Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ashley Deaver

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Current mood: giddy

There are some really great people in the world that all too often we take for granted. Perhaps we really just only know these people by acquaintance or maybe we already have "too many friends" to get involved with new ones. Ha! That'd be the day, wouldn't it, to actually believe this fallacy that there could be too many folks in our lives?

One young lady I have on my mind right now is Ashley Deaver. I've known her for several years but, considering there are nearly three decades in our ages, I haven't had many opportunities to talk with her. That changed this past weekend at Maggie's wedding (another delightful young--I started to write "lady" but since she is now a wife, I have to write "woman" instead). Then I looked at Ashley's blog and am even more impressed. Check her out for yourself and see what you too may be missing.

Another younger (when you are 43, nearly half of the population is younger than you and why do I feel I have to stipulate these people's ages anyway?) woman I am getting to know is one who is in my Sunday School Class named Juanita. She is a true diamond in the rough and I am so enjoying watching her come out of her shell and shine!

My daughter Ashley always impresses me. Seeing her become such a wonderful young woman who is allowing herself to be used for our Lord is a joy. Her hubby is doing pretty well too!

My Sisters group is growing in each other and in the Lord, which is our goal. I am getting to know new members such as Lisa W., Mae, Ruth, and also getting a better understanding of some of the "original" Sisters (as if! each time we meet, there is a different bunch). Building trust is such a difficult, time-consuming thing to do. It involves letting go of the fear of rejection, possible ridicule, and doing things I don't always want to do. Is it always successful? Hardly. But you know what? I'm gonna do it anyway. Why? Why not? I'm a big girl now. Sure, my feelings will still get hurt. My efforts will often be in vain. I won't always be the first one chosen. But sometimes, sometimes, I am and that feels great! Sometimes I am asked how I am doing and made to feel important. Mmmn.

So, in conclusion, my heading is simply "thanks." I thank you for caring enough to read this blog. I thank these ladies and so many more that I haven't mentioned for being lights in a dark world. But mostly, Lord, I thank You. You made us, You created us to bring glory to You. These folks are doing that and I thank You for putting them in my life.

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