Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today is the "celebration of life" for Kylee German. Eight weeks on earth; eternally in heaven. What an impression she made while here! So much love came from places some of us didn't know existed in us. How is the human heart capable of such joy, concern, and happiness from just one tiny smile, one curling of a tiny fist around a finger? And then, what does that heart do with all of these emotions now that she is gone? The sweet little socks that held the precious feet are now harsh reminders that they won't be used again. The pretty dresses and outfits that line the closet and the dresser drawers cause bittersweet memories to flow as the thoughts of how precious she looked in them or how she wasn't quite big enough to yet wear them run through the mind. And what of all the pictures taken? What of all the stories not yet told to her or read to her? What of all the ones who were biding their time to get to hold her, to cuddle her, to feed her a bottle, and yes, even to change her diaper? What becomes of us?

Lord, today is going to be such a tough day. Final goodbyes--final? No. Our hearts still aren't ready to say goodbye once and for all. Our tears still fall without warning. Reminders are everywhere and will be from now on. People mean well and will say things to try to comfort, to try to make sense of this tragedy, to try to encourage. Oh sweet Lord! Please keep your children close today. Guard our tongues into not saying things that hurt even though they are well-intentioned. Sometimes just a hug, a squeeze of the hand, a shared tear is more effective than any spoken word can ever be.

For Sarah, Garron, Cade, my dear friend Lisa, and all of the others who are affected by this loss of sweet little Kylee I ask a special dose of Your love to flow through them as they endure the next several hours. Sigh. Hold them, as You are holding Kylee now. We're supposed to give thanks in all that we face, Lord. This is tough in times like this but I do thank You for little blessings, little smiles; for people that come into our lives for a season and are then gone. The hope of seeing them again will keep us going. Thank You for the time given. It helps us to realize how precious time really is and how much of it we take for granted. Mostly though, Lord, I thank You that because of Your great love, we will be reunited with these loved ones and all will be made clear someday. Use the life of Kylee to lead others to You is my fervent prayer. Use the lives of all of Your children to enlighten this dark world and help us Lord. Hold us. Hold us tight, I pray. Amen.

Two months is too little.

They let him go.

They had no sudden healing.

To think that providence would

Take a child from his mother while she prays

Is appalling.

Who told us we'd be rescued?

What has changed and why should we be saved from nightmares?

We're asking why this happens

To us who have died to live?

It's unfair.


This is what it means to be held.

How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life

And you survive.

This is what it is to be loved.

And to know that the promise was

When everything fell we'd be held.

This hand is bitterness.

We want to taste it, let the hatred know our sorrow.

The wise hands opens slowly to lilies of the valley and tomorrow.


This is what it means to be held.

How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life

And you survive.

This is what it is to be loved.

And to know that the promise was

When everything fell we'd be held.


If hope is born of suffering.

If this is only the beginning.

Can we not wait for one hour watching for our Savior?


This is what it means to be held.

How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life

And you survive.

This is what it is to be loved.

And to know that the promise was

When everything fell we'd be held.


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