Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Finders Keepers

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

I got a phone call a little while ago. It was from a representative at Bank of America. She was there with a customer who had a check from me that he felt did not belong to him. Long story short, it didn't: I had sent it to the wrong address. The name was the same; the occupation of him being a general contractor was the same. Both men even lived in the same little town. But this one small thing was wrong: he didn't do the job he was getting credit for.

Now, he could have just cashed the check. After all, it had his name on it. And he did do that line of work. Yeah, the fact that he didn't actually do this job kind of mattered but then again, he could have decided he'd gotten the shaft somewhere along the line and this was just God's little way of paying him back. No one would really know, right? Oh sure: somewhere down the line, the guy who shared his name would probably be in touch with me, wondering where his money was. But why should that be this Rick's problem?

Oh how easy it is to listen to that little voice that tells us to do something wrong. How it tickles our ears to think we are getting rewarded for jobs that might not have paid so well in the past. This "miracle" that God sent our way, this unexpected bonus and pat on the back surely was from Him. I mean, seriously: it had our name on it! How could it be a mistake?

How could we not consider keeping something when it seems it was meant for us but deep down inside, we knew it probably wasn't? For instance, maybe it was a shared tip from waitressing, when the first gal took the order, did most of the work, but her shift ended before her patrons paid the bill, leaving the tip to be collected by you. Maybe it was the $20.00 bill given to you by a rarely-seen-relative to "share" with the other siblings for past birthdays that were missed or to go get a special treat. Maybe it was the specially-prepared breakfast for Employee Appreciation Week but you had to go clock in so you didn't get to get a doughnut--but you thought about swiping one anyways.  Who knows? But I daresay we have all been faced with the opportunity to take what is not ours and justify it in our own minds because "somebody" owes us. We can act like it's a special blessing or we can underhandedly try to obtain it but deep down inside, we know it isn't ours. We might have deserved it but this was not the way we really wanted our payback. Right?

One day, God will reward us for our labours, friends. He sees when others don't. He's keeping a score card of who really does the work, who is worthy of the recognition, and who is being treated unfairly. Nothing escapes His watchful eye. Not even those times when someone rang up a lower price for an item that was mismarked or when for some reason, the item didn't even get scanned in the first place. Lord knows, Walmart rips us off all the time anyway, right, so it's only fair that once in a while we get something for free. Right?

Right: the Lord does know. He sees. He's watching to see if you will do the right thing--even if it inconveniences you to take the item that wasn't even worth a dollar back to the store to let them know it wasn't charged to you. Even if you inadvertently get a check with your name on it for several hundred dollars, with a note thanking you for a job well done, God knows what you will do. Though no one else may ever see, He will. Imagine meeting His eyes as you reap a harvest that wasn't yours. Still worth it? Still think you were entitled? Still think because someone else made the mistake that it isn't your problem? Sigh.

In conclusion, there are still good people in this world. Good still triumphs over evil. No, not every time and there will often be situations when another gets the credit that should go to you. The accolades won't always be directed at you. Your hard work may often go unnoticed and your efforts to do things the right way won't always get you to the top. Life is not fair and I dislike this fact probably more than others. But God? He is fair. Honest. Faithful. And He will repay. Those treasures overlooked down here are piling up in glory and one day you will see the fruits of your labours, friends. Don't give up. Don't cheat. And don't grumble (that's the really tough one!) when others seem to get more than you. The scales really will be balanced and I am sure that one day it will all be made right.

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, what a jumbled up story this was. May You allow it to make sense to those who read it through.

Thank You for Rick Brown and his honesty. This small act has encouraged me, God, that You are still on the throne, watching and nudging Your sheep to do the right thing.

Lastly Lord, for those who are struggling perhaps with keeping something--or someone--that doesn't belong to them, my prayer is that You gently lead them onto the path of righteousness. I am guilty of taking what wasn't mine at certain times in my life, God. Thank You for correcting me and showing me the error of my ways. May I not steal again is my prayer so that I may honor You in every area of my life. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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