.  Let's not even talk about my pride issues!  Honor my father and my mother?  Ha!  Take things that didn't belong to me?  Put other gods before my God--the worst sin of all?  With a shamed face and bowed head, I must confess that yes, it's me.  These sins and many more that are too shameful to speak of I had to lay at Christ's feet while He took the blows for my crimes.  Those stripes on His back should have been on mine.  That rejection He faced as God had to turn from Him should have been my final and ultimate judgement.  But it's not.  It isn't.  And it won't be.

Why?  Why Stef?  What makes you so special?  And what proof do you have that you won't be condemned?  How do you know that judgment won't fall on you?  I know some of your past and it's certainly not one to brag about.  How can you be so sure that you are forgiven and that these sins won't be held against you?

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?  For years I've been trying to figure it out myself, trying to believe that I was actually privy to this wonder.  Surely there must be some mistake.  I know me and my thoughts and my actions.  How could Jesus want a thing to do with me, much less have hand-picked me before time began, knowing the shame I'd bring Him?  I can't answer that one but I do know that I'm His.  I do know He saved me and that He loves me in an indescribable manner and all I can do now is thank Him and try to show that love to others.  He saw what I could be and thought it was enough, enough for Him to die for.  He thinks that about you too, my friend.  

So, in conclusion, if He so loved us, ought we not to love one another?  Can't we stand, side by side, in His truths, in His standards, and in His ways rather than trying to get in His way?  He doesn't need us to defend Him.  He needs us to represent Him, to imitate Him, and to lead others to Him.  We can't do that when we are looking down on others.  Only by interaction and side-by-side contact can we influence those around us.  Stop the shunning.  Quit pointing fingers.  When you quote the Bible, make sure you are doing so in the right context and not distorting the Truth.  Pray about things before taking action.  Perhaps the best thing for us to do is just be still.  God's got this.  He knew this day was coming.  It's not a surprise to Him.  Let's not so easily be shaken either.

1 comment:

  1. I stand here guilty. Thank you God for your great love that cleansed a sinner like me. Also thanks Wanda for putting God's grace on paper.


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