Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Think on These Things

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
May 12, 2015
In my pretty purple room, up on the window sill, is a block of wood-like substance that has Philippians 4:8 on it. Each time I am in there, my eyes are drawn to it. Here is the verse, in the King James Version: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." For the next few days, I'd like to go in depth on these things. Will you go with me? Thanks!
Last night, I was waiting to hear from an important person in my life. All day I had been wondering about her and hoping that the news she would later tell me would be of good report. When I didn't hear from her, I sent her a note, knowing that she almost always kept her phone by her side. She didn't respond. "Hmn. I know she is expecting company but...she always has her phone. Okay, she's probably just busy and will answer me soon. Yeah, that's what will happen."
An hour later, I still hadn't heard from her. Worry--mixed I must say with a heavy dose of being peeved--started to set in. My mind began conjuring up all kinds of scenarios, ranging from "is she ignoring me" to "something could actually be wrong." I waited a few more minutes and sent her another note. Still no response--from her anyways. Meanwhile, the devil was trying his best to stir me up and make me think all sorts of things that were not true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and that there would be no good report nor anything to give praise over. And you know what? For a little while I let him. I listened to his whispers about how little she cared for me or she would have been back in touch. I pondered with him why she would leave me out, feeling again that sting of separation that often results when she and I have misunderstandings. I even allowed myself anger as I dwelt on the many times she has done this before when I know good and well that that phone is a constant in her life. After all, how many times had our conversations been interrupted by it as it gave off its little pings that someone was notifying her of their latest news? She almost always answered it for others. How dare she not for me?
I had worked myself up into quite a lather. Hubby came in and wondered what had happened to the sweet, smiling wife he had left a few moments ago and who was this bitter hag in front of him now. Well, he didn't call me a name but he was quite confused as to the great change that had taken place.
And you see, friends, that's what happens when we don't seek truth. That's what incurs when we let our thoughts become captive to thinking the worst rather than focusing on the truth. When we listen--even for a few seconds--to that lying devil, we become someone unrecognizable. We turn into shrews and hate goats and fussers. And the devil? Oh, how he laughs at his victory and how easy it was to perturb us. He probably dances a jig as he thinks about how just a few days ago we were so superior in our Christianity and our purposes to be more like Jesus. He adds our name to his chalkboard as he scores another point for Team Satan.
Thirty-nine minutes later, she finally messaged me back. Yeah, her excuse was lame and by that point I was still furious at her insensitivity to respond. I felt I knew how high (low) I was on her list of priorities and I wasn't as warm, wasn't as supportive when her news indeed was not what we had hoped, and wasn't happy that she was still just giving me enough info to answer the bare minimum. Steve and I talked about it for a few, decided to not let it spoil our evening, and it was pushed to the back of my heart. Until now. No, that's not true. It's my thorn in the flesh with this particular woman and it pricks. A lot.
So, what now? Do I continue feeling hurt and bitter or do I woman up and be the Philippians 4:8 lady and be honorable, ponder on things that are true, and cut this chick some slack? Do I examine myself to see why she wasn't more caring about me and what can I do to be more of a priority to her? Do I ask forgiveness from the Lord for listening to the wily one and ask Him to help me grow up again and focus on the Voice of Truth instead? Yeah, that's what I shall do! Join me--'cause I surely need all the prayers I can get!!
Dear Lord, how You must wring Your hands and roll Your eyes as You wonder if I will ever get it right and develop into the woman You have called me to be. Father, I am sorry that I fail so often and so easily. I am appalled at how easily I allow myself to think the worst of others instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Will You help me, again, Lord, to be better, to believe in the whatsoevers You have before me rather than the I-betchas of the devil? I would surely appreciate it! And Lord, if anyone reading this finds herself in like manner, will You help her too to listen to You and to believe truth over lies?
Thank You, Lord God. For forgiveness, for temperance, and for the long-suffering You consistently give on my behalf. I love You! Thanks for loving me when I am at my worst. In the name of Jesus Christ: amen.

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