Thursday, January 29, 2009

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers

Friday, June 22, 2007

So, last night my hubby and I went to supper and then to Wal-Mart. As we approached the entrance, I saw a former employer/co-worker. "Oh great," I thought. She didn't acknowledge seeing me. We got in the doors and she had trouble getting a buggy. She again acted as though she didn't see me (although we were right behind her) but I could tell it was getting to her. As Steve and I approached the aisle where we usually go our separate ways, we met.

Long story short, she said she had some reviews for me that she had found on her desk--at home, mind you, not at school where I would think things like this should be. She said the secretary had given them to her because she didn't know what to do with them (note to secretaries: when someone is no longer employed with your establishment and you have belongings of theirs, MAIL THEM TO THEM!!!). But here's the kicker: MJ says she wasn't sure what to do with them since "I didn't come back" to school.

Of all the unmitigated gall! I "didn't come back" because she chose to not renew my contract!!!!All summer she kept me dangling until finally in late July she said they decided to go with someone else.

But that's in the past. What I am blogging about is how some people conveniently lay their responsibility on someone else's shoulders. It's almost laughable what one will do to ease a conscience. Why didn't I say anything to refute her words? I wanted to, oh how I wanted to! But what would have been the point? It's in the past and cannot be changed. She was unfair to me and rather than apologize for all the harm she caused me instead she allowed the devil to use her to be less of the Christian that she purports to being.

Which brings me to my next point: battle gear. You know how we are supposed to put on the whole armor of God so that we may stand against the fiery darts? As Steve and I drove home and I commiserated that I didn't have my shield up and wondered why, at Wal-Mart of all places, I should be prepared. Duh, Stef! Everyone and their brother goes to Wally World and there especially I should have my battle gear on. So, chalk another wound up to my own lack of responsibilty.

In conclusion, thanks MJ. Unknowingly you taught me another lesson which I will try to implement. You are a teacher in so many ways. I have learned much from you that you didn't even know you taught. You're a real class act.

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