Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Eyes Have It

June 4, 2015

Yesterday after going to the doctor, I went to get my prescription filled.  As luck would have it, it wasn't quite ready so the girl sweetly asked me to come back in about five minutes.  You know how it is when you've finally taken that step to go see a doc to confirm what you already knew--that you're sick and need an antibiotic--but then you have to wait to get the medicine you need when all you really want to do is go home and burrow?  Yeah, that's how I felt too.

I drove back around, fully expecting to be told that it still wasn't ready when instead, this kind young gal took my card, concern in her voice as to if I had one of those high-deductible medical plans, and apologizing that the medication was so high.  As she handed me my receipt and told me I should probably not take it on an empty stomach, I gave her a real look instead of focusing on getting things back in my wallet.  "I hope you feel better soon," she cooed and, touched that she genuinely seemed to care about my welfare, I looked her fully in the face to thank her when I realized that she too was just going through the motions.  Oh, her tone was perfect and had her supervisor been watching, she probably would have gotten the highest marks.  Unless...

Unless she had looked into the same dead eyes I was seeing.  

Remember back in the '70s when The Eagles sang about not being able to hide those lyin' eyes?  What about those memes you see all over Facebook that talk about the most beautiful smile hiding back the pains?  How many times have you heard or said "Have a nice day" to someone that you really could care less if s/he did or not?


I used to get so aggravated at people whom I was talking to that had on sunglasses.  I just didn't feel I was communicating with them unless I could see their eyes.  Still feel that way actually, but I understand it more now.  It's their way of pretending, of hiding, of not letting one see the windows to their souls.  My grandsons have mastered this technique when it comes to certain topics of discussion, knowing that those pretty blues of theirs will tell me truths that they'd rather not open up about at this time.  And I think that's why cell phones and texting are so popular:  without being face-to-face, it's easier to not see eye-to-eye what is really going on with one another.

Remember that song by Robert John, also from the 1970's, "Sad Eyes" when he asked his old love to turn the other way 'cause he didn't want to see her cry?  Yeah, sometimes the truths in eyes are just too much to bear.  As for me though, I'd much rather see what you aren't saying than to believe a lie, half-truth, or insincere word.  

One last song title for you:  "The Eye in the Sky."  The Alan Parsons Project sang it and sometimes I think of God as The Eye in the sky, looking at me, reading my mind, knowing my soul.  Comforting and kind of scary at the same time but mostly, it's good.  He knows my thoughts before I think them anyways.  He collects the tears I cry in a bottle.  I don't have to pretend with Him.  Jesus Himself said in Matthew 6:22-23:
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
Sisters (and you brothers too should any of you be reading this blog), let's let our lights shine today. Let's let our eyes be sincere and match the tones of our voices. And if you are downtrodden, don't be afraid to let someone see into your soul. We're all in this together. It's okay to ask for help.

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, thank You for keeping me straight. The lessons You teach me through others is constant and I hope that I apply these truths to my own walk so that I may better represent You.

Father, as I go about my day, may I look a little deeper into the windows of the ones around me? May I take a moment to see if the tone of their eyes matches the voice speaking to me. Help me be aware of others' needs more than my own is my prayer so that I may be more like You. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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