Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why should He?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It started getting really cloudy about 2:30 today. Since the weather has been so nice, my car windows were left down. It continued to get dark so I phoned a co-worker to relieve me so I could go put the windows up. One of the guys came by to check his mail and I mentioned the weather to him. He said he had just checked the weather channel and doppler indicated no moisture.

As I went to my car, I thought, "God, why not show those weather people and their modern technology what You can do? You know we need rain." My thoughts went back to the UPS guy saying that our area had less than 30 days supply left before tough restrictions went into effect. "Show 'em all, God. Show 'em Who's boss!"

Soon my shift was over and sure enough, no rain had fallen. I was still caught up in God showing us all that it rains on the just and the unjust and I was remembering those folks who had gathered together to pray in Georgia (I think it was Georgia). I thought, "Tonight at House of Prayer, we should do that. We should pray for rain." The Bible verse went through my mind from 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

"Yeah Lord, heal our land. Heal Your land." And then my thoughts went forward. If my people will humble themselves. Yeah, like that's going to happen. Just this morning I read about taking one's gifts to the altar and if you or someone you know has a grudge to settle that first and then make the offering. Immediately I thought of this fella at church who won't speak to me anymore to save his life. Like he and I are going to pray in one accord. Ha. Then I thought of his daughter and the grudges she herself is carrying. Ha again. Then I thought of me and what evil I bring into the church each time I walk through those doors. If my people...

Why should He? Why should God heal our land? Why should He give us water when we don't even honor Him in His house? How long would it be, if He granted this petition, before we were back to taking water for granted? How long before those who made the profession of being in unity were at each other's spiritual throats and thrusting daggers into one another's spiritual backs?

...will humble themselves...Too many of us are so busy (like my own first reaction listed above) to point the finger at the ones we deem in need of forgiveness, who need to turn from their wicked ways to humble our own sorry selves. Are we reaping the consequences for our poor behavior? Possibly. Probably. If we are, we are still getting off lightly.

In conclusion, why should God heal us, our land, and show us mercy? 'Cause that's what He is known for. Will He? He told us how to get a response from Him. Any repenters out there besides me? Anyone willing to get down on his/her knees and confess to the shames we commit on a daily (in my case, hourly--uh, minutely) basis? How low can we go? In my case, I've been to the gutter too many times and I don't wish to stay there. So, tonight, I purpose to repent, to humble myself so that I may be lifted up. And if the Lord chooses to send rain, good for Him! And if He doesn't, good for Him! The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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